Chapter 18

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Another World: Chp. 18

*Liam's POV*

"Hello?" Louis answered his phone. His face went from happy to worried. I sat up wondering what had happened.

"Woah, Fizzy calm down. What happened?" Now he had my attention. Fizzy was with Andy, and if anything happened to her...

Louis looked over at me with pain in his eyes.

"Give me the phone." I stood up. I held my hand out for Louis to hand it to me. Reluctantly he did and I pressed the phone to my ear.


"Oh, Liam! I'm so sorry!" She cried into the phone.

"What happened?"

"We were driving... To see you... She wasn't herself... Then the car.." Her words were all mixed up and it was hard to understand her.

"Who? What. Fizzy slow down."

I heard the phone rattle and another voice came on.

"Hello?" It was a male voice.

"Who is this? Give the phone back to fizzy!" I demanded.

" Sir, Are you a friend of Ms. Andy Samuels?" He sounded very professional and I did not like the sound of this. What had happened to my Andy?

"Yes... She's my girlfriend. She lives with me."

"Sir, I'm sorry to tell you, Ms. Samuels was in a horrible car accident and we're afraid she might not make it. Now-"

I dropped the phone before any other words could be said. I fell to my knees and I felt hands grab my shoulders. Andy was hurt. Possibly dead. I refused to believe that she was gone.


"Liam you can't leave right now. You have a concert tonight and then you may take a short break." Management spoke over the phone.

"My GIRLFRIEND was in a car accident." I growled.

"I'm leaving and so is Louis." I stated then hung up.

"I'm coming with you." Harry had a bag slung over his shoulder and he was leaning against the doorframe.

"So am I." Niall's little voice echoed from his room. I assumed her was packing.

"Me too." Zayn's deep voice came from behind Harry.

"I'm leaving right now." Was all I said. I grabbed my bag and phone and was secretly thankful that the boys were coming with me.

Louis drove us to the airport and we took the next flight back home. I ran into the hospital and demanded they let me see her.

"Louis!" I saw Fizzy run from the room, crying and jump to Lou. He picked he up and hugged her.

I tried to peek through the room to see Andy but doctors were crowded everywhere.

"Liam." I felt someone pull on my jacket. I turned and wiped a tear from my face.

"I'm so sorry." She sniffed.

"No." I urged the words to come out of my mouth. I refused to believe it.

"It's my fault." She cried.

"No it's not. She's- she's not..." I couldn't finish my sentences.

"They're not sure. But it's all my fault Liam. I'm so sorry."

"No it's not Fizzy. It's not anybody's fault. This stuff happens." I comforted her

"I told her not to turn but we were supposed to and I didn't know. She had a choice Liam. It was either me or her. And- and-"

"Fizzy." I grabbed her shoulders, interrupting her. "It's. not. Your. Fault." She whimpered and ran back to Louis.

A doctor walked out of the room that Fizzy had come out of and I stopped then before they could go anywhere.

"Is she ok?"

"I'm sorry who are you?" He asked, clearly surprised by my aggressive move.

"I'm sorry. I'm Liam. Andy's girlfriend. Is she in there?" I tried to peek around his shoulder.

"Oh yes, Ms. Samuels. I'm sorry sir. We don't know if she'll make it. She got hit hard with a semi truck and then tumbled off the street. She lost a lot of blood and we're trying to close all her cuts and stop the bleeding." No. I dropped to my knees in front of him. My poor Andy.

"I send my sincere condolences to you sir." He patted my shoulder and I heard his footsteps tap away.

My head snapped to the door he'd walked out of. I eyed the small silver little handle that could lead to what I wanted to see.


I can't go in there. I can't.

I shut my eyes and balled my hands into fists on my sides. I needed to calm down before I did anything stupid.

I yearned to burst into that room and see her. But by what I've been told I knew it would only hurt me. My heart ached to go in there, it pounded through my chest. But my mind refused to give my legs the command to get up.

I NEEDED to see her. I needed to make sure he was ok. I let out a sob and jumped up, opening my eyes.

"Liam no!" Fizzy screamed at me before I even knew what I was doing. Everything was a white blur and the next thing I knew I was in the room.

I felt hands on my arms and shoulders pulling me back. Voices screaming at me to stop. I fought them. I fought them for Andy.

Doctors and nurses crowded around me blocking my view of Andy. I gave one last big shove and pushed through.

Then I saw her.

"Andy." I breathed.

She was lying dead still on the bed. She was hooked up to a bunch of cords and tubes. Her hair lied in a messy mane around her head. There was so many scratches on her perfect skin you couldn't even count. Some of them were little scratches, no big deal, but then there was the bigger ones that scared me. They were open gashes in her skin. Still oozing a crimson red. Her arm lay in an abnormal angle. What scared me the most was the way she lied so perfectly still. She gave no sign of life.

No. She was alive.

I grabbed her bloody hand that hung off the bed and intertwined our fingers. She didn't hold my hand back.

I sobbed and blinked the water out of my eyes.

"Andy." I begged for her to move, to breathe, to do something.

Nothing happened.

"Andy!" Come on. Please Andy. Please. Stay with me.

I felt a rough hand pull my shoulder back. I let go of Andy's hand, and made a fist. I spun around and brought it to his face. He flew across the floor and brought his hand up to his face, his eyes wide with shock.

What the hell had I just done? I looked around. A doctor, 3 nurses, a police man, Zayn, Harry, Niall, Fizzy....

"LOUIS!" She screamed.

I shut my eyes and I clenched my fist. I didn't just do that. No no no no no.

I opened my eyes, I needed to know that didnt just happen. Please. No. I opened my eyes, only to be let down.

Louis was laying against the wall, with his hand up to his face.

I brought my hands up to my face and stared at them, bewildered. I flipped them around, my knuckles were red on my right hand and there was a tingling pain shooting up my arm.

I had just punched one of my best mates straight across his face

I punched Louis.


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