suna r. | sleeping beauty

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x fem!reader
word count: 1472

l/n, y/n never wanted to be home as bad as she did at that moment. there wasn't any one reason in particular, she just didn't think she would be able to stand one more minute of trying to block out the sound of voices echoing through the crowded library floor. she knew that no one was at fault, it was a public space and it would be rude of her to ask the loudly laughing group of friends to quiet down so she could finish her work. as much as she wanted to leave though, she knew that none of her assignments would be completed if she went home. the reason for that being her boyfriend the fact that she wouldn't be able to stay away from as soon as she saw him.

upon realizing that she was caught in a lose-lose situation, y/n decided to just make her way to her apartment and hoped that she would find at least an ounce of strength in her to resist the simple charms of her favorite person. suna rintaro had never been one to do too many crazy or spontaneous things. but that had become of the things y/n grew to love about him after all the years they'd known each other. it was comforting for her to know that despite all of the overwhelming, stressful, and long days either of them had, they would be able to find a peaceful sense of home when they were together. and that's the only way she could think of describing the feeling y/n got when she was with suna. she truly felt like she was at home.

so, knowing suna and what his personality was like, it didn't really come as a major shock to her when she opened the door to their shared apartment and found him sleeping peacefully on their couch. truth be told, y/n knew that volleyball also played a role in his more recent bouts of exhaustion. suna was a member of their university's volleyball team and for the past couple of weeks, they had been extending practices to get ready for the national collegiate tournament that was scheduled to start at the end of the month. with a gentle smile and quiet footsteps, she walked towards him slowly so as to not wake him up. y/n swiftly grabbed a blanket and unfolded it before placing it over his curled up form.

seeing it as a sort of blessing in disguise, she made her way to the kitchen table to set up her notebooks and work on the assignments that needed to be completed. she worked for hours, taking multiple breaks to ease her overworking brain and to check on the man lying motionlessly on the couch. y/n even resorted to watching his chest rise and fall with each breath he took after noticing that he hadn't so much as twitched in the hour and a half she had been home. of course, he was fine. suna was just a really heavy sleeper, and always had been. soon enough her stomach began to growl and the process of making dinner started. usually suna was there to help her with everything but she couldn't bring herself to wake him up for something she could do on her own, so she didn't.

making their meal didn't take long but by the time she finished it was almost seven o'clock and he still wasn't waking up. y/n sighed deeply as she made her way to the sleeping boy to try and wake him up. it took her a while to build up the courage to actually speak but even then, her voice was so quiet she could hardly hear herself. there was just something about the way he laid so comfortably that made her hesitant in being the one to disturb his peace. so she allowed herself to squat down in a position that had her face almost directly in front of his and examined his features for a few moments.

it wasn't long before his body started shifting to lay on his stomach, face still turned towards her, and his face scrunched causing a pout to form on his lips. suna took in a couple of deep breaths while y/n gently placed her hand on his cheek, brushing the hair away from his face and stoking the soft skin on his cheekbone. the moment she saw movement underneath his eyelids, however, she swiftly began to press kisses along the surface of his exposed face. once she reached his pouty lips, y/n let out quiet chuckles at suna's attempts to make the contact last longer.

"good morning, sleeping beauty," she whispered once she knew he had woken up, albeit reluctantly.

he lifted his hand up lazily to push her face away from his and grumbled with a raspy tone, "get out of my face. can't you see that i'm trying to sleep?"

y/n rolled her eyes, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers, "no, you have been sleeping for at least two and a half hours. and that's just how long i've been here, i don't even know what time you got back. right now, you have to get up and eat dinner."

"but i don't want to, i'm tired," he mumbled, tugging y/n's hand to place it back over his cheek. the feeling of her palm bathed him in a sense of warmth that provided a comfort he never wanted to be away from and was close to lulling him back to sleep.

noticing how close he was to falling back into the comfort of sleep, she abruptly stood up and tried to pull him up with her, "no don't go back to sleep. i know you're tired but you have to get up and eat something. c'mon, you can go to bed right after you finish, please."

she had been so close to begging him but suna didn't let it get that far. he knew he had to fill his stomach up and watching y/n try to pull him with her only made him want to get up just that little bit more. with a final tug on his arm, suna stood up and wrapped his arms tightly around his beautiful girl. y/n immediately circled her own arms around his slim waist, burying her face into his firm shoulder. there hadn't been many moments like those within the chaos that was the middle of the semester and volleyball season. because of that, suna and y/n lingered in each other's embrace until a sound similar to that of whale cries echoed throughout the room.

eventually they settled down at the kitchen table to silently eat their dinner, conversation being nonexistent because of how focused each of them were on their meals. they would occasionally look up to make quick eye contact but that was as far as they went in terms of physically acknowledging each other. regardless of that, neither y/n or suna minded seeing as they found comfort in the mere simplicity that was sitting across from one another when they shared something as domestic as a homemade meal.

the second y/n finished the food on her plate, suna didn't hesitate to reach across the table to collect her dirty dishes along with his and walk them to the sink deciding that washing them would be a 'tomorrow problem'. and like she had done with him only about an hour before, he took a gentle hold of her wrist and pulled her to their room. admittedly, bed time was his favorite time of day. it was one of the only moments he could truly relax in the arms of his girlfriend knowing that by that point all of his responsibilities for the day would have either been completed or saved until he had the time to do them the next day. it was when he got the chance to hold the love of his life as they fell asleep to the sound of each other's breathing when neither of them felt like talking.

those little moments in time had really become so important to the couple that they didn't know what they would do if their routine was completely thrown off without warning. and now as y/n watched suna fall right back into sleep with his head against her shoulder, she felt like she was on top of the world. it didn't take her much longer to fall asleep right next to her favorite boy, his warmth was just something that had that kind of effect on her. but before she fell into her own world of dreams, she pressed a sleepy kiss onto suna's forehead and mumbled, "goodnight, my sleeping beauty."

wow, i can't believe i actually did it. i somehow managed to write and upload two stories in one month. normally it wouldn't be too surprising but i just could decide which idea from my list of outlines to bring to life. either way i worked it out and i hope you guys like this one :)

p.s. i feel like i'm getting kinda repetitive, don't you guys think? almost all of my stories end with them sleeping and i wonder if it's getting boring for y'all? i've been trying to get better at coming up with new endings but maybe i'm just projecting what i want to happen irl lol.

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