miya a. | always been you

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x fem!reader
word count: 2273
notes: this is technically a continuation of 'let you go' but it can be read on its own!

miya atsumu didn't believe in fate. he refused to believe that everything he worked so hard for in his life had been written in stone before he was even born. there was no way this life that suited him so perfectly was always meant to be his, especially not when he walks with the heavy weight of regret always sitting on his shoulders. but despite his reservations, maybe it was fate that gave atsumu's life a greater purpose.

it was mid-january and the sharp winter breeze sliced across the exposed bridge of atsumu's nose. his shoulders tensed, lifting to make contact with the tip of his earlobe in an attempt to conserve his warmth as his eyes danced across the signs above the many shops lined the street. atsumu was in unfamiliar territory despite the street being only a block down from his brothers restaurant and he struggled to reach his destination before the lit up signs shut off. with a quick glance at the map on his phone, he realized the coffee shop three doors down was closer to him than expected.

cafe gianni it was called. the owner was a foreign man who sold the shop to a younger woman before he retired and went back to live in his country with his wife. or at least, that what his teammate said when he suggested atsumu visit the next time he wanted to try a new coffee place. he hadn't wanted to go that day, with the cold weather and unfamiliar location, he would've rather gone some other time but he was out of options when his regular cafe closed for renovations earlier that week. but coffee was coffee and he could only hope it was as good as they said it was.

the chime of a small bell hanging above the door knocked him out of his thoughts and from the back room a feminine voice shouted what atsumu could only assume was their regular greeting. only, he couldn't find his voice to respond. the woman had sounded so familiar, it stopped him dead in his tracks. no, he thought to himself, it can't possibly be her.

"sorry about that, you caught us right as we were closing up–" the woman's voice grew clearer but trailed off as she stepped into the main room and behind the counter.

it was her. y/n. the girl he let go of all those years ago. the girl he thought would be in his life for as long as he lived it. the girl he loved––still loves. his y/n. atsumu imagined he looked as dumbfounded as she did, with his jaw slacked and eyes darting across her figure taking in everything that changed since the last time he saw her.

"atsumu." she was the first to break the silence with the mere whisper of his name. he never thought he would be able to hear it fall from her lips ever again.

"y/n." he smiled as she rounded the counter to pull him into a warm hug. her arms tightened around his shoulders, her hand finding its way to his hair like it was second nature. atsumu was sure that y/n could squeeze the life out of him but he wouldn't mind. she was in his arms again after years of not seeing each other and he would hold on to her for as long as she held on to him.

"i can't believe you're here." she whispered into his shoulder almost as if she thought he would vanish if she spoke any louder.

"where else would i be?" atsumu joked with a poke to her side. he leaned out of the hug slightly to take her face into his hands. there was nothing different about her but at the same time everything had changed. his eyes trailed down the bridge of her nose to the curve of her lips and he swore he could remember what they felt like the last time they kissed at eighteen. he was twenty-three now and he wondered what she had been doing since they lost contact.

a jab to the stomach had him doubling over in fake pain causing the woman across from him to laugh at his discomfort. in that moment, atsumu realized just how much he missed the sound of her laughter. even being in her presence reminded of what he considered some of the best years of his life.

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