Chapter 12

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Another World: Chp. 12


👉Andy's POV👈

Bum. Bum bum. Bum bum. Bum bum. My brain slowly woke up to the steady beat of his heart beat. My head rose and fell as his chest did. I blinked my eyes open only to shut them again. The light was blinding to my eyes and made my head throb. I smacked my dry lips trying to get some air and taste into my dead mouth. I grunted as I tried to open my eyes again. Then I felt a warm hand slowly move up my leg to rest on the small of my back. I felt the goosebumps come as Liam's hand rubbed my back. Despite my throbbing headache I really wanted to open my eyes to see his beautiful face. I slowly blinked them open and turned my face to look at him. He was sort of sitting up so I could see all of his face. He smiled once my eyes made contact with his. "Morning beautiful." A kiss was planted on my forehead as I blushed at him. "Morning." My voice sounded scratchy and ugly. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Morni- egh." That wasn't much better. I tried one last time. It still came out scratchy. "Ok whatever. Good morning." There was something wrong with my voice. "Are you okay?" Liam laughed. I nodded. "Just a sore throat?" I wasn't even sure. Hopefully that's all it was. Or maybe a hangover. Damn. How much did I drink last night? "So are you ready for a new year?" Liam smiled. He lifted himself up so that his weight and mine were both supported by his strong arms. I remembered he caught me last night staring at his muscled body and I didn't want that happening again. I sat up so that my thighs rested on either side of his hips. Liam sat all the way up so his back leant against the couch. "What time is it?" I tried to look around for a clock. "It's 1:07." Liam Checked his phone. My eyes got wide. "Really?!" I'd slept the whole day away. I looked around the house. There was the faint notice of the TV blaring in the background, what I assumed Liam was watching. But other then that I didn't hear anything else. "Where's drew?" I looked back at Liam. "He went to the park with his daughter and Emily. He said they won't be back for a while and were welcome to stay as long as we need just to make sure to lock up when were done." Liam explained. "What time did they leave?" I asked him. "Uh.. Around eleven." He checked his phone again. I got off of Liam and walked to the kitchen. "Where you going?" Liam's eyes watched me walk to the counter. "I'm hungry." I started to rummage through my brother's fridge and pantry. He didn't have anything much of interest. I frowned. "Anything?" Liam was still intently watching me. "No." I frowned. "We could go pick something up?" Liam sat up without taking his eyes of off me. My eyes dropped down to where his muscles disappeared into his sagging pants. They rested loose above his hips and his underwear band was showing. I bit my lip and looked back up to his face. I realized he was also staring at me. I pulled his shirt down trying to cover more of my legs but only revealing more of my chest. The blood rushed to my face as I brought my hand to my chest slowly walking out of Liam's sight. I heard him chuckle. "Come on. Lets go get something to eat you dork." I heard the buckle of a belt being clasped. I tiptoed back to where he was standing still emberessed for what just happened. "I don't have any clothes." I looked down at the gold piece of clothing lying on the floor. I was not putting that dress back on. Liam looked down at the dress. I heard him chuckle. "What?" I looked back at his face. "Your such a dude sometimes." Liam joked. "But you like it." I winked at him. He was right. I wasn't into all of that Girly stuff. I hated makeup, it makes your fast crusty and it's a pain in the ass to put it on and take it off. I would never learn how to walk in heels. Why should you have to carry a giant purse everywhere? You just need your phone and a wallet. "Come on. We'll just go through a drive through. You can put clothes on when we get home." Liam picked my dress up off the floor. "Thanks." I took it from him and slung it over my shoulders. We were just about to walk out the door when I remembered Hannah's heels. "Wait!" I shuffled behind the couch and grabbed her black 700 inch heels. How the hell did people walk so easily in these? "Hannah would kill me if I forgot them." I showed them to Liam and locked the door behind us. Liam rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand. I realized how stiff and cold my hands were compared to his. He walked me to the pad danger seat and opened the door for me. "My lady." Liam bowed and lifted my hand up to his lips. A soft wet kiss was planted on the back of my hand. I giggled. Liam smiled and closed the door after I got in. As his presence left mine for those few seconds I realized I had become cold. I wrapped my arms around my chest and shoulders, my knees were brought up to my chest. Liam hopped in the car and started the car. "Cold?" His fingers flicked across the dials and buttons on the car setting the heat. He turned up the volume on the radio. My face lit up as soon as I heard the strumming of the guitar. My arm flicked to turn it up. A slow smile appeared on Liam's face. Pink flushed his cheeks. "Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me." Liam's hand slowly creeped into mine, intertwining our fingers together. We listened to his song for a little while longer in silence. "So where to? Whataburgers near by. Or we can pick up some pizza?" I was actually craving some pizza right now. "Pizzas good." I smiled towards him. "Should we get some for the boys?" I asked Liam. "You can call them?" Liam shuffled in his pocket and pulled out a phone. But it wasn't his. "Here." It was a brand new iPhone. "You got a new phone?" I asked him sliding to unlock it. "No." I looked up at him. "You did." "What? This isn't mine. I don't have one." There was a pass code lock on it. I tried for Liam's. it wasn't his. "It's from Andrew. He said to give it to you. For nee years and everything else. And that the password is your dads birthday. And all the numbers you would need are in there. He said not to worry about the phone bills. And that we can hook it up with my iTunes and stuff of you want." Liam explained like it was no big deal. I didn't know what to say. I entered the numbers for the password. 1214. December 14. It worked. "And you promise this is from Andrew?" I forced him to answer me. "Yep. All his idea." Liam nodded, sure of his answer. I marveled at the black little device in my hand. I clicked on the pictures expecting it to be empty. There was a video with Andrews face, a few dorky pictures of him, and a picture of a couple. I clicked on it to view it up close. I blinked my eyes twice to make sure I was seeing right. It was me and Liam in an embrace. He was leaning towards me making a kissy face and I was giggling pulling back. This must've been last night because I don't remember anything. I smiled to myself. I couldn't get over how perfect this picture was. How perfect Liam was. How.....happy, I actually looked. "What?" Liam tried looking over my shoulder to see what I was looking at. "Nothing." I pulled it away from him. I set the picture as my home and lock screen. "Are you going to call Niall?" Liam turned the radio down a bit. "Oh uh yeah. What's his number again?" I exited the photos and clicked on the cell phone app. "It's under Nialler." I went to my contacts and scrolled to the N's. I clicked Niall's number and put the phone to my ear. It rang 4 times before he picked it up. "Hello?" That didnt sound like Niall. "Niall?" I asked into the phone. "It's Louis.... Who is this?" He seemed a little hesitant on the phone. "It's Andy." I answered him. I heard Louis tell away from the phone. "Oh hey Andy! Niall's coming. How was it?" Louis voice lifted. "How was wh- oh! It was great! We had a lot of fun!" I realized he was talking about last night. "Liam was talking about it for days. He wouldn't shutup about it." Louis seemed amusingly annoyed. I smiled. The fact that Liam went through all this trouble for me made my heart stutter. "Hello? Andy?" Now Niall came on the phone. "Hey Nialler." I spoked loudly into the phone. "Hey... Did Liam get a new numba? It's not in my contacts." Niall seemed a bit confused. "No. My brother bought me a phone." I laughed. "Oh! Dat was sweet. I'll add you right now. What's up?" Niall seemed a bit out of breath. I guessed he had been working out or something. "Liam and I just left and we want to know if you guys want pizza?" I asked Niall. "I do. I don't know bout da odder idiots." Niall said. He was quite serious too. I laughed. "Would you be so kind to ask them you fatty?" I joked around with him. Niall didnt even make an effort to move away from the phone. "Boys! Andy wants to know if you want sum pizza?" Niall yelled across the room. "Yeah dey do." Niall's voice lowered a bit. "Ok. We'll be there in a little bit." I nodded to Liam and said bye to Niall. We both hung up and I set my phone on my lap. "So should I get 10 pizzas then?" Liam joked. "Probably." I laughed. We actually ended up getting 4 boxes. And they ate them all up. There wasn't a crumb left from those boys. After we finished eating Liam took me to his room and we just sat there talking and goofing off. "So when do you go back to school?" Liam asked me. Oh crap. I'd completely forgotten about that hell hole. "Monday." Which was in 6 days. And I still had to train with Casey. Ugh. "I could drop you off in the morning if you want?" Liam offered. "You don't have to." I didn't know what else I would do but I wanted him to know he had a choice. "It's no problem Andy." He smiled. "Ok. Do you have any movies?" I got up to look at the movies he had. I was a little tired and I felt like watching a movie. "Hmmmm. Lets watch batman?" I pulled it out and showed it to Liam. "I'm up for it!" Liam loved this movie and I knew it. I laughed. "Ok." I put the movie in, shut the lights off, and jumped on the bed next to Liam. I hadn't realized how tired I was until Liam chuckled and I didn't even know what for. I was laying on his chest trying to Mel my eyes stay open. "Andy?" Liam paused the movie. "Mmm." I groaned. "We can go to bed if you want." Liam pulled himself down closer to me. "Yeah?" My eyes shut. Liam laughed and pulled the blankets over us. "Ok." He gently took my shoes off and snuggled in next to me. I curled into the protection of his arms and knocked out. **

When Liam turned over in his sleep he unconsciously woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and palmed the desk for my phone. It was dead. I sighed. I must have forgotten to turn it off. Liam's was sitting right next to mine. I grabbed his and checked the time. It was 4:27 am. There was no way I was going back to bed. My eyes were wide open. Liam had a lot of notifications. I unlocked his phone and looked to see what games he had. Temple run, fruit ninja, nothing really eye catching. I flicked the screen to look for Liam's twitter app. I wanted to see what was trending and if anyone was up. Zayn was up. He was doing a follow spree. I decided to mess with him and tweeted at him, 'Omg Zayn follow me! I love you! Your eyes are drop dead gorgeous! ~Andy xoxo' I sent the tweet and waited for his reply. Liam received a ton of new mentions after my tweet. I thought maybe Zayn would be one of them so I clicked on them. None of them were Zayn, they were all fans. 'Andy's too funny.' 'What is she doing on Liam's phone? That slut.' 'You're not funny bitch. Get off of Liam's twitter.' 'I have no idea what Liam sees in you, honestly.' 'I finally saw a picture of her and she's not even that pretty! She lives in like the ghetto!' 'Andy.... From toy story?' 'Dude no one likes you leave Liam alone.' I scrolled through all of the tweets with lighting speed reading all of these hurtful words and disturbing comments. Is this what Liam was doing that night? Reading all these tweets about me? I threw the phone on the bed and grabbed my head. Why DOES Liam want me? I live in a stupid little town with nothing. I have all the problems you can imagine. He's a celebrity. He shouldn't be wasting his time with a cold-hearted, ugly, fat, stupid, slutty, trashy bitch like me. I furiously wiped the tears from my eyes and grabbed my Adidas bag. Liam needed to leave. He was supposed to a long time ago, he stayed for me. I stuffed all my belongings and clothes in my bag and threw it over my shoulder. I looked at Liam's phone laying bye the bed. One last tweet wouldn't hurt? Right? They already hate me. 'Sorry I'm not good enough. Bye Liam. ~Andy' I wiped another year from my eyes and tossed Liam's phone on the bed. I grabbed my phone and charger and slipped on my shoes. I took one last look at Liam's beautiful sleeping face and quietly sneaked out the door.


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