oikawa t. | shower talks

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x fem!reader
word count: 2012

y/n was never one to stick to strict schedules, but she did find routines to be important in her day-to-day life. to clarify, whenever someone asked she would always say that she didn't have a calendar marked with specific things to do everyday or week. she knew, however, that there were things she did so often that they became routine like washing her face with a specific soap before bed, walking her younger siblings to school everyday on her way to class, showering right when she gets home from her high school swim club practice, or more recently, making sure to wait after practice on fridays so she could go home with her boyfriend and spend the night either at her house or his depending on whose turn it was.

today was no different. y/n was standing outside of the gym the volleyball team used waiting until their practice ended. it had only been about half an hour since her own swim practice ended and in that time she was able to shower in their locker room to get rid of the chlorine that stuck to her skin after hours in the pool. she also wanted to be able to get straight into bed and cuddle into her boyfriend after he showered, so getting cleaned up at school essentially skipped the need to do it at home. her efforts would soon prove to be useless seeing as right after the volleyball team finished with their practice, rain started pouring out of the dark clouds above. it was clear that no one expected the storm from the way the boys ran home with their jackets over their heads, no umbrellas in sight.

"well that came out of nowhere," she heard her boyfriend's voice call out from behind her. y/n quickly turned around to find oikawa walking towards her with his best friend, iwaizumi hajime, by his side. he didn't take long to wrap one of his arms around her shoulders and plant a kiss on the side of her head which caused a smile to form on both of the teenagers faces.

"we are going to have to run home," iwaizumi nearly shouted over the sound of the rain pounding on the pavement around them.

"yeah," y/n sighed, "this storm doesn't look like it's going anywhere."

with a quick goodbye to his best friend and his best friend's girlfriend, iwaizumi took off in the direction of his house in a poor attempt to get out of the rain. for the next couple of minutes, oikawa and y/n tried to figure out whose house they were going to go to. ultimately they ended up choosing to go to his house because it was a couple of streets closer to the school. as soon as it was decided, oikawa took y/n's hand and pulled her closer to his side with both of their jackets over their heads in an attempt to shield themselves from at least some of the rain.

as previously calculated, they were at oikawa's doorstep—completely drenched from head to toe—within five minutes. the second they walked into the house they started the process of taking all their books out of their school bags and placing them in neat rows on the floor in oikawa's room to allow them to air dry and hopefully save all of their important assignments. while y/n took a hairdryer to try and speed up the process of drying their notebooks, oikawa hopped into the shower in an attempt to avoid a possible cold from being out in a storm. after ten minutes, he was walking out of the bathroom with a warm, dry pair of shorts and one of his volleyball club shirts on. y/n immediately stood up with some clothes oikawa gave her in her arms and made her way to the bathroom before the lights flickered on and off, a sign that the storm would soon cause the power to go out. she looked at her boyfriend in worry before he assured her that she most likely had enough time to get her shower in before the power went out completely. it seemed as though luck was not on her side because the second she began to lather some of oikawa's shampoo into her hair, the lights cut out and it didn't seem like they were going to turn back on anytime soon.

of course, like anyone else would have done if they found themselves in her situation, she panicked. she didn't hesitate to call out to her boyfriend while standing frozen in the shower as if she didn't know how to continue with what she was doing. it didn't take long for the boy to stumble into the bathroom, trying to find his way through the darkness which proved to be difficult despite the fact that it was his house and he knew it like the back of his hand.

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