Chapter 6: Bear!!!

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A bear. That's what Nirmala spotted. A large black bear was sniffing the ground, his face looked suspicious.

Nirmala's heart rushed in fear panic. She spotted a tree and saw large claw marks. Nirmala realized to her horror that they had trespassed into this bear's territory. And now they had get!

"Rani! Bailyo! Get down!" Nirmala whispered to them alarm as she crouched down. The cubs were startled but did what she said and stayed close to her. Nirmala looked back at the bear and saw it looked at the berry bushes. The lioness and the siblings were behind the bushes so the bear didn't see them.

The bear sniffed the air and he could smell the scent of the lions and he started to growl. Nirmala quietly gasped, realizing they had to get out of here before that bear spotted them.

She looked behind them and thought that maybe without that bear looking, they could make a run for it and getaway. "Listen very carefully you two. Once that bear turns around, we run for it. And don't make a sound" she whispered and explained to them. She could see the cubs were scared and they nodded to her.

Nirmala turned back and to her confusion the bear was suddenly nowhere in sight. "Where did it go?" Bailyo whispered afraid. Nirmala slowly stood up so her ears and eyes were showing. The bear was nowhere in sight. "Maybe he left" Rani whispered to her brother but Nirmala had a bad feeling that they weren't out of danger yet.

"ROAR!" A loud roar erupted and the three cats turned their heads to the right and found the large bear standing on its hind legs and roaring. "RUN!" Nirmala yelled alarmed as the bear swung its large paw at them. The lioness jumped back, feeling her heat race.

She and cubs quickly ran but Rani had noticed her brother was not by her side and she looked behind her. "Bailyo!" Rani yelled alarmed and she stopped running, her paws skidding to turn around. Nirmala turned around too and she gasped in horror to see the prince standing there, the bear glaring at him ferciously.

"Bailyo run!" Nirmala yelled out in alarm. But Bailyo was frozen and shaking, the young prince terrified, his heart racing as he whimpered. "I...I can't move Nirmala" he whimpered fearfully as the bear lifted its large paw and was about to swat at the young cub.

Rani gasped and her face turned to determination. "Rani no!" Nirmala shouted surprised as the princess rushed to her brother to protect him. The bear brought his paw down for a full deadly slam but Rani grabbed her brother by the scruff of his fur and pulled him out of the way as the paw slammed onto the ground.

"Go! Go Bailyo!" Rani told her brother urgently and they both ran for it, catching up to Nirmala who wouldn't abandon the siblings. Nirmala and the cubs started running and the bear chased after them.

"Help!" Nirmala yelled out for help, her heart racing and her breathing getting hard. She turned her head back and her eyes widen when that bear leaped up and SLAMMED! He slammed his paw hard on the ground, missing the cats.

But it caught the cats by surprise that Nirmala tripped and stumbled and slammed against a tree, her back struck with pain and she yelped in pain. Nirmala quickly scrambled back up to her feet but the bear had cornered her, giving her no escape. She could see the royal siblings far behind the bear, looking at her with worry.

"Run you two! Go to your parents!" She told them urgently and the bear slammed its paw on her, pressing her hard up on the tree so hard you could hear it creaking. Nirmala groaned in pain and she felt her breathing getting suffocated.

"Nirmala!" Rani yelled as she ran to the bear, hissing and growling at it. The bear turned its attention to her, snarling. "Let her go!" Rani yelled as she leaped up to pounce on the bear with her paw out to swat it. But the bear swung its other paw at her so hard and it sent her flying to the ground hard and her brother ran to her worriedly.

Nirmala gasped in horror and wanted to yell Rani's name but she couldn't because her breathing was hard.

"ROAR!" Suddenly a loud roar erupted and Nirmala saw a brown blur jump on the bear and the bear suddenly removed its paw off of Nirmala and she fell back on the ground, taking a huge breath of air. The lioness looked up to see who saved her "Surak? " she said surprised to see him.

Surak had found them in danger and just in time. He had pounced on the bear and sunk his jaws and claws to pull it away from the lioness. Surak jumped off the bear and snarled ferciously at it. There was also Añanda and Sãhasí too. They had come to help.

The bear snarled at them but Surak and Sãhasí roared fiercely at the bear. Sãhasí stood close to his mate and cubs as Añanda picked up Rani by her scruff while her son stuck close to her. Nirmala took the chance to escape the bear and got behind the Night Pride.

The bear glared at them and realized he couldn't win a fight against more than one big cat. He turned around and ran off. Nirmala let out a heavy sigh of relief that it was all over. But she suddenly noticed Surak turned to look at her and he glared at her angrily and Nirmala felt small as she looked away, feeling that this was all her fault.

"Let's head home. And make sure the cubs are ok" Sãhasí said concerned as everyone looked at Rani, the cub licking her hurt paw.

And that's how Rani got her scar. I felt like that would've made a good episode in the Lion Guard.

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