miya twins | surprises and sleepovers

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x slight fem!reader
word count: 1683

it was extremely obvious that the team was up to something. anyone would have been able to tell by the secret meetings between members, the handing off of money to each other, and discreet glances in passing that they were planning for something coming in the near future. by their suspicious behavior, people might have assumed that whatever they were organizing was going to be trouble but they couldn't have been more wrong. the truth was, the members of the inarizaki boys volleyball club were planning a surprise party. it had been nearing the end of september and with the miya twins birthday landing in the first week of october, the team thought it would be nice to put together a party for them.

clearly, the birthday boys themselves were too engrossed in their own worlds to realize what was going on within their team. credit had to be given where it was due, however, because the rest of the team did an extremely good job at covering their tracks in terms of party information. they claimed that the money they were exchanging was for food, when it was really their share of the party contribution. when they were caught whispering to each other, the excuse always fell back on class assignments. it didn't matter what came up, the team always found a way to keep their temporary secret. of course, y/n played the biggest role in the operation yet.

y/n had been best friends with the twins since the three of them were in diapers. with their mothers being best friends themselves, it was inevitable that the three would form a close bond. all that in mind, it was y/n and kita that thought up the idea of celebrating the boys on their upcoming birthday. when the team agreed to help and attend the party, y/n was given the task of making sure neither atsumu or osamu had a clue as to what was going on. She was also put in charge of getting whatever they needed, talking to their mom and getting her on board, and setting up the decorations. she was pretty much responsible for making sure the small party went off without any major complications. and she liked to think she did a pretty good job because the day had finally arrived and the twins were none the wiser.

after her final class on october fifth, y/n didn't waste any time in making her way off school grounds and to the miya household where mama-miya, as she liked to call her, had left the back door unlocked so she could go in to put up decorations. the coaches had agreed to let her miss the one day of practice, seeing as they had planned a light workout and weren't going to need anything that they couldn't get themselves. there wasn't much in terms of actual decoration, in fact she really only had to put up a couple of streamers, blow up no more than ten balloons, and put up the sign she made that the team signed, coaches included, a few days prior. she finished that in about forty-five minutes and moved on to the harder part, preparing the food. when talking to mama-miya about their plan to throw the boys a surprise party, she quickly brought up her own idea of making the twins some of their favorite meals and snacks instead of ordering in. it was a good idea at the moment, they wouldn't have to spend too much money on ordering enough food to feed all the boys that were coming and the home cooked meals would make it more special. the only problem that quickly arose was actually having to cook enough food to feed everyone.

that was an issue they tackled head on, however, because while y/n waited for mama-miya to get home from work, she made good progress on cutting the necessary vegetables and preparing anything she could beforehand. her efforts proved to be successful too because when they actually did start to cook everything, they did everything way faster than they would have if nothing was ready to toss onto the stove. about ten minutes after y/n and mama-miya finished cooking and setting all the food on the kitchen counter for the boys to help themselves too, y/n got a text message from suna letting her know that they were on their way.

the two women inside the house had barely managed to finish rearranging the living area when they heard the all too familiar shouts getting closer to the door. y/n rushed to get the store bought cake and take her place next to the older woman who was taking a video on her phone. soon enough astumu stumbled into the house, shouting over his shoulder at osamu who was grinning at his actions of shoving his brother through the doorway. their mother rolled her eyes at the typical actions of her boys and y/n had to resist the urge to facepalm.

"happy birthday!" the group cheered once the twins noticed the decorations that were placed in their house. laughter quickly filled the room when everyone saw the blushes that adorned the twins' faces. shaking off their surprise and embarrassment, atsumu and osamu rushed to wrap their mother in a small group hug.

their plan had worked. neither atsumu or osamu were able to find out that their friends were planning something for them and when the party finally did arrive, everyone was pleased with the results. the volleyball boys didn't waste any time digging into the food that was set out for them, not that anyone expected them to wait long to begin with. for the next couple of hours, the miya house was filled with loud voices talking over each other as everyone contributed to different conversations and groans when the twins got into another argument over who deserved the first slice of cake.

by the time eight o'clock rolled around, most of the inarizaki volleyball team decided that it was time for them to head home so the group of teenagers thought it was a good time to help clean up the mess they had made. while some of the boys cleaned up trash found in the living and dining area, y/n and the twins took care of the mess in the kitchen. or, in reality it was y/n and osamu cleaning up while atsumu watched them and ate fruit out of the bowl in his lap. despite all of mama-miya's protests, the teens in attendance took care of all the cleaning and made sure that the house was cleaner than they found it. all that really meant in their eyes was moving the furniture back to its original position and that wasn't even a big deal. once they picked up their belongings and double checked that everything was neat, the boys bid the miya family goodnight and began their walks home. well, all with the exception of two.

y/n and suna stayed behind to spend the night after the twins asked their mom if they could stay and hang out longer. the rest of their night was like any other sleepover they've had. they started by playing video games, mario kart mostly, but that was over after a couple of races when neither of the four could keep calm enough to not shout at every minor inconvenience. after shouting at each other for over ten minutes, they all agreed to stop playing and do something quieter so that mama-miya could sleep peacefully. when no one else thought of something fun to do, y/n suggested they play some card games because they all knew that board games were completely out of the question. the boys agreed but not even fifteen minutes into playing, the games grew boring and they decided to just watch movies for the rest of the night.

settling down on the floor in front of the t.v., the group of friends positioned themselves comfortably and turned on their favorite movie to watch together. it was odd really, and at a glance it would seem like the most awkward pile of bodies. the jumble started with osamu who was sitting on the floor with his back leaning against the couch. y/n laid perpendicular to him on her back, resting her head on his thighs and her knees bent planting her feet on the ground. lately, atsumu had found that he liked laying his head on y/n's stomach and made sure that she played with his hair the entire time they were watching movies. suna, not really being a big fan of people invading his personal space, was the outlier. he made himself comfortable on the couch osamu was leaning on with a blanket wrapped around him like a sort of cocoon. as weird as it seemed, they were comfortable and no one ever complained so they didn't see the need to change anything.

they spent the rest of the night laying in the living room watching countless amounts of movies, only occasionally making quiet conversations and laughing at scenes that popped up. at the end of the day, while they weren't expecting much for their birthday, atsumu and osamu came to their own conclusions that they had really enjoyed the efforts that their friends went through to make their day special. the best part, however, had to be the end when it was just the four of them hanging out like they always did. it was after three movies and halfway through the fourth that the twins' mother peeked into the living room and found all four teenagers fast asleep in their weird little pile. she couldn't stop the smile from creeping onto her face at the sight of them. she also started to think about how happy she was that atsumu and osamu had friends like y/n, suna, and the rest of the volleyball team that cared so much about them.

in honor of the twins birthday i thought i would write something quick for them. this isn't too reader centered but i liked this idea anyway. also sorry for any errors, i didn't really edit it cause i wanted to make sure it got out today! hope you guys enjoyed :)

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