Chapter 15

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Another World: Chp. 15


"Andy.... We need to talk." Liam pulled me to the side. His eyes looked sad. "What's wrong?" I looked up at him. " I uh, I've been meaning to tell you for a while. It was never the right time though, you were always so happy and I didn't want to ruin that." There was something tearing him up inside and I knew it. "What is it Liam?" I was suddenly afraid of what he was going to tell me. What if he was breaking up with me? "Andy I, I'm going on a tour...." Liam put his head down. "We'll that's great Liam!" I didn't see why he was so upset about that. "No Andy. You don't understand." He shook his head. I looked at him in confusion. "It's... It's a yearlong tour." He finally said. "A year?!" A whole year without him? What would I do? Where would I go? A whole year without him. "We're leaving in a week." His eyes were full of pain and sadness, mine of tears. "Why didn't you tell me Liam?!" I shouted. I knew I was over reacting. He was famous. Of course he would have to go on tours. I stomped of to our room and slammed the door locking it behind me. I slid against the door to the floor and put my head in my hands.


I didn't talk to Liam for a full three days. I knew I was hurting him, I could see it in his eyes. Finally when he asked if we could talk again I just broke down in his arms. "I'm sorry Liam. I just... Ill be alone in this big house for a whole year, and you'll be gone. There will be nobody there for me." I sobbed in his arms. "I know Andy. It's gonna be hard for me too. I'm going to have to live with four idiots for a whole year in a little bus." He half-hearted joked. I let out a stifled laugh. Liam rubbed my back. We stayed like this for a few minutes. "I'm hungry." I said getting up, trying to change the subject. "Me too." Liam got up with me and we went downstairs. Louis was on the phone. "No Fizzy. I don't want to d-" Louis looked over at me. "Hey she's right here why don't you ask her?" Louis handed me the phone. "What? Louis!" I took the phone anyways. Louis put his hands together and begged me. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "Andy?" She answered. "Yes?" I glared at Louis. "Andy! It's fizzy! Louis sister do you remeber me?"

"Yeah! How are you?" I remembered when she came over for a barbecue a few weeks ago. She was a really sweet kid.

"Good! Thanks. Um I wanted to ask you a question..." She seemed doubtful.

"Go for it kid."

"Umm well our moms going on a business trip and all my sisters have somewhere to stay except for me... And I was wondering..." She paused.


"Canipleasestaywithyouwhiletheboysareontour?" She blurted out. I looked over at Louis. He gave me a pleading look. I really didnt mind. I mean how bad could it be? She was 12 right?

"Yeah that's fine! I need some company anyways." I told her. Louis mouthed thank you and Fizzy screamed into the phone.

"Ahhhh! Really?! Omg thank you so much Andy!!" I laughed.

"No problem fizzy. See you soon." I hung up and handed Louis his phone. Louis slammed his body onto mine and hugged me. "Thank you so much Andy!!" Louis smiled. "Your welcome Lou." I ruffled his hair and walked into the kitchen. This actually wasn't that bad. I would have somebody to talk to and I wouldn't go crazy being on my own. I grabbed some turkey out of the fridge and started to make myself a sandwich.

"Yo D! Make me a S'ich!" I heard Niall walk into the kitchen.

"Yo Ni! Make your own S'ich you rich gangstah! Oh wait you can't. Your mental. " I smirked and I heard Liam crack up behind me.

"You just got told!" Zayn shouted. The boys stifled a few laughs and Niall pouted like a little kid. I made him a sandwich anyways because I felt bad. I set his plate on the table and he dug into his sandwich before any of the other boys could get to it.

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