Chapter 9: An Apology

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"Wow. Who knew our dad the king needed help" Bailyo said amazed as Añanda chuckled at her cubs. "Yes. Even great kings..." she started and she turned to her daughter "...and queens need help at times. There is no shame in accepting help" she advised her and Rani smiled at her mom, nodding.

Suddenly, the sound of branch snapped which sent the three on alert and their heads turned to the entrance of their home. Añanda got on her feet, ears flats and snarling as she kept her front paws in front o f the cubs to protect. Bailyo looked at his sister, his eyes on her bandaged paw.

'I'm not gonna fail to protect big sister this time he thought in his head, determined not to let his fear get in the way and get him or Rani nearly killed. The young prince stayed close to his mom bit he got into a defense stance.

Slowly, out of the corner of the entrance came out a familar face. "Nirmala?" Añanda said puzzled, relaxing. The lioness slowly showed herself shyly as she approached the queen, her head hung low. Nirmala still felt awful and felt it was her fault the cubs nearly got hurt.

"I wanted to make sure Rani was alright. And to apologize for what happened earlier. I should've done something to protect your cubs" she told her.

Añanda was surprised from Nirmala's apology. The siblings looked at eachothet worriedly, afraid Nirmala would be punished for their actions. "Please mom. Nirmala had nothing to do with this" Bailyo pleaded, jumping on his mom's paw as Rani turned to her mother.

"Yeah. This was our fault. This was my fault" Rani said guiltily, her ears down. Añanda smiled at her cubs, touched to see they both had good hearts. "Don't worry my little lotuses. No one is getting punished" she gently assured her cubs who looked at her surprised.

Nirmala looked up surprised too. She thought for sure she would be punished. Especially because she was the adult here and she failed to protect the cubs.

"I...I don't understand your majesty" Nirmala said greatly confused. Añanda smiled at her calmly "Nirmala I know you didn't mean for my cubs to get hurt. And you did try to get them to safety. It would terrify me if my cubs were alone and unmatched. So I'm grateful you were there with them" she explained thoughtfully to her.

Nirmala still wasn't convinced and shook her head. "Still. I shouldn't have let the cubs take me somewhere when I don't even know my way around. So I need to take responsibility of it" Nirmala told her regretfully as she approached the queen and thought about what she could to make it up. She got an idea.

"I'll watch over the cubs. Whenever you and Sãhasí are busy, I'll keep an eye on them. And this time I won't fail to watch and protect them. I won't let you down again" Nirmala told her determined, looking in the queen's eyes.

The queen thought about it for a moment. She did want to entrust someone she knew to watch over her cubs incase both her and her mate were busy with their duties. While Nirmala did fail to protect her cubs, she did try at least and something told Añanda that Nirmala won't let her down next time.

Añanda smiled and turned to Nirmala "Nirmala. Something tells me that I can count on you to watch over my cubs" she told her warmly. Nirmala was surprised by this response but she smiled gratefully at the queen for giving her a chance to make up for what happen today.

"Whenever me and Sãhasí are both busy, you can watch over my son and daughter. My mother in law can also help you with that if you feel two cubs are two much" she told her as the cubs looked at eachother excited that Nirmala would be staying with them.

Nirmala smiled at her thoughtfully. She felt that Añanda was like a big sister to her.

Suddenly, someone then cleared their throat as the two lionesses and cubs turned around. Entering the tree were the lion brothers, Surak and Sãhasí, with the older brother taking the lead.

Surak had his head down until his eyes looked up and met Nirmala's. The lioness looked away from nervously, a little afraid of him after he got mad at her earlier.

Surak felt a little bad of himself of how Nirmala was now afraid of him. He didn't want that. "How is Rani, Añanda?" Sãhasí asked his queen worried as Nirmala stepped aside so that the king may approach his mate and two cubs.

"She's fine. Her paw should be fine in the morning" Añanda gently explained as her mate knelt down and nuzzled his daughter lovingly. He looked at her and his son with a calm yet serious look. "I want you two to do me a favor. What happen today. Let that to be a lesson to both of you. Understand?" He asked his two cubs and they nodded. The two were not gonna repeat that mistake again.

Sãhasí smiled at his two cubs. "Well now, it's late and I think it's time for the prince and princess to get some sleep" he told them both.

Surak approached Nirmala and clear his throat to get her attention and she turned to look at him. "Nirmala. I want to apologize for how I acted earlier. I thought about it and I realize that you're not at fault in this. And you did try to get the cubs to safety. I'm sorry" he apologized as he kept his head, eyes and ears down.

Nirmala was surprised by his apology but she was touched, glad to see he wasn't still mad at her. It's ok Surak. I understand why you would be angry. After all, it's your niece and nephew that were in danger. But I do appreciate your apology" she told him kindly and Surak looked up at her surprised by how quick she forgave him. She smiled at him assuringly.

Meanwhile, Sãhasí smiled, proud of his brother for learning his mistake. "Surak. Please show Nirmala where she will be staying for the night" he told his brother as Surak nodded and he and Nirmala left the royal family to rest.

But something Nirmala thought of bothered her. With seeing Añanda as a sister. 'Why couldn't I have that before in the past?' She asked herself and she also wondered one more thing...did she even belong here with the Night Pride?

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