Chapter 4: Let the games begin

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MaiMia's An: Ah, it's been a while hasn't it ww Hopefully no one forgot the plot ww The two of us went on a writing hiatus for a while so e.e As usual please enjoy~ 

Mikoto's AN: It's been a while since a new chapter came huh? I hope you guys still remember the story, I had a lot of fun writing with Mai san again! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

"Alright. Did any of you guys come up with any ideas since yesterday?" Kashitaro asked as he watched Kuro and Senra clean up the dishes which they had used for breakfast, having been more or less forced by Amatsuki to do so.

"I... couldn't think of anything. I thought that the box might have had some clues which might help us track them down?" Sou answered.

"I kinda thought that we could just wait for one of them to come again and then we could try to catch him!" Sakata exclaimed as the others looked at him in disagreement.

"That... w-would be a bit bad if we don't have a plan and just wait for them..." the blond male said as the fox-masked male hummed in agreement.

"Did anyone else come up with anything to catch them? I mean, they did talk about a cat mouse game but we know nothing about it and what to do."

"We're the cats and we're meant to catch the mice... so we just have to capture all four of them," Amatsuki said quietly. "For once, I agree with Sakata. They'll definitely come to taunt us... so we should use that chance to get one of them."

"But with that, we'll need a plan," Neru pointed out.

"Stab them until they can't move?" Mafumafu suggested with a smile, making Luz freeze and Eve just chuckle and shake his head.

"Another reckless idea."

"And what makes you think they'll stand still and let you stab them?" Neru asked, making the albino pout at him.

"I mean if only one of them comes, we can try~" Kuro chirped as she entered the room with Senra, stretching her arms as she sat down on the couch.

"Though maybe we should make him give us some information before we finish stabbing him or something like that~" she added as Senra hummed in agreement.

"I mean that sounds like a good enough plan~" he said.

"Let's try to find some other opinions maybe?" Kashitaro suggested with a sheepish smile, not really fond with the idea of hurting those criminals even if they were bad.

"Yeah... how about you don't stab people...?" Luz suggested with a shaky smile.

"How about we leave the stabbing as a last resort?" the mushroom-haired suggested softly. "Take them in and let's question them and if they don't cooperate, feel free to do what you need to do?"

"Sounds great~!" Amatsuki said with a hum, the albino nodding. Eve could only hope those four cooperated if they were caught...

"Well, this is if they come that is. What if they won't appear anymore and just watch us while laughing as we wait for them or something like that?" Senra asked as he went to sit down next to Kuro.

"I think we should make a plan or something of some sort."

"Well... we can just look around the city to search," Eve suggested. "Especially those places that we suspect might be their hideout."

"It'll be easier since we at least know how one looks like!" Neru pointed out.

"Alright. This sounds better than nothing," Kashitaro said nodding as he was relieved to see Neru cooperate and not say too much today.

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