akaashi k. | yours always

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word count: 1460
notes: a compilation of letters y/n wrote for akaashi keiji.

dear akaashi-san,

i understand that you may not know who i am but that's okay, not a lot of people do anyways. as weird as it sounds, i kinda prefer it that way. if we did know each other personally this revelation might have come as an even bigger shock than it already was. i'm not too sure when it started but it doesn't really matter now, not when i feel the way i do. the truth is, i have a big, fat crush on you. and i'm saying that in the stupidest way possible to show that it's just that, stupid. not because you are a bad person—no, you are far from that—but because it's stupid how hard i have to try to control my feelings when i'm around you. i can't stop the butterflies from fluttering in my stomach when you walk into our classroom. i can barely hide the blush that rises to my cheeks when you take your seat next to mine. i can't help but feel like my heart skips a beat when you speak out during class, regardless if it's answering the teacher's question or if you're asking me what page of the book we're on. and it's all so completely stupid. but i find myself enjoying it either way. i like to tell myself that you deserve it, to be appreciated like this, but i also think that makes me sound like a crazy stalker. i just don't know how to say that you are truly the type of person that others dream of being with. from what i've seen, you are so thoughtful, you care for other people, your overall personality is absolutely amazing, and it's a major bonus how good looking you are. and that's that. i don't know if i'll ever be able to tell you how much i like you to your face, so this letter is going to have to do for now. maybe one day i'll gather enough courage to even give this to you but until then, i guess you will never know how i feel about you.



dear akaashi,

once again, you have left me completely speechless. i went to your game last night and i have to say that the way you held yourself on that court made me admire you in an entirely new light. it was only a practice match but i don't think that mattered much to you guys. word around the school is that our boys volleyball team is one of the top competitors in the country and i have never doubted that. now that i've actually seen you guys play, i think that saying is well deserved. the chemistry you guys have on the court is incredible and it's nice to see that you have each other's backs, even if you guys aren't friends outside of volleyball activities. i also realized how much of an attention grabber bokuto-san is. he just lives for those big and flashy plays doesn't he? but you, akaashi, you had my attention from the moment you guys started warming up to the moment you walked off of the court. watching you give your all for your team gave me a new reason to admire you as a person as well as an athlete. you are so determined to do everything to the best of your ability and knowing that you're there to lift your teammates spirits—mainly bokuto-san—makes me unreasonably proud. needless to say, i think you are an amazing player and i look forward to watching you play in official matches!



dear keiji,

a couple of months ago i thought i would never gather enough courage to start a conversation with you, let alone tell you how i truly feel. but i did and to my surprise you told me you felt the same way. i'm not too sure what possessed me to walk up to you and actually confess. maybe it was the way you had little snowflakes clinging to your hair that made you look even more handsome than always. maybe it was the way you asked me how i was doing when you took your seat next to mine this morning. or maybe it was how you made my stomach flutter when you told me to have a nice day before you left for practice. it was most likely a combination of those and all the other things about you that have me wrapped around your finger, as silly as that sounds. either way, i am so glad i did because if i hadn't, maybe i would have never known you felt the same about me. i mean you even asked me to be yours and the words i'm writing don't give justice to how happy, excited, and content i feel right now. now, i hope that we can grow together and keep learning things about the world right next to you. i am so excited for everything life has in store for us next and can't wait to explore everything that comes with you being my boyfriend!

officially yours,

y/n <3

my dear keiji,

being with you these past couple of years has been a dream come true. there is no way you could ever understand just how much i love you or how thankful i am for your presence in my life. with you, i feel like i'm strong enough to get through any obstacle. with you, there is no doubt in my mind that i'm loved. with you, i feel like i'm home. and with you, i can see my entire future. that is why saying yes to you tonight was the easiest thing i have ever done. for as long as i could remember, the thought of marriage was something that seemed like a distant dream. and for a while it seemed like something that i would never get to experience. after getting to know you, though, and going through our relationship i knew that you were the only person i ever wanted to marry. if it isn't you, i wouldn't want anyone else. but at the end of the day, i'm glad that it's you i get to come home to. i'm glad that it's you who i get to call my husband. but most of all, i'm glad that you chose me to love, to care for, and stand by your side. i love you so much and i cannot wait 'till the day we get married.

yours truly,

y/n <3

my dearest akaashi keiji,

my love, my life, my best friend, and my greatest supporter. i've said it once before but i'm not afraid to say it so much more, there truly are no words to describe how intensely you make me feel. and now that i think about it, even 'intensely' might not be the right word to use in this situation. i just don't know how to say that you make me feel an indescribable amount of love, happiness, excitement, and nearly every other emotion possible. you, akaashi keiji, are the best thing to ever happen to me and i absolutely cannot imagine my life without you anymore. i can only hope that i make you feel at least a quarter of what i feel for you. there are so many moments in our relationship so far that i cherish with my entire being and i wish the rest of our lives will be just as good, if not better, as it is now. but now, i have to make my promise to you.

life isn't easy, it never has been and my first vow to you is to always be there for you. no matter the time, no matter the place, i promise to stay by your side. i will cheer you on at your best and support you at your worst regardless of the situation because you matter to me and i want you to always count on me. i vow to listen and see you for who you are and everything you stand for. i vow to take care of you and provide you a place of comfort when you need it. but most of all, i vow to love you for the rest of all eternity. no person, no place, and not even death will ever be able to put a stop to the love i feel for you. you are my family, my home, and my safe haven and i want to be the same for you. so here's to our future, my love, i'll see you at the end of the aisle!

yours always,

(soon-to-be) akaashi y/n <3

this was a spur of the moment type story and once i got the idea i quite literally ran with it. i think this one only took me about four hours total to write and edit it completely so i'm kinda proud of that. anyways, y'all have a good day!

p.s. there's a specific amount of letters for a certain reason. if you can guess it right, i'll give you a prize ;)

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