Chapter 11

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"Team, prep room. Now." Steve ordered, not taking a second glance at the group who were all scattered around the living space. Y/n shared a look with Wanda before they all made their way, ditching their game of cards.

Steve and Tony were both gazing up at the large screen that displayed a digital layout of a large building.

Tony finally took his eyes off the screen and turned to the group. "Bad news. Turns out we've got hostages on our hands for this one, meaning we're departing today. I need about four of you alongside Rogers."

After a few seconds of deciding, Natasha, Sam and Wanda all stepped forward, ending with

"Make it five." Bucky blurted out as soon as
Y/n had taken a step. He caught her uncertain gaze before giving Tony a confirming nod.

"Alright then Barnes. The five of you get ready and meet Rogers at the Quinjet in ten. The rest of you decide who's patrolling their radios in case of backup." Tony eyed everyone before heading back into the lab.

With that, Y/n hurried into the change room with Wanda and Nat, her heart jumping out of her chest. After all of her gear was on, she grabbed all the necessary equipment and weapons, including the new gadgets Tony had designed.

"Finally. A proper mission." She thought to herself as a stupid grin tugged on the corners of her mouth.

She met Nat outside and made her way to the jet with her.

"You ready for this one?" Nat asked, a smirked spread across her face.

"I'm not that pathetic." Y/n scoffed. "I've got you as my trainer." She nudged Nat jokingly, who rolled her eyes in return.

They all boarded the Quinjet and were off on their way to their location. The jet was full of incredible technology, but also filled with junk that belonged to the team. Just how many varieties of snacks does there need to be?

It came as no surprise that the atmosphere of the jet was that of the tower. Everyone was used to this, so there was no reason to be nervous or anxious.

Steve was discussing his love life to a very bored Sam and Wanda while Nat was dozing off in the pilot seat.

"Steve you need to stop waiting and just tell her." Wanda rubbed her eyes tiredly.

Y/n chuckled lightly to herself and reached into her bag for her phone. She opened her Spotify and searched for the Mission Jams playlist she made that week for the jet ride.

She dug into her bag again to find her headphones. When her hand came into contact with them, she frowned slightly.

They were Bluetooth headphones, not her old Walkman she had lost all those years ago. They were odd to use. No wires, no chunky plastic. Just two small bud things that stuck in your ear and connected to your phone.

She shuffled her playlist and rested her head against the wall. She sighed happily as the music drowned out everything around her, which was something that had always drawn her to music. Even as a teenager, it was all she ever had that allowed her to escape.

After a few hours, the group had all situated themselves at the front of the jet, where Natasha and Sam would occasionally switch out piloting. Y/n had her eyes fixed on them, trying to figure out what it was they were talking about.

Her heart jumped out of her throat when she suddenly spotted Bucky reading next to her in her peripheral.

"Jesus Christ Barnes, you scared the shit out of me." She breathed.

He chuckled lightly. "I've been here for a while now."

"It's okay though, I didn't expect you to notice."

Y/n frowned at his comment and folded her arms. "It's not like it was on purpose."

"No I mean... never mind." He wanted to kick himself for making her feel guilty. It was never his intention.

He cleared his throat. "So um... anyways. What're you listening to?"

She grinned before handing him one of her headphones. "Listen for yourself."

He took it gently from her dainty hand, making sure to not use his metal hand, and awkwardly placed it in his ear.

"The other way stupid." She giggled.

Cause I need somebody
Who will stand by me
Through the good times, and bad times
She will always... always be right right there
Sunny days, everybody loves them
Tell me baby, can you stand the rain?

"That's a nice tune." He smiled softly. "Who's it by?"

"New Edition." Y/n took the headphone back and set it aside with the other."It came out back in '88. Sometimes I would have these stupid fantasies of dancing with someone in the rain to it."

She blushed madly at her admission, forgetting who she was talking to. Bucky couldn't help but laugh, amused at her reaction.

"It's not stupid, I wouldn't mind if you made a playlist for me."

Her eyes lit up. "Really? I would totally make one if you wanted me to."

Her reaction was adorable, even if he wasn't completely serious at first and trying to be polite, his mind had already been changed.

"Sure, I'd love that."

His voice was low, yet soft and gentle at the same time. Y/n's heart sank whenever he smiled, she knew a fake smile from a mile away, considering she always put one on. It was good enough to fool everyone around her.

She glanced back at the team all laughing at something Sam had said.

"Why don't you go join them?" Y/n gave Bucky a questioning look. "You never involve yourself."

"The same reason you never do." He gave her a weak smile before returning his attention to his novel.

Y/n opened her mouth to speak, but stopped herself. It wasn't worth it, he was right. Although it didn't exactly make sense to her why he didn't just try talking to everyone. From her experience, Bucky seemed like such a genuine, sweet person.

She tugged on the loose strands of her hair awkwardly. Before she could stick her headphones back into her ears, Steve waved at her from across the jet to get her attention.

She stood up and stretched out her sore back. "What is it?"

"When we arrive, be ready to await further orders. I'm thinking our best option is to split up into teams of two." Steve informed her.

She nodded and glanced at the navigation screen. "Only an hour and a half left." She thought to herself.

In that time, Y/n and the rest of the team went over the objective of the mission, and the hostage evacuation. The suspected HYDRA base was located in Ukraine, and there was an expected number of hostages, all who belonged to a group of local hunters.

They landed in a thick forest, towering white spruce surrounding them. Y/n let the cool air fill her lungs as she mentally, and physically prepared herself.

"Hey Y/n."

She turned around to see Bucky looking up at the grey sky.

"It's raining."

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