Chapter 9

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"Okay, now what do you think of this shirt?" Wanda questioned Thor, holding up a T-shirt.

"I don't see how it's any different to the others you chose." He shrugged. "But yes, it is nice."

Wanda scoffed. "What? It is different! Burgundy is my color."

Y/n shook her head and turned her attention back onto her own shopping. Nat was right next to her, browsing through the different shirts and dresses.

"So are we gonna talk about it?" Nat said abruptly as she was looking at a shirt.

"About what?" Y/n asked, not bothering to face her.

"About you making heart eyes with cyborg over there." She turned to catch a glimpse of him before quickly turning back around. "I'm surprised he was able to share a meal with anyone other than Steve."

Y/n shrugged. "I don't know what the hell you're on about, Nat. And it was easier to share that giant thing, anyways. He was really nice about it too, paid for half of it. He even offered to pay for the whole thing."

"Hey I'm just saying. It was a little odd. It's almost as if you have some kind of affect on him or something." She winked, receiving a harsh nudge from Y/n's elbow.

"Ugh Y/n! Help me out!" They heard Wanda call out.

"Whaaat." She turned around and walked over to them.

"Thor and Steve are horrible at shopping." She huffed. "Be honest... gray or black?" She held up two skirts. "The guys keep telling me they both look nice, it's not helping."

"Black." Y/n and Natasha said simultaneously.

"Thought so." Wanda sighed and turned to put the gray one back where she got it.

"Wait hold on, if you knew which color from the start, why'd ya bother asking us in the first place?" Steve said, folding his arms.

"Just let it go Steve." Y/n gave him a pat on the shoulder as she walked by him. "It's a thing."

"What thing?" She heard him whisper to Thor.

Y/n wandered around the store aimlessly. It was difficult to figure out her new style when it came to clothing. She mostly took on after what Nat and Wanda wore, with the help of downloading Pinterest thanks to Wanda. The world was a totally different place to her. It was foreign.

She stopped at a glass case of necklaces and bracelets. Nat came up behind her and looked over Y/n's shoulder. "Still trying to find some friendship necklaces?" She asked jokingly. Y/n rolled her eyes. "I was kidding, partially." She frowned. "I never had friends to buy them with."

Nat moved next to her and gave her a soft grin. "I get it, really. We all had our childhoods snatched away from us. Just like that. Being here, doing something normal, is just another reminder that our lives aren't normal." 

"Yeah." Y/n nodded. "I guess that's why we're all so close though. I haven't even been part of the team for that long."

"It's fun to have another person to join our struggle." Nat laughed. "Even better, another girl."

After Nat had left to go shop on her own, Y/n glanced across the counter where she was looking at the necklaces to see Bucky staring intensely at the collection of watches.

"Hey, whatcha looking at?" Y/n came up beside him.

"Just these watches." He leaned his arms on the glass. "They're all so modern. I keep seeing these smart watch things."

"Yeah they're definitely something." Y/n let out a chuckle. "Some have a touch screen, it's just so bizarre to me."

He nodded. "You're telling me. I can't find any nice, classic watches. I kinda wanted to find something to remind me of home, ya know?"

"Well my dad had a whole collection of vintage watches back in the day. They were his prized possessions." She told him, brushing a piece of loose hair behind her ear.


"Yeah... he loved that kind of stuff." She began to trail off before noticing Steve gazing at the necklaces a few feet away. She threw the memory aside and turned her attention to him.

"Need help?" Y/n headed toward him, Bucky followed behind her.

"I need to find a gift, for someone." He said, almost uncertainly.


"Just.. someone." He said, wringing his hands.

Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Okay... well what is this someone you're talking about like?"

"Caring, sweet," He began listing. "Doesn't take crap from anyone."

As obvious as it came, Y/n didn't dare mention her name. "I see. Well I can see this person as liking simpler, but finer things. Maybe get her a necklace or ring that isn't too... sparkly."

He nodded at her advice and grinned. "Thank you Y/n. I'll take your word for it."

"Oh, and I'll suggest one other thing, and that's to not buy from here. Go somewhere fancier, I've seen tons of people wearing this stuff."

He smiled warmly and gestured to the others, letting her and Bucky know that he was going back to join them.

Y/n turned around and found that Bucky was nowhere to be seen. She glanced around the store and frowned slightly, wondering where he could've ran off to.

She jogged back to her friends, with Steve noticing Bucky's absence. "Is Bucky not with you? We were just about to head out of here." Nat said, looking past Y/n.

"No, I have no clue where he went. One minute he's behind me and then all of a sudden he's gone." She shrugged. Steve nodded in her direction. "I'll go find him."

He journeyed around the store, confused at his friend's disappearance. Eventually, he caught a glint of Bucky's familiar chocolate brown hair, buried in a rack of clothes.

"Boo." Steve poked him.

Bucky turned halfway and exhaled. "What?"

"Where'd you run off to? We're leaving." Steve leaned against the wall.

"I.. I just need to talk to you, when we get back to the tower." He said in a low tone.

Steve furrowed his eyebrows. "Alright sure. C'mon."

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