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It was early morning and we can see a lovely couple snuggling into each other. Sunrays fell upon their faces and disturbed their sleep.

Shivaay Smiled and started giving kisses on Anika's neck and she chuckled.

A- good morning.

S- It's always a good morning with you.

Shivaay leaned closer to her and was about to capture her lips when they heard their 5-year old son, Ahaan's voice who came through the door without any issues.

Ah- Mumma! Dadda!

Shivaay and Anika got startled and Shivaay fell down from the bed.

Ahsan didn't even care to glance at Shivaay and hugged Anika.

A- Aww my baby woke up.

Ah- Yes Mumma.

At the same time, Shivaay Smiled at the duo but made a fake angry face.

S- Ahaan, i told you not to use your powers right.

Ahaan looked at Shivaay with a puppy face.

Ah- Okay Dadda.

He clicked his fingers and disappeared in the air. Shivaay was shocked and Anika burst into laughter.

A- Serves you right, Mr.SSO.

Anika said while chuckling and Shivaay pouted.

S- You think it's funny, right.

He held her and started tickling and Anika was laughing uncontrollably.

A- Ok...okay.... Sor...sorry....st....stop....

Shivaay stopped and they lied in each other's arms.

S- Sometimes, I'm scared with his powers. What if his powers harm him?

Shivaay confessed worriedly and Anika looked at him with a small smile.

A- Mallika has told us Ahaan is special. Our relationship was special and unique so is our Baby. We could never have imagined that my powers would be transferred to Ahaan but they did and still we are happy. And we will teach Ahaan to use his powers for people's benefit and not to harm Someone. I've already told him not to use his powers outside this house and he understands this so I think we're fine.

Anika explained him and he nodded his head.

A- Now get ready. Don't you have to go to your restaurant?

S- Oh Yes! I totally forgot I've a meeting with investors today.

A- And please make breakfast too.

Anika batted her eyelashes and Shivaay chuckled.

S- When will you learn to cook?

A- Why would I learn to cook when my hubby dearest is a chef?

Anika said proudly and Shivaay just shook his head while laughing.

A- I'll go and get Ahaan ready for his playschool.

Anika said and Shivaay nodded his head.

Anika walked towards Ahaan's room and saw Roxie, their siberian husky dog flying in the air.

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