Chapter 10: In the midst of chaos

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Mai's AN: Someone should shoot me for this chapter please w.

Mikoto's A/N: Another fun chapter with Mai san, finally from the kidnapped ppl side this timeee, hope you guys enjoy and have fun reading thiiis

"I'm hungry~ can someone make us some food?" a pink-haired male asked, yawning as he looked out of the window to see that the sun was slowly rising. It had been a while and yet no one had found them yet which was starting to bore him.

"The only one that can cook is Urata-san... and he's busy." Sighing, Shima rolled on the couch, bored too. He had successfully redirected the group away from the building... but it was annoying! The blood rain was finally slowly coming to an end after a long night... Maybe he can go talk to his pretty blonde flower later~

"But I'm hungryyyyyy, are you going to let me starve? Shima-chan, please don't let me die," Nqrse pleaded as he started sobbing though both of them knew that he wasnt actually crying.

"You're not even properly paying attention to me, you are thinking of Senra again! Everyone is neglecting meeee"

"You can't blame me, he's adorable!" Shima gushed, almost like a girl over his crush. "I mean, you even took interest in Luz-kun there~ Ah the tragedy of him forgetting you~"

"It is a tragedy! First aniki not properly listening to me, then my only conversation partner getting distracted by his pretty flower and now Luz-chan forgot me, my life sucks!" the younger male whined.

Chuckling softly, Shima looked to Nqrse in amusement. "Then... why not make yourself unforgettable to him~? Maybe he'll even fall for you~"

"I mean who wouldn't fall for me~" Nqrse chirped before fake sobbing again. "Who wouldn't besides Luz-chan who dared to forget about me! I guess I have to whine when aniki comes if you leave for Senra..."

"I'll disturb him later~" Shima laughed softly, thinking of how Soraru would complain. "Why don't you try hanging out with Luz-kun hang out for a bit?"

"I could~ but who knows if they are awake~ I like to annoy people but I know to let them sleep if they want to..." the pink-haired male argued, thinking of how angry Soraru was when he woke him up in the past.

"True... then later~ Because I have to wait for Sen-chan to wake up too~" A content sigh.

"Uwah, you're so in love with him~ Any specific reason? Or was it something like love at first sight?" Nqrse asked.

Sighing dramatically, Shima hugged a pillow to his chest. "It just... clicked you know~? I'm a little upset he doesn't remember me, but! When we were kids, I promised him I would whisk him away~"

"Eh~ So you guys have known each other in the past? And whisk him away? Good luck with that~" the younger male said snickering.

"What? We were just kids anyway~" A soft sigh this time. "Bet he doesn't even remember... but at least I completed my side of the deal and whisked him away~☆"

"You mean you kidnapped him?" Nqrse asked as he tilted his head. "Is that what he asked for? And what was his side of the promise?"

Sticking his tongue out, Shima hummed. "He promised he would marry me." Before Nqrse said anything, Shima sat up. "It may sound cliché but it's very true!"

"Ehh~ Marry him, huh~? Well then sweep him off his feet and make him fall in love with you before reminding him if he doesn't remember by then~" Nqrse answered.

"You make it sound so easy..." Shima sighed softly, leaning into the couch.

Shrugging, Nqrse stretched as he hummed before asnwering. "Well if you know him well enough, it should be easy to know what he likes and what he doesn't right? If you need any help, tell me and i might help you~"

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