Chapter 3

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AN/: Photos of today above, Should I add pictures of the events every chapter?


I took a deal breath before I walked out onto the stage. I keep my head down as I walk to the x on the floor, the memories of my parents telling me to follow my dreams flooded to my mind, I know they would be so proud of me, I could feel someone's piercing gaze on me. After taking in the screaming crowd I look up and feel my breathing become ragged as I stared at the familiar brunette from my dream.

Your POV:

I watched her eyes as they roamed up and down my body a couple of times, my breath hitched as our eyes finally met, her chocolate brown eyes were so memorizing, when I was staring into them I felt like time had stopped, the other judges, the audition and the screaming crowd were long forgotten.

There was a loud cough that broke us from our staring contest, that's when I took a good look at the crowd, I was taken aback of just how many people there were. As I looked at the judges I was in complete awe and I was totally fan girling on the inside. I just hoped I wouldn't make a fool out if myself especially in front of the camera so the whole of America would see. The whole stadium was quiet until Dinah broke the silence.

"Hey Dawg whats your name, age and where are you from"

"Hey I'm Y/n Mitchell-Y/LN I just turned 18 today I'm originally from Sydney Australia but my Sister and I moved to Miami not that long ago" 

I hear a loud roar from the audience when I said I was from Australia and someone even yelled "I love you Accent" i was silently praying they won't ask me why I moved. All of the judges wished me a happy birthday until Demi spoke.

"why did you move from Sydney it's a very big move" Demi asked curiously.

I looked down at my new shoes Shay bought me as some tears started to well up in my eyes but I blinked them away so I wouldn't look weak.

"M-my S-sister and I moved here after we lost our P-parents" I was not going to tell them that I lost Riley too.

The whole arena went completely silent for the second time, As I looked up I saw sympathy in all of the judges eyes which was the last thing I wanted and why I don't usually tell anyone.

"I'm so sorry I.." I quickly cut  Demi off  "it's okay um can I sing now" I said earning a quick chuckle from the crowd.

"yes take it away y/n" Simon amusedly spoke

I took a deep breath before I started strumming the opening cords for Never Be The Same, I closed my eyes and began to sing.

Let me tell you about a girl that I used to be,
Same name same face but a different me,
She didn't know what she was thinking,
Didn't know her world was sinking,
Had her dreams written on a paper in her hand,
Held on tight but she didn't understand,
The love and hurt that she's replacing,
All the past that she's erasing,
We all get lost sometimes
and we forget who we are
and we forget who we are

Somewhere along the way, we're all running in the crazy race,
Never thinking about the hearts we break,
And as our hope starts fading away things are never gonna be the same,
Cause when you're standing there all alone,
Losing everything you've ever known,
You're staring at a different face things are never gonna be the same,

I wish that I could share a different point of view,
But the words coming out wouldn't speak the truth,
You wouldn't know what I was really thinking,
And I'd return to the girl, who's sinking,
Sinking down to the world that waits below,
And I don't want to be there anymore,
Don't wanna be there anymore,
We all get lost sometimes
and we forget who we are
and we forget who we are

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