A canary in a cage, singing of danger

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After Lucifer left I simply sat there, trying to calm my nerves before going out to face Barbatos. I didn't want to enforce my power over him, but it seemed to be the only way he would listen to me. I can imagine him taking offence to everything I said and wondered if that was the right choice after all. He was important to me and even if he was angry, he was safe.

A soft set of knocks spilled across the oak door, as I looked up happy to have a friend here. "You may come in." There was a pause before the door opened, revealing Barbatos as he walked in unsure. "Are you...alright? Lucifer seemed a bit upset when I saw him and came to check up." I nodded, fear and anxiety melting away in his presence." Yes, I worry that Lucifer just might not be taking this well." He nodded seating himself across from me. "So, what...Happened?" He asked glancing up at my eyes."I asked him to take some time off work and he didn't take it very well." I sighed as he raised an eyebrow.

There was a gentle silence as I slipped in and out of thought, pondering my next move. "What's got your mind? Is it also bothering you?" He asked, head slightly tilting as he spoke. "I do believe I made the right choice but...Perhaps I also should have disbanded our contract. I believe he has fulfilled his end enough and I don't want him staying by my side through obligation like I've caught him in a trap he has no chance of freedom." I leaned back, listening for his response. "I've known you since you were a child... Immature and desensitized to the outside world- desperate through years of isolation and... Well, I don't believe you ever intentionally tried to force him to stay. I'm sure Lucifer doesn't see it like that, either." I hummed, realizing that perhaps Barbatos wasn't the best person to ask, after all, had I not chained him to my side just as well? "That isn't quite my point... I'm afraid he doesn't realize it either, which is all the more reason that I have to let him go. Lucifer is his own being, and it's not my place to decide whether or not he stays by my side. If he wishes, he can be free, but if he wants to stay then I see no problem."

Barbatos paused, realizing my want to do this he laughed. "So truly, it's just an easy way of trying to make you feel like he actually cares about you. If that's what you wanted could you not just ask him?" His timeless eyes searched my own as if trying to read my very thoughts. "I'm afraid he would lie. I don't like the idea he may only be staying by me through obligation and duty because of that damn contract those years past." Barbados nodded with a sigh. "Well, I honestly think you're being close-minded. If you had told me you wanted to disband ours for the same reasoning, I would feel like you held no trust in me and that you wanted to push me away, I'm sure Lucifer would feel the same, if not worse." He started a hole into me as if knowing I was worried about the same for him.

"Perhaps...But a chance at freedom is truly what he needs right now, and he can't truly have that without me destroying the pact we made. Angry, he may be, but it's the only way to make up for what I've done." Once again, Barbatos' eyes dimmed with a sort of sadness and if a parent watching their children grow up."When did you get so mature? I could have sworn it was just the other day you were begging me to stay with you here at the palace. Soon you won't even need me anymore." He commented with a sigh, getting up and pushing his chair in."That's not true- you'll always be an important part of my life, I'll always need you. Speaking of... How... How do I tell Lucifer I want to break our contract without him getting angrier?" I asked, hesitant when he looked surprised. "That is up to you. Besides, I don't want to be there when it happens."He smiled curtly, not over that tired look.

" But- I don't want that, I don't want him to be sad- or angry- and I certainly don't want him to hate me. After all, how will I ever ask him out if he doesn't even want to speak with me?" Barbatos gave a pitiful glance to me. It felt hurtful but also comforting, paradoxical at best.

"You cannot pick and choose what emotions he feels, is that not the very point of this? To give him a chance at doing what he wants? Whether that be crying, laughing, staying by your side, or abandoning you?"

Those words...felt the same as that glance.

He felt bad for me, but he was right. While it wasn't necessarily what I wanted to hear, it was most likely what I needed at the moment.

"Thank you, for continuing to stay by my side." His expression weakened, almost soft to the words.

"And you by mine." With those words, he swiftly exited, leaving nothing but the feelings and memories to ever seem like he was there, to begin with.

My phone shook, buzzing to a calling screen from Lucifer.

Accept or deny...

I reached forward pressing the button and lifting it to my ear.

"Lord- no, just...Diavolo. I have thought about your words, and I cannot accept them as they are. I wish to speak more on the manner now that I'm not turned around by blind anger and confusion. Please, meet me at the royal garden- the halfway point from both our houses."He paused waiting for an answer.

" Lucifer... I've already made my decisi-"

"If what you truly want is for us to be on equal ground, you will accept, and listen to what I have to say. It's nothing that can be said over the phone, it surpasses that level of casualties." Just the tone of his voice was clear in its stance of importance.

"I will meet you there, is now a good time."
I could hear his breath hitch at the answer, as if on edge.


Consistent posting schedule? Couldn't be me.

Now, depending on how the next chapter goes (how long it takes to get to what I'm planning) it may be the end. If so, is like to give a little heads up and reminder you that I'm so lucky you all accompanied me on this journey and motivated me to keep going.

To all the commenters, thank you. You have been some of the best motivators and always so supportive. I'll never be able to make you guys understand just how crucial you were to the continuous writing process of this. I apologize for rarely responding but I hope you all know I read and love every single time you guys say something <3

~With love, the author

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