Chapter 13: The key to their success

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Mai's AN: I... I swear this is okay, everything is okay-  *runs away*

Mikoto's A/N: Another wonderful chapter with Mai-saaan, I don't have a lot to say but I hope you enjoy if you read this ww

After completing his personal business and a failed attempt at a deal, Urata dragged himself to bed, sleeping for a long while before he was crushed into his own bed by Nqrse, who decided it was a great way to wake the brunette up.

"Just because you're hungry at..." A glance to the clock before accompanied by a sigh; "2am in the morning doesn't mean you have to destroy my sleep for it."

"But Urataaaaa, you are the only one who can cook here and Aniki stole my snacks which I stole from him so I didn't have anything else to eat!" the pink-haired male whined.

"...I told you, I had spare food in the cupboard yesterday, did I not?" Urata sighed, grabbing the pillow before smacking Nqrse with it. "Did you not check the cupboard?!"

He wanted sleep damn it!

"Ahhhh I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't hit me!" the younger male pleaded as he scooted away immediately. "Truth is that I couldn't sleep and you know how Aniki gets grumpy if I wake him up! And Maashi... he was mumbling stuff about Senra so I didn't wanna wake him up to talk about Senra. Don't get me wrong, I love talking about his love life but like not at 2am!"

Sighing again, Urata sat on his bed, hugging the pillow as he gestured for Nqrse to sit. "What's on your mind this time?"

"Not much, I just wanted some company, you know? And since I thought you might be awake I went to your room! But when I saw that you were asleep and I went all the way here, I decided to wake you up!" Nqrse explained as he sat down next to the brunet.

"But honestly... I just think talking to you is really nice and you seemed really busy and stuff to spend more time with us. You're so busy with this game and everything that even Aniki starts to miss you openly~"

"Gross." Urata cringed at the mention of Soraru liking him openly. "I just have some things to clean up, I should be free for a while a t least."

Reaching a hand out, Urata pinched Nqrse's cheek. "But don't wake me up like that again or I'm installing a lock on my door."

"Ow ow ow, yes I'm sorry, I'm sorryyyy" the pink-haired male apologized. "I will wake you up more normally next time, promise!"

"Good." Urata nodded with a smirk before tossing the pillow aside. "Now, tell me what's truly on your mind. You can't hide it from me."

"Nothing much really," Nqrse assured him.

"Just... this game that we are playing, we are not going to get caught, right? I am confident in us and all but... those guys seem really unique and smart this time. Some of them at least," he added.

"I won't let us be caught, don't worry." Urata smiled softly, gently patting Nqrse's head. "I had hoped I would be able to get Eve-kun on our side... but it failed." A shrug.

"Huh, you tried to do that?" Nqrse asked letting out a sigh and a small smile. "Not surprised though, I doubt he would want to go over to our side just like that if he still has friends. But if we can get some of his friends on our side, he might reconsider."

"I was thinking the same after I failed the first time." Urata hummed softly. "Especially if we get Sou-kun. He seems... attached to him, even giving him the blue rose."

Hearing that, Nqrse let out a whistle as he tilted his head. "So if we get Sou-kun, we can also get Eve-kun?" the pink-haired male asked.

"I would say... the odds would be in our favour~" Urata hummed. "It would be beneficial to us to get Eve-kun too, since he seems to be the brain of their group now~"

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