Another World: 1

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Another world: Chapter 1


This couldn't be happening. Why, why now? We almost made it. We could have been forever together. Daniel please no. No please. You said you'd be right back. You said not to worry and that you'd be back in 10 minutes. You lied to me Daniel. Why would u do that? Please don't leave me. Please come back. Come back.... ******************************************

I woke up and wiped the tear that was falling from my cheek. I checked the clock. It was only 4 in the morning. Ugh. I laid back down on the couch and took a breath. Why was it so hot? I got back up and turned the AC on. I tried to find the door again. There. "Crap." I groaned under my breath. I stubbed my toe. I stumbled back to the bathroom. I turned the light on and shut the door. My hair was a mess. I decided just to take a shower. I turned on the water and jumped in. I don't really take long showers but it was early and I know I won't be able to go back to sleep so I took my time. It was 5:30 by the time I was out. I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around me and went back to my room. After my dad died Susan gave up on life and stopped working. She turned into the mean old hag that she is now. So she has a night Job at Walmart. She mostly sleeps during the day. She wasn't my real mom either. My mom left my dad after I was born. I have a brother but he has a wife and he became successful in life and I don't like to bother him. So I'm stuck in this nasty apartment with my stupid step mom who does nothing around the house. "I pay for it so your responsible for keeping it clean and getting your own food." She would always say. I had to get a job in order to feed myself and get other necessities because Susan wanted no part of me. I'm trying to save money so I can move our as soon as I'm 18 which is still 10 months away. I grabbed some jeans that had a whole in the knee from when Daniel and I were playing basketball and I had fallen. We would play for hours out together. It was our favorite thing to do. I pulled on a black tank top and my red plaid button down shirt. I pulled my hair up into a pony tail and laid back down on the bed. It was still only 6 and school didnt start until 8 but I met my friends at the ring around 6:30. It was close enough to school and their was a skate park and basketball court by it so that's where we hung out until school and then Skylar would drive us all to school. I pulled my algebra out and finished the last of the homework then packed up and left the house. I grabbed my skate board and rode on it to the boxing rink. I had a drivers license and we had a car but Susan said it was hers and I had to buy my own car. I was fine with not having a car because our town was small so it was easy to get around on my skate board. When I got there I saw Skylar and her boyfriend, Mark. I put my backpack down and said hi to them. "What's up girl?" She asked me. I hugged her and fist pumped Mark then hugged him. "Didnt get any sleep." I shrugged. "Where's Kiara?" I asked Mark. She was his younger sister who was my age. Skylar and Mark were both 18 already. "Skate Park." He pointed across the street. I nodded and grabbed my skateboard and rode over there. "Yo, what up homie?" I laughed and slapped her hand. "Trying to make it all the way across the rail." She pointed to the rail. "Alright let's see it." She jumped on her skateboard and jumped on the rail. She almost made it but fell off toward the end. "Dammit!" She cursed. "Let me try." I rode toward the rail and jumped on it. I was about to fall off but I kept my balance. I made it all the way to the end and jumped off. "What?! Your such a show off Andy." She said. I laughed. "Hey I've been doing this since I was 7 ok Kiara?" I teased her. She stuck her tongue out. "Hey are you coming to the party tonight?" She asked me. "Umm ya I think so. It's at Brandon's house right?" I had been invited by one of his friends, Tony. Brandon was a rich kid and his parents were never home so he always had parties. And since it was towards the end of the year this was gonna be a big party. Probably with beer and other things. "Ya. We can go together? Ill pick you up around 8?" He asks me. "Sounds cool." I got back on my board and jumped a few pipes and rails. "Kiara! Andy! We're leaving!" Skylar called us for the fourth time. We laughed and ran over there. We jumped into the back seat and Skylar turned the music on blast with the windows open. When we got to the school Skylar parked the car and we all jumped out and went to our first classes. We were never early to school because we liked to stay at the skate park as long as we could. Kiara and I stopped at our lockers. "Do we have Gonzalez or Alvarado?" She asked me. "Uhhh. Gonzalez I think." I grabbed my math binder and locked my locker. We slowly walked to class. "Girls your late." Gonzalez said as we walked in. Everyone looked at us but we just smirked. "Sorry." Was all we said. He gave us the face and we sat down. School was as Boring as ever. We were walking out of school when Trevor stopped me and put his hand on the lockers blocking my way. Damn, this boy just doesn't give up. "What Trevor?" I rolled my eyes. "You going to the party?" He asked me. This boy has had a crush on me since before Daniel and I were dating. He was captain of the football team. He could have any girl he wanted but he choose me. He was a jerk. "Maybe." Can I leave now? "I'd like you to come as my date." He said as if he was sure of it. "Uh no." I told him. "Excuse me?" He said. "God, Trevor do you ever give up? I'm not going with you anywhere ever." I told him, loud enough to start a little crowd. I heard some whispers and people going, "Ohhhh." "Why?" He asked. He bit his lip. "Because I don't like you." I told him harshly. "Or is it because of what happened to your lover boy? Huh? What what his name again? Daniella?" He laughed. That just crossed the line. I punched him across the face and jumped on him tackling him to the ground. He blocked my next blow. Somebody was pulling me from behind. "Andy! Come on! You gonna get kicked out of school!" It was Kiara. I looked back at Trevor. "Don't talk about Daniel ever again." I roughly got off of him and followed Kiara out. "You ok?" She asked looking at me. I nodded. Don't cry Andy. I shook it off and grabbed my board out of Skylar's car. "See ya later Kiara." I told her and ran off. I didn't live that far from school but it was pretty long on my skateboard. When I got home I slammed the door shut and threw my backpack on the floor in my room. They party was in 2 hours. I needed a nap. I set the alarm on the clock and fell asleep.

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