hinata s. | stolen wisdom

675 8 0

x fem!reader
word count: 1287

if there was one thing people had to know about hinata shoyo, it would probably be the fact that he is a very passionate person. he knows what's important to him, the things he has to do to reach his dreams, and won't stop until he's accomplished all of his goals. because of this, though, hinata shoyo wears his heart on his sleeve. it is no secret that he's an openly emotional person, never quite shy or embarrassed enough to conceal what he's feeling. tears were shed without much restraint after a tough loss, his face scrunched tightly when he was irritated, and he never thought twice about expressing his excitement to the people around him. of course, the people closest to him were often exposed to the extremes of said emotions and as his girlfriend, y/n had the opportunity to encounter the sides of him that not many people saw.

in all honesty, y/n thought she had seen nearly everything he had to offer after dating him for close to three years but she would soon come to realize that she was so wrong. they were in their third year of high school and she had been by his side through it all. she was there for his best win and worst loss during their first year. she was there to support his comeback during their second year. and now that they were in their third year, she would be there for what hinata considered the scariest thing he would ever encounter.

as long as he tried to delay the inevitable, the day had finally arrived. hinata had been dreading the day he was scheduled to get his wisdom teeth removed solely based on the fact that y/n told him her face swelled up really bad the day she had her procedure. and despite her and his mother reassuring him that everything would be fine, he still couldn't seem to let go of the anxious feeling that pooled in his stomach. so, he did everything he could to keep his mind off of his upcoming appointment and soon enough the oh so dreaded morning had come and gone.

early saturday morning y/n's phone buzzed with a message from his mom, asking her if she wanted to tag along to pick hinata up from the doctors office. she couldn't hide her own excitement when the hinata family car pulled up in front of her house only fifteen minutes after she agreed to go get her boyfriend. admittedly, she had been looking forward to seeing how hinata would act when he was high on his pain meds and just off of anesthesia. y/n just hoped that he was at least a little entertaining considering the fact that all she did was sleep and eat the limited amount of food she could. had she known it would be more of a struggle to get him out of the office, she would've started recording sooner.

y/n was sitting in the back seat of the family sized car looking in the direction of the building's doors when she saw them walk out with a nurse at their side. hinata must've said something funny because the next thing she knew, she heard their muffled laughter as they got closer to the car. it was at that moment that y/n decided to turn on her camera and point it towards the passenger seat where the teenage boy was now being sat by his mother. as soon as the door was shut, he let his head drop onto the window and a whine escaped his lips.

"mom, where's n/n? she told me she was going to come with you," he grumbled through the gauze in his mouth. when she pointed towards the backseat, hinata turned his upper body to look for her and clumsily climbed across the center console to join his girlfriend despite the protests from his mother. y/n tried to hold in her laughter as she dodged bloody kisses before practically wrestling him into his seatbelt.

she was able to get him to sit still but after five minutes of no sound from him, the silence was starting to be concerning. y/n put her phone down, camera up on the seat between them, placing a hand in his and drawing his attention to her. once he turned her head towards her, she noticed the tears streaming down his cheeks.

"sho, what's wrong?" y/n gasped softly as she lifted her hand to wipe the tears on his face.

"i can't play volleyball anymore," his sobs were muffled and his breath uneven but his words were clear as day. y/n and his mom couldn't hold in the laughs that escaped their mouths but his concern for volleyball was so in character for him that his exclamation was nothing short of comical. it took them the rest of the ride to his house to be able to calm him down and reassure him that as soon as his mouth healed, he would be able to play however much he wanted.

at around twelve o'clock the three of them finally made it to the hinata household after shoyo demanded they stop for a smoothie because he was 'gonna die of hunger' and his mouth hurt too much to eat solid food. to be completely honest, y/n was kind of surprised that he was relatively calm, only acting whiny every couple of minutes but he didn't do much besides that. she was especially surprised when she led him to his room so he could lay down and rest and he listened to her without complaint. at least, that was until y/n started organizing his desk a little and he noticed one of the books that was in her hand.

hinata's loud, sudden gasp broke the silence that surrounded the couple causing y/n to turn towards him quickly. she worried that he might have ripped some of the stitches in his mouth or that one of his gauze pads had fallen out but when she turned around, she noticed that nothing seemed to be different than when he first laid down.

"y/n, call the police! i have a test i need to pass on wednesday and they stole my wisdom," he shouted, struggling to get up in a rush to grab his phone.

she laughed loudly and gently pushed him back down onto his back, "sho, that's not how wisdom teeth work."

"how would you know that's not how they work? you're not a dentist," he retorted sassily, squeezing her cheeks together. she made no attempt to argue back with him and let him continue, hoping that he would come to his senses and realize the absurdity of his statement.

"do you think that maybe i could go back and ask for them?" hinata spoke after he got no response from y/n.

"sure, but what do you plan on doing if you get them back?" she humored him for a second, knowing that he would more than likely say something that didn't make sense.

"well i can put them in a little jar and that way i'll have my wisdom when i take my test."

maybe it was the medication making him say all those stupid things but she also wouldn't put it past him to say it when he was one hundred percent conscious. maybe his wisdom was stolen long before he even realized it. but at least now they would have something funny to talk about when she played back the video for his teammates, even if it was at the expense of hinata's small amount of remaining dignity.

here's something short and quick to get myself back into it! the semester is finally over so i'll be able to put more of my focus into writing over the summer. hope you guys are doing well!

p.s. if you don't follow me, i posted a message saying that i just finished outlining an entire atsumu fic and will be starting the writing process soon. i still haven't decided if i actually want to post it though so let me know if y'all want more details or if you're interested in reading it!

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