Chapter 3: Principium

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MaiMia's AN: Slowly slowly we make this even more complicated ;'D 

Mikoto's A/N: My an is no an www I don't know what to say www Either way, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter, thanks for reading!

Enjoy reading!

Luz sat up in his temporary bed, at first confused to where he was but realised where he was and sighed. Oh how he wash it was all but a bad dream...

Quickly getting ready, he headed to the common area based on his memory, luckily not getting lost.

"Good morning," he greeted gently as he saw a few people there.

"Ah, good morning!" Eve said as he looked up from his table, smiling softly at the tallest male. "Amatsuki-kun went out to get some ingredients for breakfast, he said he'll be back soon, so breakfast will be a bit late."

"That's fine," the light-haired male quickly assured.

''I will look forward to breakfast! I am hungry already! What about you, Mafudon?'' the redhead asked as he looked over to the albino who woke up with him as well.

"I want to go back to sleep already..." Mafumafu mumbled as he flopped onto the couch, almost dozing off immediately.

Neru rolled his eyes as he sat next to Eve, going through the files with him, inputting a few information of his own. Kashitaro would kill him if he refused to cooperate... and it would guarantee their safety for now. They had more important things to deal with than their internal dispute.

''You just woke up, Mafudon! Sleeping too much is not good for you!'' Sakata exclaimed as he ran towards the albino in order to wake him up.

While he did, Sou watched them in awe as he was surprised to see the redhead feeling so comfortable with the albino already, seeming as those two were friends.

Feeling awkward but not wanting to be alone, he quickly walked over to Luz to feel better.

"Sleep is always good even if it's too much," the albino mumbled lazily as he snagged a couch pillow and buried his face in it. He normally wouldn't have even waken up at this time if it weren't for Sakata waking him up this early in the morning.

Smiling softly at Sou, Luz stood at the corner of the room with Sou, deciding to make light conversation with him as they waited for Amatsuki's return.

Kashitaro saw how Luz and Sou were talking with each other. Seeing how those two seemed to feel at ease enough, he decided to go over to Eve and Neru to see how they were doing and to check if the brunet didn't start a fight of any sort.

Though the fox-masked male didn't worry too much with Eve being next to Neru, meaning that the mushroom-haired male was patient enough.

"I'm back~! Sorry for the wait~!" Amatsuki sang loudly as he carried a few bags and entered the room. "I'll get started on breakfast right away, so please wait for a while longer~"

Watching the brunette disappear into the kitchen, Luz stared at the rather cheerful brunette, very much different from the rather psychotic brunette from yesterday. Is this what they call a psychopath?

''Look Mafudon, Amatsuki is already back and breakfast will be done soon so wake up now, you lazy shut-in!'' the redhead demanded as he shook the younger male by his shoulders, Kashitaro smiling amused and relieved to see the redhead get along with the albino.

Whining even louder, Mafumafu pouted as he sat up, fully awake now due to all Amatsuki and Sakata. "Fine! I'm up, I'm up!"

"Well we should probably stop for now then," Eve said with a smile as he shut the file. "Let's continue later."

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