Chapter 5

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Another World, Chapter 5:

I had no idea where I was going. And I was getting hungry. I hadn't eaten all day. I only had $10 on me. I decided I would feed myself first so I could think what to do next. Subway was right across the street. And they were $5 subs. I ran to subway and quickly went inside. I was soaking wet. I went up the cashier and just ordered the BMT footlong sub. I grabbed a cup and some chips and payed. The cashier looked at me, like 'why the heck are you wet?'"Is that all mam?" He asked me. "Yes please." I answered back "That'll be $5.41 please." He said. I handed him a ten. He handed me the change and my sandwich. I took them and started to walk to the soda fountain to pick a drink. I accidentally bumped into somebody dropping some of my change. "Sorry!" We both said at the same time. I bent down to pick it up only to bump heads with him. "Sorry!" We both said again and laughed. I looked up into his face and realized... It was the dude who had picked me up from the party when I was drunk. What was his name again? Dang it. I would much rather avoid seeing him ever again. I probably looked like an idiot as a first impression. I was drunk, hungover, and then he met Susan. "Hey... Andy?" He remembered my name. Sh**. Ummm what was it? Li.... Grrr. I know it. Liam! "Liam!" I accidentally said out loud. He looked taken aback. "Sorry. I just...uh Ya." As soon as a said it I immediately turned around and walked off. He probably doesn't want to talk to me anyways. And this is why I don't have friends. Just as I thought I would make it out of the door, he appeared in front of me. "Wait! We're you going?" He looked really tired. "Uh..." I don't know. Noticing how wet I was and that it was raining outside, he asked, "Do you need a ride back? I'm not doing anything. I just came here with my mate for some dinner." He pointed over to a blonde boy who was stuffing his face. This is the first time I really actually heard him. Was paying attention. He had a British accent.... How could I have not noticed that before? It was very prominent too. And he had a deep voice. His hair was cut short and it was a light brown. He had big creamy brown eyes, and a little birthmark on his neck. He was fit too. He was wearing a plain white tee, that showed his muscles. When I looked back up I realized he was talking to me. "Huh? Oh I'm sorry! I'm just really tired." And cold. I found myself hugging myself to stay warm. The fact that I was soaking wet didn't help. "It's ok. I was asking you if you wanted to eat with us." He smiled. "Uh sure." It was quite crowded in here so I doubt ill find a place anyways. He nodded for me to follow him. I followed him to where the blonde boy was sitting. "This is Niall, Niall this is Andy, she's.... A friend." He smiled, introducing us. "Hello." He smiled and got up. He opened his arms. Oh. Was I supposed to hug him? I

Leaned in to give him a hug. I smiled when he let go. "Hey Li, Jaz is on her way here." Niall said. I noticed he too had an accent. But it wasn't British. It was Irish. "Ok well then I'll leave you with her. I'm going to drive Andy home." Liam smiled. "No Liam, really it's ok." I told him. I don't even know where I'm going to go. "No Andy I'm driving you. I'm not going to let you walk home in this weather." Why did he have to be so caring and nice? ************

Liam led Andy to a both and sat across from her. Andy was hesitant to open her sub because she was really hungry and was afraid she'd stuff it into her mouth and embarrass herself. Why she cared what Liam thought of her? She didn't know. It was just something about him. After Liam took his first bite Andy decided to unwrap her sub. She stared at it for a while thinking about everything that just happened. She really missed Daniel, she missed her dad, her brother, she didn't feel loved anymore. Like there was no reason or purpose to her life. Andy was startled when Liam put his hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright love?" He asked her. Liam had a worried look on his face. He really cared about her. He didnt know why, he barely even knew her but he felt something about her. Andy snapped out of her head and back into reality. She realized that she had been crying and quickly excused herself to the bathroom. When she got in there she ran into the stall and locked it. She just let all the tears come down. She had held them in for so many years. There was knocking on the door. "Andy?" It was Liam's voice. "Go away!" Andy screamed. She just wanted to be alone. She heard the door open and Andy wrapped her arms around her legs protecting herself so if someone were to grab her she wouldn't let them. She felt so small and useless. "Andy?" Is was a girls voice... Someone's she didn't recognize. She decided to stay quite. "Andy? It's Jasmine... Niall's girlfriend. I'm Liam's friend." She said sort of comfortingly. Andy didnt want to talk. She just wanted to be left alone. She just wanted to disappear and go with her dad and Daniel. "Andy.. Can we at least talk? Please?." She begged. Andy wasn't budging. "Liam really cares about you. He wants to take care of your and make sure your all right. But he can't do that if your gluing yourself to the toilet." Jasmine laughed. That made Andy perk up. Liam cared about her? Why? He barely knew her. He didn't even know her last name. Andy sniffled, "Why would he care about me? I'm just some poor, stupid, ugly, little girl who doesn't have a home or a purpose in life." "But Liam doesn't see that Andy. He sees past that. Liam doesn't judge. He cares to much about people then he should. He's to nice. That's why he gets his heart broken a lot. His girlfriend just broke up with him. She only wanted him for his fame. Andy, Liam really cares about you. Why? Ask him. But could you please go talk to him? He feels like he's done something wrong and that it's his fault. Can you please just do this for me? Liam wanted to come in here, in a girls public restroom, just to see if your alright." Jasmine heartfeltedly said. You could tell that she cared for Liam, but as a friend. Well he was trying to only help... Andy thought. She felt bad now. It wasn't his fault. And about his girlfriend. "Andy?" Jasmine knocked on the door. Andy quickly wiped her tears and opened the door. Jasmine hugged her as soon as she opened the door. "I don't care if you don't want to talk to me. But for our sake, please talk to Liam. Let him drive you home. Give him a chance. I promise you he's the nicest boy you'll ever meet. He wouldn't hurt a fly." Jasmine let go of Andy and smiled at her. "Jasmine can I tell you a secret?" Andy said through her tears. "Anything!" Jasmine looked eager that she was talking. "I don't really..... I don't really have a- a home...." Andy muttered. Jasmine's face went from happy to sad. "Oh Andy! I'm so sorry!" "It's not your fault. It's just I don't want Liam to drive me to the apartment I used to live in. And I don't want him to worry if he drops me off in the street." Andy sniffed. "Used to live in?" Jasmine ruffled her eyebrows. "Yeah... Um..." Andy wasn't sure if she should tell her. "Andy... It's fine if you don't want to tell me. You don't have to." Jasmine said. "Uh ya. No I got into a fight with my mom, well step-mom. I just can't take her s**t anymore." Andy frowned. "You could stay with us Andy. You know that right?" Jasmine offered. "We'll even buy your own room if you want." She smiled. "No it's ok ill pay for my own room. Thanks though. Could you take me to Liam?" Andy asked her. "Sure." Jasmine opened the door and led her outside. Andy heard muttering and could make out some words. "Liam, Jaz will talk to her ok? You didn't do anything. Maybe she's just stressed."Niall was talking to Liam. Now Andy really felt bad. When she came into Liam's sight his face perked up and be started walking toward you. "I'll let you two talk it out and I'm going to drive Ni home. Have fun." Jaz whispered in Andy's ear. Andy took a deep breath and got ready to apologize to Liam. Before words even made it into her brain Liam was talking, "Andy I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. This never would have happened if I would just watch were I walk." Liam frowned. Andy laughed to herself. "What's so funny?" Liam asked. "Liam.... Why are you apologizing to me? Not one BIT of ANY of this is in any way your fault." Andy explained. "Yes it is." Liam still had that sad puppy dog face. "Liam no it wasn't. I got into a fight with my step mom. I told her I was moving out and that I wouldn't take her s**t anymore. So I packed up my bags and went to a fighting ring to take out my anger. Then I ended up here. I'm the one at fault here Liam. And you can't drive me home because I don't have one anymore." Andy tried to keep her calm so she wouldn't go all beserk on Liam. Lately she's been doing a good job. She hides behind her smile. "I'm sure you could talk to her-" Andy interrupted him, "Please do not even TRY to convince me to talk to that crazy lady Liam. I'm done with her. I've put up with her for 2 years. I'm done. I'm done cleaning up after her. I'm done paying her rent. I'm done dealing with her." Andy took a deep breath. "Do you have any other family? I'm sure they would let you stay one night? Until we can find you a home." Liam was beginning to feel sad for Andy. "Liam why are you helping me? From the beginning? You could've just left me alone that one night and never have gotten yourself into this mess." Andy was curious. "I don't know. I keep asking myself the same question over and over. And now that I helped you I want to finish the job. We're staying in the town for 3 more weeks. I want to get to know you. They won't let the pap in this town so I'm free." Liam said. "Pap? You mean like Paparazzi? Liam just how famous are you?" Andy was beginning to wonder if he was big. "I'm surprised you've never heard of us. We've sold millions of records worldwide. We've been in the top ten plenty of times. We're just about to release our second album." Andy was surprised. He was really famous. "How many are in your band?" "Their are 5 of us. Zayn, Harry, Louis, me, and Niall, the one you just met." Liam smiled. "How did you get famous?" She asked him. "Well, we started out on the X-Factor and we got 3rd place but we kept working until we released our first hit." He explained. X-Factor? Andy didn't want to sound stupid so she just went along with it. "Well I'd like to hear you sometime Mr...?" She realized she didn't know his last name. Wow if he was as famous as he said he was fans would probably go crazy. "Payne. Liam Payne. And you? Miss Andy ?" He smiled. "Anderson." She smiled. "Well Miss Anderson, do you have family you could stay with here? Your dad? Uncles? Grandparents? Siblings?" He asked. Andy shook her head trying not to cry. She felt so lonely. "Well I do have a brother but he's moving soon. And it's late. I don't want to bother him. He has a wife and a baby to take care of already." She frowned. "Andy... I know you dot really know me. And I don't really know you. But I'd like to get to know you better. Maybe we could hang out while I'm here? Show me the town? And I know you don't want to come stay with us but please do. We don't bite. And you'll have a place to stay for the night. If you want we can buy your own room. Or you can stay in one of the girls rooms. It really really not a big deal at all. I promise." Liam begged her to stay. He felt bad for her. And he thought he had a rough life. "Ok Liam... But just this one night. And ill stay in whichever room you need me too. And of course ill show you around. Though there's not much to see in the ghetto." Andy chucked and gave Liam a hug. "Yay! Ok. But I'm giving you a fair warning. Harry tends to run around naked and Niall farts a lot and their my roommates. Then theirs Jasmine, Hannah, and Taryn. Since you already met Jasmine I think you'd be more comfortable in that dorm. Breana, and Ayla are in the other dorm but I think they all go to one for the night. But you can stay in whichever room you like." Liam was overexcited that Andy agreed to stay. "Ok. I think ill stay with Jasmine." Andy laughed. "Ok! Lets go." Liam smiled. "Hold on. I left my bag inside." Andy ran in to get it and then back outside and followed Liam to his car....

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