Chapter 3

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Bucky crossed his arms and leaned against the wall of the elevator. "Why does the tower need this many floors." He grumbled to himself. Steve stood across from him, looking down at his phone. It was an odd sight indeed. Even though him and Steve were both from the forties, Steve still could never get used to newer technology, although Bucky had Shuri to help him with that.

Bucky's eyes wandered to the button panel by the doors."These elevators are pretty fancy now, huh."

Steve looked up from his phone and to the panel. "Everything is." He lifted his phone up and laughed. He slipped it in his back pocket and grinned.

"What's so funny." Bucky narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"Oh nothing." He chuckled. "Just thinking about yesterday."

"About how we won?"

"No... about how I saw the old Bucky Barnes come back after decades without him." Steve smiled.

Bucky leaned forward. "Whaddya mean by that?"

"Well it was pretty fun to see you get all flirty with Y/n like that. Kinda nostalgic actually." He pulled his phone back out before Bucky snatched it from him.

"Hey hold on. What's that supposed to mean? I wasn't being flirty." He defended.

Steve chased him around the tiny elevator for his phone.

"Explain." Bucky tossed around Steve's phone from hand to hand waiting for a response. 

Steve had to bite his lip to stop himself from smiling. "Don't lie Buck. The way you whispered in her ear like that.."

Bucky rubbed his eyes with his hands. "That's what you thought that was? C'mon Steve."

"It looked pretty clear to me." Steve grabbed his phone back from Bucky.

They stood in an awkward silence, the faint hum of the elevator being the only thing audible.

"I was just trying to be nice, that's all." Bucky scoffed and folded his arms.

Steve looked down to hide his snickering. "Whatever ya say."

As they continued the abnormally long elevator ride, Bucky turned his attention back to the button panel

"What do you think would happen if we pressed all of the buttons?" He asked Steve abruptly.

Steve rolled his eyes and laughed. "Buck..."

Bucky prepared himself for Steve's old man lecture, before blurting out, "Buck that's a genius idea.

Like two immature kids, they began jabbing down every button to every floor while laughing hysterically. The elevator went up and down, to each and every floor. When someone would try and enter, they'd yell "Sorry! Going down." Or "Going up!" And ride away roaring with laughter.

Finally, they reached the training floor. The familiar ding sounded, and to Steve and Bucky's surprise, it was Natasha and Y/n who were waiting. Steve and Bucky glanced to each other and snorted. "Sorry! Going down." They laughed as they stop the girls from entering.

Y/n hurried over to the doors, cursing before the two idiots slowly starting going back up.

"Damn it!" Y/n grunted while balling her fists.

"Like I said before. Too much goddamn testosterone." Natasha shook her head. "Let's just take the stairs.

As they headed for the stairwell, a sudden crash came from inside elevator.

Y/n ran over to the metal doors and pounded on them with her fists. "You guys! Are you okay in there?" Natasha came over and stood next to her with a concerned look.

Suddenly, a pair of strong hands started to rip apart the doors. "The elevator! I think it's jammed." Steve yelled toward them.

Y/n stepped away from the elevator and scoffed. "And who's fault is that."

Natasha shook her head. "Have fun in there. I'm sure your claustrophobia will kick in since that elevator is filled with ninety percent muscle."

They giggled and started walking away.

"Hey! You can't leave us here!" They heard Bucky call out.

Y/n looked to Natasha, who just shook her head and smirked. "This is called getting them back."

Y/n nodded and looked back at them. "Well who's stupid idea was it to go up and down continuously until they got themselves stuck?"

"Actually it was Bucky's idea!" Steve accused, causing Bucky to shove him aside and speak through the opening. "We both had a part in it!"

Y/n strutted up to them and tilted her head. "And why should we help you exactly? I see two buff, super-soldiers who could easily get themselves out of this."

Steve was straining his voice now. "Well we could use one more.."

Y/n turned on her heel and waved her hand. "Sorry boys, you're on your own."

"Yeah Tony's making pancakes." Natasha added. "Maybe we'll send him down later."

They desperately called after them as they snickered and left the two alone in the broken elevator.

Back in the kitchen

Around the dining table sat Tony, Thor, Pietro, Sam and Clint, along with Natasha and Y/n who were all eating breakfast that Tony had made.

"How did training go?" Thor asked as he dug into his pancakes, oddly topped off with poptarts.

"The usual. I think I'm ready to go back onto the field soon." Y/n told them.

"Ask Steve. Maybe he'll assign one for you soon." Clint said pointing with his fork.

"Speaking of." Tony looked around the table. "Where is the old man?"

"Cyborg's gone too." Natasha said pouring syrup all over her plate.

The team eyed her questioningly. "Do you know something we don't?" Sam looked at her.

Natasha looked up, pretending that she wasn't paying attention. "Hm? Oh well Steve and Barnes have been trapped in the elevator downstairs since we got up here." She said casually. Y/n stifled a laugh and continued eating.

"Hold on... what?!" Pietro stood up, nearly knocking over his chair in the process.

"Yeah. I'm surprised you guys didn't hear them yelling and banging on the doors. I can still hear them." Y/n said, Natasha nodding along with her.

The five men got up and followed Pietro down the stairs frantically trying to get to them. Tony turned around and mouthed an "I don't actually care." To them, earning a fit of laughter from the girls.

"C'mon Nat. I'm curious to see how this will play out." Y/n motioned for her to follow.

She groaned. "But I'm starving."

After a convincing stare from Y/n, she reluctantly followed her downstairs, her plate in her hand.

"This'll be fun." Y/n grinned.

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