Chapter 21

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Bucky groaned into his pillow as his alarm blared into his ear, turning over and smushing it into his face to block out the obnoxious noise.

"FRIDAY." He called out, dragging out the 'y' at the end. "Turn off alarm."

"I'm afraid I cannot do that." FRIDAY replied above his head.

"On who's orders?"

"Mr Stark's. He requests you join a team building event in the gymnasium with the others."

He let out another long sigh and slumped to his bathroom to get ready for whatever dumb shit Tony had inconveniently planned this morning.

He made his way down to the gym, where almost everyone was grouped together, minus Bruce who made it clear to not invite him to these events.

"Mornin' Buck!" Steve waved Bucky over to where him and Sam were standing.

Bucky headed over to them, glancing around the gym."What are we doing?"

"Tony suggested we do random sparring matches. He's gonna draw our names from that hat over there." Sam pointed, turning to Bucky. "Can't wait to kick your ass if our names get drawn."

"Yeah we'll see." Bucky replied, annoyance tainting his voice.

"Have any of you seen Y/n?" Nat joined their group, followed by Wanda behind her.

Steve glanced around the room and scratched his head. "No. Actually, come to think of it, I haven't seen her all morning."

"She usually comes in my room and wakes me up right before training." Wanda told them. "It's not like her to miss a session without warning."

"Alright, alright." Sam waved his hands. "Let's not jump to any conclusions. If anything were to come up, she would be capable of protecting herself."

Nat shook her head. "Would she even have a reason to leave without notice?"

"Shit." Bucky blurted abruptly, pulling out his phone and sending her a text message. He waited a few seconds and cursed again when the delivered sign didn't pop up.

"Buck, what's gotten into you?" Steve followed him as he approached Tony, another surprise to Steve as Bucky tried to avoid one on one interactions with Tony when possible.

"What's up sunshine?" Tony joked at Bucky's hard expression. His smile faded when he recognized the seriousness of his glare.

"Did you see Y/n at any point this morning?"

"No I have not." Tony told him. "Is there something we should be worrying about or are you finally deciding to ask her-"

"What's going on?" Pietro walked in. Bucky silently thanked him for jumping in before Tony could finish his sentence.

"Aren't we being a little dramatic here?" Tony took a sip from his water bottle. "She's an adult, not some lost kindergarten student."

"Her messages aren't going through. She has a rule where she never turns her phone off." Wanda informed them.

"There were files." Bucky said finally, waiting for everyone to listen. "Back in the facility from that last HYDRA mission, I found a few files with fully detailed information of me. From my life back in the 40's to..." He lowered his head. "To my HYDRA kill list."

"So what are you saying?" Pietro folded his arms. "They are keeping information about you? What would they gain from that if they already know everything about you?"

By that point, Clint and Thor had joined in to listen.

"They were old files, I recognized them." Bucky told the group. "I have a feeling they have some on Y/n as well if they're tracking us."

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