Chapter 1: Calling Card

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Mai's AN: I confused myself with my own idea somehow... w Does anyone like rpg games? I don't really like them but recently I've been dragged to play one and I don't know  what I'm doing at all w

Mikoto's A/N: I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter ww i guess this is all i wanna say? ww Ah! Also, do you guys prefer asparagus soup or tomato soup? www I prefer tomato soup but i thought that i'd like asparagus soup more, isn't it incredible that there is instant soup as well?? Like ww We shut-ins who can't cook, might survive alone with this and instant noodles and rice ww Have hope everyone uwu I know that I have hope www

Enjoy reading~!

Luz bit his lip as he found himself cuffed with his hands behind him, his team huddled around him in a corner of the room as the other five was spread out across the room.

Mafumafu and Amatsuki seemed rather invested in their game of darts but with knives while Eve seemed nervous to have the five over as he glanced at them from time to time.

"Go beat him, Mafu-chan!" Kuro cheered as she was sipping on her bubble tea which she had bought on the way back here.

"Guys, it's nice to see you have fun and all but shouldn't we be doing something about that?" the blond male pointed out as he looked at the police officers, some looking scared while others looked angry.

Throwing the last dagger at the dart board and winning the game, the albino cheered as the red-eyed brunette pouted.

"No fair Kuro! You were supposed to cheer for me!" Amatsuki huffed childishly.

"Guys, we should really do something about them..." Eve said as he looked at the five in the corner.

"We can always just kill them~" Mafumafu hummed as he smiled lazily.

"K-k-kill us?" Sou repeated terrified when he heard that. If he knew that that was the outcome, he wouldn't have agreed on coming along so easily.

"Ehhhhh?! Please don't kill us!" Sakata pleaded as he widened his eyes. They didn't even do anything so why were they getting a death penalty?

"Killing us... seems a bit exaggerating for just trespassing, right? Isn't there another way, we can apologize for accidentally stepping into your territory?" Kashitaro asked with a small smile, hoping that they could talk about this.

"Killing is a bit excessive," Eve agreed, making the albino frown.

"You're no fun sometimes, Eve-kun," he whined childishly. "Then what do we suggest we do?"

"A-Ah well..." Eve mumbled, nervous from all the attention.

"Well, we can see what to do after thinking about it and all so let's give this some more time. We can still kill them if we can't think of anything else," Senra told them.

"If you can, please don't kill us and let us pay back somehow else! Please!" Sakata exclaimed.

"Y-Yeah!" Luz was pale from fear, scared out of his mind.

They were going to die... they were going to die...

Eve stared at the papers on the table before looking at them. "Maybe we can reach a mutual understanding... why did you guys trespassed? Pretty sure the forbidden zone for you guys are here..."

"We were chasing down some criminals who have been wanted for some time now. And because of how distracted we were we didn't realize that we have stepped into your territory until it was too late.

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