Chapter 15

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AN/: Usual photo above ☺️

Demi's POV:

"Can you bring in wasted youth first please" I said to the producer Alex.

"Sure won't a moment"

A few minutes later the boys from wasted youth walked in and took a seat on the couch across from me, I watched as Alex looked as white as a ghost and how Taylor wouldn't make eye contact with me.

"As you know I can only take four groups with me to the live shows Taylor, Iggy and I were impressed with your take on your version of the song you complete me, you made it your own but I have my doubts that you haven't came together as a group and I wonder if you ever will.. Boys I have to make some tough choices there is a lot of talent this year and two groups will be sent home but you are not one of them I believe in you boys and I would love to take you to the live shows with me" I said

Before I knew It I was already calling in the next group to let them know there fate. I smiled back as the boys of Instant Trio walked in with smiles on there faces.

"Boys you are different to the boy bands out there at the moment, Jacob I love your voice and when you harmonize with Austin it it's perfect I can tell the two of you have been singing together for years. Asher you need to work on your rapping the last performance you got your timing wrong and you were out of tune, but that's something we can work on congratulations you are in my top four"

"Could you please bring in All Is Trouble please"

Boys you all have amazing voices but You don't harmonize, your voices are always battling against each other and I think you boys have some great potential but I'm afraid your not ready yet and that's why I am not taking you into the live shows.. I'm sorry boys don't let this disgruntle you come back next year and prove me wrong"

I took a deep breath after sending All Is Trouble home, it was hard to send people home because that's someone's dream but at the same time it is a competition and these things needs to happen.

"Demi which group would you like me to send in next" Alex asked.

"Friends with benefits please Alex"

"Zac, Emma, Douglas and Lily you are not only the oldest contestants in my category but you are also the group that has been the longest together. Your Harmonies are perfect every time but you do need to show more energy on the stage and create more of a stage presence but Is that a reason to stop me from bringing you to the life shows... I have made my decision and I would love to take you through and I will help you with your stage presence.

After a very happy and excited Friends with benefits walked off I knew I had to deliver good news to the lucky band I was taking through and the bad news to the one I was sending home, choosing between Wild Hearts and Bad habits was very difficult because of how different they are.

"Demi who would you like me to bring in next" Alex asked once again.

"Surprise me" I said already knowing my choice.

I watched as the next group walked in and sat on the couch across from me this was the last group I had to tell them that they wouldn't be making it to life shows I looked down at my feet then back at there hopeful faces this was going to be harder than I thought.


Your POV:

After waiting a few hours we were called back into a large dressing room where Demi was sat on the couch waiting for us, I felt a hand intwine with mine and looked over at a nervous looking Nina, I squeezed her hand and rubbed my thumb across the back of it.

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