Chapter 6

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AN/:  Check out Pictures of today above. 😀

Shay's POV:

I woke up around 9ish with Matt's arms wrapped around me, I got up quickly to use the bathroom, after I came out I went down stairs to cook breakfast, I saw my phone on the counter and check it to have a text from Y/n saying she was at fifth harmony's hotel room and she was leaving now.

When I finished cooking breakfast I went upstairs to wake Matt and Y/n up. When I entered my bedroom Matt was already awake I gave him and morning kiss then went to Y/n's room.

I knocked on her door but she didn't answer, I opened the door and she wasn't there, her bed was still neatly made and then I knew she hadn't come home. I grabbed my phone and called her but she didn't answer.

I was starting to get worried I told Matt that Y/n didn't come home and she's not answering her phone, he made a suggestion that Y/n went home with Victoria but I knew she didn't as she said she was with Fifth Harmony.

It was now 11 o'clock and Matt had left for work earlier and I still hadn't herd from Y/n, I remembered that Lauren gave me her number after we talked last night so I called her.

Calling Lauren Jauregui... (Shay's talking is in italic)


"Hey Lauren it's Shay" my Voice was shaky

"Are you okay"

"I don't know.. did Y/n spend the night at your hotel room"

"I-I don't think so hang on I'll ask Ally"

I waited for a couple of minutes before Lauren spoke again.

"No Ally said that she left here around 2.30" I started to cry.

"Shay whats wrong your scaring me"

"Y/n didn't come home last night and now she isn't answering her phone"

"Are you alone"

"Yeah Matt had to go to work"

"Text me your address I'm coming over"

About half an hour later Lauren came over. We tried calling Y/n again but now it was going straight to voice mail.
"I don't know what to do"
I started sobbing into my hands, Lauren came over and embraced me in a hug and started rubbing my back.

The doorbell went off and we all jumped and ran to the door. I was confused to see Y/n's phycologist.

"Dr. Bennett what are you doing here" I asked.

"Is Y/n here" she asked panicking

"No she didn't come home last night"

"Can I come in" she asked worriedly.

We were all sat in the living room again, Lauren looked confused as to who this woman was. We all sat in awkward silence until Dr. Bennett finally breaks it.

"Shay does she know about Y/n"

"N-no they have just met and it's not my place to say" I replied

Dr. Bennett sighed "Before I speak to you about Y/n, would you like to talk in private or would you like me to just be brief"

"J-just be brief" I managed to get out

"Early this morning I received a call from Y/n she sounded disorientated and angry she was rambling something about a text message from Brooke, than she kept saying Riley's name over and over.... Shay I'm beyond worried...has she been taking her medication"
"She said she has been but I-I don't check"

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