Chapter 3: Meeting the Royal Siblings

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Nirmala, Añanda and Surak left the tree Nirmala was resting in. Nirmala winced from the sudden brightness of the morning sun but she adjusted to it. The lioness had been resting all night and now it was daytime.

As the three lions walked, Nirmala saw many different kinds of animals roaming around that she had never seen like pandas, goats and penguins. And the green grass, the large trees and morning sun was a beauty. "Wow" Nirmala whispered amazed.

Somewhere else, a lion was looking for something, looking through the bushes and behind the trees. "Bailyo! Go find your own spot" a girl voice whispered annoyed and the lion's ears perked at that voice. He stared at the direction where it came from, having a playful smile.

"Aw come on Rani. I'll get caught first!" A boy voice whined. "Yeah which means I'll win the game!" The girl voice said a little louder. Chuckling, the lion made his way to the bush and gently pawed it away.

When the bushes were pushed aside, two little lion cubs were shoving eachother until they saw their dad and froze. "Well aren't you the loudest hiders in the Tree of Life" he teased playfully before chuckling.

"We're not it until you catch us!" Rani said confident, not ready to lose the game and she darted off with Bailyo behind her, the two siblings laughing. Their father smirked at them and chased after them.

The two siblings ran, running past some animals. Bailyo spotted his mom and it got him excited "Hey look! There's mom!" Bailyo said excited and he and Rani ran to her excited. "Mom! Mom! Mom!" The siblings yelled excitedly as they got to her. All three lions stopped walking, Surak smiled at the cubs while Nirmala stared at them puzzled.

"Mom you gotta hide us so Dad won't win!" Rani told her urgently. Añanda chuckled at her daughter "Did you two share the same hiding spot again? I told you your dad is clever hunter and knows how to find two very loud cubs for the fifth time" Añanda playfully teased them. "It's Bailyo's fault! He won't stopp following me!" Rani complained, glaring at her brother. "But you have the best hiding spots!" Bailyo complained and glared back at her but then he noticed Nirmala and looked at her curiously. Rani looked too and saw the lioness.

"Who's that mom?" Rani asked curiously. "This is Nirmala. A new friend" Añanda introduced her. Nirmala got surprised at being called a friend but she did like hearing that. The cubs approached Nirmala curiously and excitedly while Nirmala stood frozen.

"Wow" they both said excited. Both cubs had dark brown fur. Rani had some small darker markings forming on her back and paws and dark chocolate brown eyes. Bailyo had blue eyes with spots under them and a light cream underbelly. There was a tiny tuft of fur on his head that was darker with a stripe on it that would grow into a mane.

"Hello" Nirmala said and smiled nervously. "There you two are" a male voice came up, one Surak and Añanda recognized. "Sãhasí" Añanda said happy to see her mate. Sãhasí walked over to his mate and nuzzled her lovingly. "Good morning brother" Surak told him calmly.

"Hello Surak" Sãhasí told him happy to see his brother as he walked up to him and the two brothers nuzzled touched their foreheads in love and respect.

Sãhasí noticed Nirmala and smiled at her. "Welcome" he welcomed her and Nirmala nodded her head to him, smiling. "Daddy!" Bailyo and Rani both said excited and ran to their father, nuzzling his paws.

"This is my mate Sãhasí. And Surak's brother" Añanda introduced him as she nuzzled him affectionately and then nuzzled their cubs. Nirmala smiled at them, seeing that they're loving and happy family.

"Dad tell Bailyo to find his own hiding spot next time" Rani complained as she glared at her brother. "You're not the queen yet Rani so you can't boss me" Bailyo snapped back annoyed. "Bailyo. Rani" Sãhasí sternly scolded the cubs and they lowered their heads, their ears down. But what Bailyo said caught Nirmala's attention.

"Queen?" She said confused. "My brother and Añanda are the king and queen of the Tree of Life" Surak explained and Nirmala got surprised and stared at the couple wide eye. "Oh I'm sorry. I had no idea" Nirmala said surprised and a little embarrassed.

Añanda chuckled at her "It's ok. But yes Sãhasí and I are the king and queen. Rani is the firstborn so one day she will be queen" Añanda explained as Rani stood proudly. Sãhasí smirked at his daughter and nudged her from behind. "Once she learns not to boss her little brother" Sãhasí teased her and Rani smiled nervously.

Nirmala and Añanda chuckled. "Come on Nirmala. Let's get you healed up" Añanda reminded her. "Can we come too?" Bailyo asked, wanting to play with Nirmala. "Please?" Both siblings asked their parents, smiling big and cute.

Añanda and Sãhasí looked at eachother smirking and then back to their cubs. "Alright. You two can come" Sãhasí told them and the cubs high fived eachother before the pride continued heading to the Tree of Life.

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