seijoh four | to be loved

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x fem!reader
word count: 1440
notes: this is a purely platonic relationship! no specific ships/established relationships.

l/n, y/n was like most girls that attended aoba johsai high school. she liked to keep up with the latest trends. she enjoyed going to cafés to sip on a cup of coffee that she didn't even think tasted good. sometimes she rolled her uniform skirt a little to make it look more flattering. she loved making playlists to match her different moods and sharing them with her friends. most of her time after school is spent doing homework that she found unnecessary and boring. and most of all, she found herself following oikawa tooru wherever he went.

but that was also the thing that made her different from the other girls at aoba johsai. to her, oikawa tooru was nothing but a guy who she grew to be friends with through mutual connections. y/n met him through her childhood friend, matsukawa issei, when he joined the volleyball team their first year. as they grew more comfortable around each other—iwaizumi and hanamaki included—the boys eventually convinced her to join as their team manager. even after nearly three years, the relationship between the five of them never crossed that line into something deeper. they decided it was better that way because in the case that something happened, their group wouldn't be divided.

their relationship, or lack thereof, was especially helpful on one particular day of the year. february had just begun and with it came the preparations for valentine's day at aoba johsai high school. it didn't take a genius to notice that oikawa was the most popular boy in school so he would obviously be receiving more gifts than he needed when he showed up to class on the fourteenth. and with the rest of the "seijoh four" single, they each got their fair share of treats from their admirers too. even y/n went home with her own pile of goodies that she accumulated throughout her day at school. with more gifts than they knew what to do with, the five of them started their own little tradition.

after their first valentine's day, y/n and the boys realized that they treated it more like halloween instead of the traditional holiday of love. their first year selves had gotten caught up in trading chocolates, snacks, and other food before they made their separate ways home for the night. it wasn't until y/n was getting ready for bed that she sent out a message in their group chat saying that they should've spent the afternoon together, sharing their gifts instead of just trading them. matsukawa was the first to agree––mainly because she was his best friend and always wanted to hang out with her––and was quickly followed by the other three. of course, they had to wait until the next year but when the time finally arrived, they went through with their plans and it turned out to be the most fun they'd had.

now, they were in their third year and it was safe to say that they had all been given far more gifts than in years prior. even then, the oikawa's pile of treats was significantly larger than y/n, matsukawa, iwaizumi, and hanamaki's all combined. they didn't care much though because that meant they had more things to snack on while they were watching movies that night. y/n only hoped it was enough to get them through more than one because those boys scarfed down food like it was going to be taken away from them. she even had a small plan in action, hiding some of her favorite snacks in her backpack so they wouldn't take them from her the moment they dumped their things on the floor of oikawa's room.

the day had passed a lot slower than the five of them would've liked and it didn't help that all they could think of was stuffing their faces until they felt sick. school had ended hours ago but they still had to go home and eat their dinner before they were allowed to go out for the night. since it was their last year in high school, oikawa thought it would be a good idea for them to spend the night at his place. it took some convincing but the mere mention of matsukawa to y/n's parents allowed them to feel more comfortable with her spending the night with four boys. they had known him since he was a kid and were confident that he would take care of y/n in the case that something happened during the night.

it was around eight o'clock when the group had finally settled down in oikawa's room and laid the snacks out on the floor. they took forever to pick a movie but ultimately decided to watch a cheesy rom-com that fit the theme of valentine's day. not that the movie they put on mattered, about half way through they turned it off to play games on oikawa's gaming console. y/n was in the middle of a winning streak, laughing as the boys groaned and passed the second controller around in between rounds of some street fighter game they were playing.

"how are you so good at this game?" oikawa whined, rubbing his face roughly with his hands.

"don't ask me, i don't even know how to play. i've just been pressing random buttons this whole time," she grinned without looking in his direction. the current round was almost over and even though she didn't know what she was doing,   y/n wasn't going to lose her streak against hanamaki of all people.

"give me that," matsukawa snatched the controller out of her grasp the second she won the round, "that's not fair. your playing privileges have been revoked."

y/n looked up at him from where her head rested on his lap and let out a dramatic gasp. she didn't care too much though, the game was getting boring anyways. they didn't play much longer after that, it was only thirty minutes until they turned off the console and started to clean up around oikawa's room. eventually the group of five started talking about random things, now in new places around the room. y/n and matsukawa sat on the large beanbag in the corner of the room, with her legs resting across his lap. iwaizumi laid flat on his back in the middle of the room, his hands supporting the back of his head. oikawa sat towards the head of his bed while hanamaki sat further towards the end. up until that point, their conversation topics had been fine but of course, one thing led to another and oikawa was whining yet again about some girl that wouldn't leave him alone.

"but i told her that i wasn't looking for a serious relationship right now!" he tugged at his hair in frustration.

y/n rolled her eyes, "yeah but you keep talking to her with that stupid flirty look. you know that one of the only things those girls care about is how you look at them."

"ugh, i do not! i look at her normally." it was an unconvincing defense seeing as everyone in the room knew how he acted around his many fangirls.

"yes you do. i have to sit there watching you talk to them and i'm pretty sure i've seen you look all flirty at them," she pointed her finger in accusation, "and then you said 'right now' as if she wouldn't take it like she should stick around until you do want to be in a relationship."

oikawa continued to complain but y/n stopped paying him any attention, knowing that he wasn't going to listen to a word she said. they all knew how hard it was to get him to shut up once he started going on for too long. despite it all, she knew that she wouldn't want to spend her time with any other group of people. these boys had become like family to her and even something as simple as spending a friday night in each other's company made her happy. looking around the room at the smiles that spread across everyone's faces, y/n knew she didn't have to go far to find out what it was like to be loved. while none of them ever said it directly, it was clear in their actions that they really did care for one another. they might fight and argue often, but that's what family does and that's what they would keep doing as long as they had each other in their lives.

happy valentine's day! this isn't my best work and i'm not too sure if i actually like it but this concept is important to me. you don't have to be in a relationship to celebrate valentine's day and i wanted to reflect that here. even being around people who love you platonically or in a familial sense is a good way to celebrate.

p.s. i couldn't decide between this one or another one to post but this is the one i finished first. hopefully the next one will be out within the next couple of days! see you next time :)

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