My soulmate...An angel?

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~~Diavolo's POV~~

Ever since I was just a young boy it was abundantly clear I didn't belong. My Dad would always talk about 'Soulmates' and how one day I would find the perfect princess to rule the Devildom with. Every time I heard him talk about it my eyes would light up filled with excitement and wonder...I remember I was talking to my Father one warm afternoon when he said something so absolutely confusing "Follow the red ribbon you see on your finger to find your true love." I looked down at my hands wondering what he had been talking about. I had no red string decorating my finger."But Father, I don't see a red string" I responded leaving him in shocked silence. The look on his face was unforgettable in the worst way."Don't be silly of course you do."He said dismissing me clearly assuming it was a child's prank.

Yet as the years sped by it became abundantly clear that I hadn't been lying always insisting that there was no Ribbon nor string or thread.

"Demons have a red ribbon that connects them to their soulmate and Angels have a red ribbon that connects them to who they are in love with." Everyone had the same answer unable to figure out why I didn't have one.No doctors or psychiatrists could figure out why I had no string.

At so, my point I suppose I gave upon hoping however-It wasn't hard to accept that I had no string because it was simply what I was used to however my father still kept trying again and again to find some way to give me one.eventually told him to stop-that it was futile and how it didn't matter whether or not I had one. The sorrow in his eyes was hard to bear yet I had no other choice.

Though I may have come to terms with my situation that didn't mean it wasn't painful to see couples or soulmates together- how I ached to have a red ribbon tied around my finger like everyone else. I dared dream of what it was like...Was it crimson? Blood red? could you feel it? How did it flow through the atmosphere? So many questions plagued my mind. The pain that stung my chest knowing I'd never know the answers no matter what I did was so extremely painful. All I wished for someone to hold- someone to love.

Yet no matter what life goes on and unless I let go it would continue to move forward leaving me behind to dwell on what could have been so without a choice I did just that.

As years go by you can get used to anything. The numbness in my chest felt heavier yet it was so much easier to hold than the sting of pain that used to linger. Worrying about something so stupid and out of my control felt idiotic at that point. There were millions of better ways to waste my time with than thinking about what wasn't. It made no difference that I had no partner considering my status and wealth to be quite honest. However, I should mention that if I truly longed for a Queen I could easily have one yet someone like that would only slow me down.

, For now, all my time, energy, and feelings were poured into my success in improving and someday ruling the Devildom. Though I had been born with status and wealth it didn't mean I was immediately deserving of becoming the next king and so I worked hard to make sure not a single soul could say I was undeserving when the time came to take the throne. I had to become better- more worthy of it.

Of course, through it all, I still had a friend by my side-Barbatos-. Without him, my schedule would be a mess of no sleep and going without food for days. Though I treasured him I wasn't fooling myself into not longing for someone who didn't exist. My yearning for a non-existent partner to have all for myself-I was so selfish-. I knew there was an unsatisfied part of me that ached to have a lover who would be there specifically for my heart and me for theirs and no matter how hard I tried to fool myself my mind always came back to the empty part of my heart.

Yet there's one day-one day that I feel will always be imprinted on my mind...The day everything seemed to change.

It was a calm and warm early morning when I and Barbatos had been on our way to R.A.D., not a soul seemed to have woken yet so it was simply Me and my servant walking leisurely together at a lazy pace. The day was as normal and inadequate as ever not a single indication that my world would be forever flipped upside down. I was sleepy from staying up much late than I intended and waking up too early to finish what I couldn't do that night at school. Suddenly an almost surprisingly luminescent blood-red stained my finger near the base. Blinking twice I looked closer stopping in my tracks to inspect what I suspected to be blood. Barbatos looked over my shoulder to see what had made me stop so abruptly while I watched the red snake around my finger run an all too familiar scenario I liked to play in my head. My heart seemed to drum out the noise of the questions from my butler before the all-knowing demon understood what must have been happening- though he himself couldn't see it his special ability made him aware of what was happening. The satin ribbon tied itself gently around my finger into a bow before shooting off into the night sky towards a slowly descending... a star? Whatever it was seemed to light up most of the night sky as it seemed to plummet down into the Devildom.

I staggered forward clumsily not believing any of this was even real still trying to grasp my head around the fact that this was actually happening.

Soon my small footsteps sped up stumbling forwards in a frantic rush. I ran as fast as I could pushing my limits until my demon form fronted. I ten through trees branches clawed at my legs. The ground seemed to shake upon somethings impact making me a trip for a moment...Barbatos was yelling behind me pleading to slow down and that there was no rush however I got right back on my feet and kept on forward before arriving at the rubble of a building.

The Ribbon on my finger shot out towards a dark-haired angel who I seemed to make out as the pride of the celestial realm...Yet now he had horns- he was missing a pair of wings and his other two had been dyed back. When I first met him in the Celestial realm he was so prideful and beautiful...Do what could he be doing here?

I looked over to a body in his arms whom I could barely make out to be his younger sister Lillith. He was sobbing violently. My breath hitched as he turned to face me still on his knees."You're...Diavolo! I beg of you, please save her!"Around one of his fingers say the other end of my ribbon tied daintily around his bloodied hands...

My soulmate, an Angel?

The Dialuci content on Wattpad is lacking so I really had to fix that-

There will be more to the story I hope you enjoy reading!-The author <3

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