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I woke up to a dark room instantly feeling the tiredness from last night's late evenings put me in a drowsy state. Without a doubt, Diavolo had already woken up by now and was probably feeling a much worse sense of sleep deprivation. It had always been rare to be able to find the Prince sleeping- even rarer than I- yet somehow he was always so upbeat about everything. I got up shutting off the blaring alarm and stretched tiredly. If there was even the slightest chance I would run into Diavolo I had to present my very best. When it comes to him I can be nothing short of perfect. I checked my D.D.D. to see the time, only 5:30, and text from Diavolo reading "Good morning Lucifer!" And one of the cute stickers with the peace signs sent at 4:00 in the morning. How he can function do well with so little sleep always has and always will be beyond me.

With an almost silent sigh, I walked to the bathroom starting to finally get ready for the day.

After a cold shower, I headed to my closet already having decided on what to wear. My casual clothes fit the same way as always, except for the usually blood-red tie being traded for crimson, covering up most of my skin.

I silently glided down the halls of Lamentation waking Mammon, Asmo, and Levi as I went. It was 6:13 and they all should have been awake by now anyway- Belphie, on the other hand, would never wake up no matter how hard I tried so I suppose there was no reason in trying.

I walked into the dining room as Satan, Beel, and Belphie(who had definitely been dragged there by Beelzebub) all sat in silence finishing their food. A smirk landed across Satan's face."Late by 17 minutes." He smiled impressed with himself."I'm afraid I had business to attend to." I said back as the other three walked in annoyed."Besides, I'm not eating this morning in the first place, I have to run some errands- speaking of which, do any of you need anything?" I asked as Mammon shot up but before a single word could escape his mouth I gave him a glare that made him sink down like a sad puppy. I didn't enjoy making him feel this way however when I had first fallen to the Devildom I hadn't had the strength to say no to my brother who had just been through such a traumatic event but that only seemed to make his greedy tendencies fall out of control meaning it was my job to fix it.."Beel ate all the food in the fridge again so could you go get more?"Belphie asked clearly still asleep. I nodded expecting other requests but the whole table just silently ate together."What if I got you all a gift?"I asked as three pairs of eyes lit up.

"The new white rose perfume from Devil lust!" Chirped Asmo."Hells kitchen's special!" Beel yelled raising his hand."I want the seven demons of the underworld super realistic VR game!" Levi shouted."I and Satan would rather die than receive a present from you." Belphie said as my heart sank a little."Mammon, you've been strangely quiet." He gave me a shocked look."I-I get something as well??" He had a genuinely questioning look letting his defence down before putting it back up." I-I mean of course I do, I'm the best little brother ever!"..."Could I please have an akuzon gift card?" I nodded yes as he beamed.

With that, I headed off to get an outfit. While usually Diavolo's events were attended in Demon form this one was simply a small get-together with some of the people in the Devildom he was acquainted with and that meant everyone was free to wear whatever they were comfortable with. To be fair, he didn't care who attended he simply wanted to be surrounded by people even if he knew they didn't care for him in the slightest.

I finished the errands and gift shopping with ease before stopping in front of the fashion district. I cursed silently not having brought Asmodeus. Suddenly as I was staring down at my D.D.D. a warm hand was placed heartily on my shoulder.Diavolo. I turned and there he was, carrying bags of stuff I could assume was for the party. He lifted his hand as my eyes followed it- the string still tied around his finger, I was afraid that If I stopped looking at it there was some chance it might just disappear. "Lucifer! Pleasure seeing you here."His face was lit up like the sun."The pleasure is mine, my Lord."I bowed my head in respect."Always so formal with me, If one didn't know any better they could assume you and I had only just met."He seemed to find the thought funny."My apologies- Its habit."I said with sorry."Are you here doing shopping as well? I still have two hours before Barbatos is going to drag me back to work, perhaps we could shop together!"His eyes shined hopefully as I felt that melt my will with ease."Of course, It would be an honour, I'm currently looking for an outfit- you recommended that we wear something that we would be comfortable with but I can't picture what that means."Perhaps it was simply because If I let all my pride down and wore whatever I wanted it would probably be a sweater and just a plain old pair of pants."Well...Oh, how do I describe it?" Diavolo sat there thinking for a moment."Something you would wear to go clubbing!"He smiled almost making me choke on surprise."Nothing too formal but at the same time something that you wouldn't just wear on a day-to-day basis."I stared at him for a moment."So basically, anything out of my comfort zone?"I asked as he nodded excitedly like a puppy."Asmodeus recommended me a store! Here, I'll take you!"He grabbed my hand pulling me forward towards the large bustle of people surrounding the stores. I could tell simply by the look on Diavolo's face, this was going to be a long day.

Soooo- I got locked out if the account and then once I got back in it took me a while to write this I'm very sorry - ✨The Author

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