Chapter 13

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Another World: Chp. 13


👉Liam's POV👈

Instinctively I reached my hand out for Andy behind me. I didn't feel anyone. I turned around and the sheets were empty. Nobody was in the shower. Her phone was gone.... So was her bag. What have I done? I jumped out of bed and rushed to the other dorms to see if Andy was in there. "Briana! Is Andy in here?" I knocked on the door. I heard somebody fumbling with the latch. I prayed it was Andy. I don't care if she was mad at me I just needed to know she was ok. When the door opened, I was sadly disappointed to see it was Briana. "Oh hey Li! What's up?" She smiled. "Is Andy in there?" I peeked behind her back. "No, sorry Li. Maybe she's with the boys?" Briana nodded her head toward the dorm next to her. I thanked Briana and knocked on the other door. I heard deep laughter and then the door was being opened. Niall smiled when he opened the door. "Leyum!!" He lifted his hand up for a high five but I just barged into their room. "Oh hey bro!" Zayn nodded at me. I faked a smile. "Is something wrong?" Louis stood up. I saw no sign of Andy in here. Did she leave me? Us? Forever? She didn't leave a note or anything. I sunk down to the floor and leant against a wall. I heard all the boys shuffled from their positions and come to aid me. "Liam, are you okay?" A Irish accent asked. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" I felt somebody's hand on my shoulder. "She left." Was all I could muster up to say. The room went silent. "Where?" I heard a faint thump and somebody yelp, then an apology. "Did she leave a not or something? Maybe she's just visiting someone or went somewhere?" Niall offered. "No, she didn't leave anything.... But she took all her stuff." I looked up at their faces. They all looked sad and sorry. I felt bad. This wasn't their problem. This was mine. "Sorry guys." I got up and walked out of their room. I slammed the door to mine and locked it. I planted my face down in the covers. Instead of the soft, plushy covers I expected to land on my face landed on something hard. I rubbed my nose and searched for the hard thing that I'd slammed into. My hand grasped my phone and I pulled it out. Maybe she texted me? I unlocked it and it went straight to twitter. Had she been on my phone? On twitter? Crap. I scrolled through the tweets. I had a ton of mentions. I went to my page. There were two new tweets both signed by Andy. One was for Zayn, joking with him. Another read, 'Sorry I'm not good enough. Bye Liam. ~Andy' I breathed out and grabbed my head. So she did leave. I scrolled through the comments. Most of them were mean and rude. I can't believe she read some of these. I know she wasn't very high up on self esteem and I knew this just brought her down. My mind was filled with anger at these so called "fans." I clicked in the corner to tweet and typed, 'I've put up with all the shit you guys say. I've learned to get over it, Andy's new to this so please Leave her alone, she doesn't deserve this. She's a beautiful and smart girl and I love her. So thanks for making her leave.' I felt bad but they needed to know. I tweeted it and dropped my phone. What was I going to do? I hung my head in my knees and curled up and cried.

👉Andy's POV👈

It was cold outside. I pulled my hood on and stuffed my hands in my jacket pockets. I thought about what Susan's reaction would be when I got home. Inside I was really just hoping she wouldn't be there. Of course after I left my eyes decided to get tired. I just wanted to sit on the couch and cry. I didn't want to deal with Susan but it was the only option of shelter I had. When I finally got to the apartments I took a deep breathe and prepared for the worse. It was 5 in the morning. It was still dark and quiet. I huffed my way up the stairs and searched for my keys in the way back of my bag. I jiggled them out and walked toward our door. I tilted my head because I thought I heard voices. I listened closely. Yup. Voices were arguing. It sounded like Susan and another man. I shoved the keys in the lock and kicked the door open. When I shut it behind me I turned around to find her staring at me with a look of surprise and actual.... welcoming? There was a tall hobo looking man standing next to her. He stared at me with a smirk on his face. He needed a bath. "Andy?" Susan took a step towards me. The man next to her yanked her back to him. She winced as her arm was pulled. She looked horrible. I mean she normally did but I mean I have never seen her in a worse state. Not even after dad died. "Hey! Don't touch her like that!" I shouted at him. Susan had hurt me. She never showed love towards me. I sometimes hated her. But nobody. Nobody would touch my dads wife like that. She looked at me with awe. "Excuse me bitch? Who the hell do you think you are?" The old man stepped up towards me trying to intimidate me. "Her daughter." I stated. "Who the hell do you think you are?" I retorted back at him. "Daughter huh? Well you look nothing like her. But I'm sure we could arrange some things. And I'm her boyfriend mind you. Now I would appreciate some more respect out of you missy." He slightly slapped me and I just lost it. I lunged towards him but before I could touch him Susan got in between both of us. "Stop it!" She screamed. "Frank! Just leave her alone!" Susan looked scared but she told him. "Shut up Susan!" Then he slapped her across the face and she fell back. He looked toward me with a smirk on his face. "Aww did I hurt your mommy? Didnt she tell you your not welcome here? She's mine now. Get out bitch." Frank stepped towards me. I wanted to just punch him straight across the face and beat him to death but I calmed my temper and lowered my voice. "Listen, Frank." I mimicked his name. "I can tell you've sexually abused my mom. And there is plain physical evidence that you've hit her. Which is illegal in case you didn't know. So I'm going to give you 1 minute to grab your shit and leave and if you so much as touch either one of us I will kick you in the place where it really hurts and I will call the damn cops." Frank reluctantly moved back and kicked a chair. Susan jumped. He came back 30 seconds later with a bag slung over his shoulder. He gave Susan one last stare and stampeded out the door slamming the door behind him. I locked it and sank back against the door. "Andy..." Susan took a step towards me. We had a lot to talk about. Like how she wasn't allowed to bring abusive men home. But I was really tired and I had a lot of shit on my mind. "I know we need to talk but could it wait til morning? I'm really tired and a lots happened since I left." I stood back up and grabbed my bag. "Uh yeah sure." Susan half smiled and nodded. "The heater hasn't been working so there's some blankets in the closet by my room." Susan turned around and went to the kitchen. In a way I sorta felt sorry for her. "Thanks." I went to grab some blankets and headed to my room. I kicked off my shoes and turned off my phone, plugging it in. I pulled the blankets over my head and cried myself to sleep.

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