Chapter 22

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"Damn, I wish I'd come up with a better plan." Y/n grumbled to herself as she tramped through the familiar Ukrainian forest from the last mission. Her jaw clenched as the new but slightly smaller base finally came into view, an eerie presence settled around the stone walls. It appeared to be disguised as an old, war-time living complex. This base had to have been selected as a backup base for quite some time now. They had put robust efforts into what they were planning.

Suddenly, her gaze flicked to the sound of a vehicle rumbling along the nearby dirt road towards the facility.

"There's my way in." She mumbled, slowly treading towards it. She crouched low to the ground as she approached the front of the black truck, leaping through the now shattered window, into the passengers seat.

"Gah!" The man in the drivers seat yanked the shotgun tucked beside his seat, which Y/n immediately snatched right out his grasp. She used it to jab him bluntly in the head and knock him out cold. The truck came to a sudden halt.

"Let's hope this works." Y/n whispered, pulling out the facial illusion device Nat used often on missions when disguising as someone else. She scanned his face until the device projected an exact replica. After placing it securely on her face, her confident smirk soon fell from her lips. Retrieving the uniform was a small task, without doubt, until it suddenly wasn't.

"It's for a mission, for a mission."

She sighed in relief when she discovered he was wearing several layers of clothing under his armor. It wouldn't be worth going through with the mission if he weren't. Definitely not.

"Ey!" Someone yelled in Russian from outside of the vehicle. 'Pochemu ty ostanovilsya?" (Why did you stop?) He banged his fist against the steel door.

Y/n quickly glanced forward to see she was still a few feet away from the departure area.

"Izvineniya." (Apologies) She tried not to grimace at the ghastly voice of the soldier that escaped her own lips. "U menya problema s tormozom." (I had a problem with the brake)

He nodded and retreated to the back of the truck.

"They must be transporting new weapons." Y/n whispered, watching as they unloaded giant crates filled with God knows what amount of gruesome weaponry.

She pulled up at the base's unloading site, carefully stepping out of the truck and steering clear of the small crowd of soldiers.


Y/n spun around on her heel, nodding to the random soldier. "Da ser."

"Operatsiya uspeshna?" (Operation successful?)

She nodded, pointing to the back of the truck. Once he disappeared, she slid out of sight from the rest of the soldiers.

She pulled down the black helmet the soldier had been equipped with, navigating around the series of entrances until she had found herself inside the main area of the facility.

Her mind trailed back to where the files had been hidden in the other base. It was favorable that this one happened to be much smaller, which significantly less rooms to have to rummage through for a few pieces of paper.

But they were so much more than that.

Y/n stiffened her posture, taking causal steps through the halls to avoid striking any kind of attention. She couldn't risk rushing through her scavenge, only to be caught by the people who had gone as far as bombing Central Park to get their hands on her.

"Hey, what are you still doing here?"

Y/n turned and blinked, surprised to hear the accent of an American pass the soldier's mouth.

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