Chapter 11

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AN/: I told you I would update this week 😊 usual pictures of the chapter above.

Your POV:

To say I got no sleep last night was an understatement all I could think about was what Sinu could have noticed, I mean it's not like it stood out that much right.. who am I kidding Camila was wearing hot pink lipstick. As I looked at myself In the mirror all I could stare at was the dark circles under my eyes.

As I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body there was a knock on the door as I opened it I saw Camila biting her lip and looking me up and down I cleared my throat to get her attention, she looked up at me and blushed knowing I caught her blatantly staring.

"It's okay princess it's all yours now" I said with a smirk.

A Camila took a step closer to me and I felt her lips right next to my ear, I shivered at the contact.

"Yes and I can do whatever I want with it" Camila husked into my ear while letting one of her hands brush from my chest down to my hips, Camila bit my ear before walking off.

"I picked you out some clothes there by the door. I like your boxers by the way I love big bananas" Camila yelled from the bedroom.

I was still in shock how could Camila go from being so innocent and cute to a sexy tease with in seconds. I grabbed my clothes off the floor and slowly started to get dressed I laughed at the boxers Camila had picked out they were black and had a monkey with a banana with the words I got a huge banana on them. After putting my underwear on,I pulled on the light blue skinny jeans and a black long sleeved shirt saying too brutal.

As I walked out to the bedroom Camila handed me my white beanie and my white high tops.

"Do you have any socks babe I forgot to pack some" Camila walked to her suitcase and pulled out her banana socks.

"Here I thought you should match" Camila said with a wink.

As it was getting close to the time I had to meet Sinu, Camila wouldn't let go of me "baby come on we have to go" I said kissing the top of her head.

"But I wanna cuddle with you because I won't have you all to myself until late tonight because we are having everyone over"


Camila and I were cuddling under the fort I made, I knew we had a few things to discuss and I also had to tell her about what Lauren had said.

"Cami i need to tell you something" I said as I sat up,Camila sat up and cuddled in to my chest, she didn't answer so I continued.

"Today after the auditions I was trying to get Dinah's attention with out you knowing by throwing little pebbles at her and someone came up behind me and wrapped their arms around my waist and I looked and it was Lauren and well she accused me of having a secret thing with Dinah and when I said I wasn't she kinda asked me to have a secret thing with her"

Camila didn't say anything for a couple of minutes she took a deep breath before saying:

"Do you want to be with her..E-Everyone person I that had shown interest In
me never wanted me they J-Just used me to get to her" I felt my heart break at Camila's words how could people do that to her she was beyond beautiful and her personality and her heart is pure gold, I knew I had to show Camila that she was the one I wanted and I didn't think telling her would have been enough.

"Cami pass me your hand" Camila passed me her hand and I placed it on my chest my heart was beating fast, now kiss me without moving your hand. When Camila closed the gap between us my heart started beating incredibly fast, I felt Camila gasp into the kiss before she pulled away.

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