miya a. | let you go

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x fem!reader
word count: 2563
song: let you go by joshua bassett
note: you don't have to listen to the song while reading! it's really only there to show y'all where i got the inspo.

the season of graduation was quickly approaching and with it came the influx of bittersweet reflections. those who were getting ready to graduate found themselves conflicted with their own emotions. no matter how hard the third years tried to escape it, the feelings would remain steady and y/n knew first hand what it was like. at the start of her last year in high school, y/n couldn't help but feel excited. she would finally be able to go to the third year dance, lead as captain of the soccer team, and enjoy her last couple of months at home to the best of her ability. while she held no regrets for how she handled her final year, the terrible feeling of dread managed to creep up on her two days before graduation. y/n had experienced what it felt to have to leave the sport she loved nearly her entire life, she said her goodbyes to the teammates she bonded with everyday at practice, and took the memories of all their losses and successes with her. she felt terrible and the knowledge that she would soon have to leave her home to go to university didn't do anything to ease her mind. because deep down y/n knew that everything was about to change, and she wasn't so sure it was going to be a good thing.

sure enough, the next two days passed quickly and y/n was making her way to her high school graduation ceremony. she made it a point to get to the school early so she had time to talk to her friends and meet up with atsumu to take pictures with him before she inevitably started crying and ruined the photos. miya atsumu, her best friend since their diaper days and boyfriend of four years. the one person y/n knew she could never get enough of, who was there for her through thick and thin, and believed in her when she couldn't find it in her to believe in herself. he, along with the rest of his family, had become a major part of her memories and she couldn't think of a time when they weren't together. knowing this, it was no surprise that she shed a few tears when his name was called and he took a hold of his diploma. y/n was so proud of who he became and couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.

two long hours later the ceremony was finally over and despite the cheers from the new graduates, they all experienced a sense of nostalgia as they walked away from the building that held so many memories and the friends that they might never see again. as expected, y/n cried during the ride back home and listened to her parents tell her it was okay to feel upset but emphasized the importance of looking forward. she knew they were right, because now she had the opportunity to chase her dreams and work to become the person she always wanted to be. that night, her parents made her favorite meal as a celebration of her accomplishments and spent the evening talking about her plans within the next couple of weeks. y/n couldn't think of anything but telling them that atsumu was going to be going over to hang out the day after.


"don't blame it on me, it was your idea!" y/n laughed and pushed atsumu away from her.

"okay, it was my fault. but either way, we had the same amount of fun," he looked over her shoulder at the picture she was holding. it was a photo of them at around eight years old, covered head to toe in mud. they, mainly atsumu, thought it would be a good idea to see who could get the furthest down a slippery, muddy hill without falling. obviously, it didn't turn out too well because the second they took the first step, both of them went tumbling down a couple of feet into the creek below. to make matters worse, since they were already dirty they decided to spend the rest of the afternoon playing in the mud. it wasn't until osamu found them and told their mothers that they reluctantly left. oh the trouble they got into that day, neither of them would ever forget how they weren't allowed to play outside unsupervised for the weeks following.

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