Chapter 1

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So first off, Wylan and Jesper have been off trading in foreign countries, Nina has been in the second army (basically KoS ), and Inej went off to catch slavers for 2 years before returning to Kaz. It's roughly eight years later and the Crows are finally getting together. Also during those eight years since the Crooked Kingdom, they haven't been able to contact each other because of their lack of knowledge of where everyone is. (I know Kaz could probably find them but just go with it)

All characters belong to Leigh Bardugo (the legend!) I only own the plot. Art also belongs to all the amazing artists out there!

Inej's POV: 

The sound of clicking glass filled the slat as I made my way towards Kaz's office. Freely walking through the room I once haunted. I had to admit, the slat was home. I nodded my hello to the gang as I slipped behind the counter and up to the doorframe. The door was always open when Kaz was inside. He claimed it was to keep an eye on the Dregs that occupied the bar, but I think it's because he finally Or as safe as a Barrel Boss can be. Without knocking I step in. Lifting a brow at what I find. 

"You would think that with all you need to get done, paperwork would be the last thing on your list," A smirk finding its way to my lips.

"And you'd find that with all I've gotten done, paperwork is all that's left" Kaz replies, barely moving at the sound of my voice or from his place hunched over his stack of paper.

I smile, knowing that I will never be able to sneak upon him. No matter how many times I try. I turn and move towards the window, admiring the view as people bustled down the road. The room lapsing into a comfortable silence as I sit down on the edge. Scanning for any sign of the daily scams and excitement the Barrel has to offer. Lost in my search before a cough pulls my attention back and away from my perch by the window. Kaz has turned his chair away from his desk, facing me, with a playful smirk dancing on his lips. That can't be good.

"What," I say, giving in to his stare. Not willing to play the guessing game.

"As the Wraith, I wouldn't have thought it possible to miss such an obvious detail," his smirk growing into a smile. I immediately look around the room for anything I missed when entering.

"What do you-" Kaz picks up an envelope from his desk. Flipping it to show the seal. 

Wylan's seal! 

I rush over to Kaz and snatch the letter from his gloved hand. Pushing back the already broken seal to find what's inside. Glancing up, I find Kaz had leaned back to watch, no doubt already knowing what the letter said. I slip the paper out and unfold it.

Dear Kaz,

I wasn't sure if Inej was with you, but I have no doubt that you will be able to reach her. I have finally been given time off. And as I miss Inej, and you (believe it or not), greatly I thought it would be nice to visit.

I look back at Kaz. My excitement must have been evident because he was trying not to laugh. kicking him lightly in the foot I returned to the letter.

I was able to track down Wylan and Jesper and together we'll be coming back for a visit. (As they miss you too) I'm not sure how long we'll be staying, but be sure to let Inej know! We'll be arriving in about a week from now, and since I have no idea how long it will take for you to get this, we could already be there. I expect lots of cake and some wine to celebrate our return, and I can't wait to see you guys again. Jesper and Wylan say hi and tell Inej I send my love! We'll see you soon!

Love, Nina

"When did you get this?" I ask breathlessly.

"This morning. And if I'm not mistaken, they'll be here tonight." I fall onto Kaz and hugged him. He'd been able to suppress his fears around me and I could now hug him and hold his hand. Without gloves. I felt his arms snake around my waist.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you already knew," Lair, he just wanted to be the one to tell me. 

I glanced down at my hands while we hugged and stared at the band on my left hand. I had so much to tell Nina. I held Kaz a little tighter. As a result, he held me closer.

"Are you okay?" A small voice comes from the door. I release Kaz and stand back up. Standing in the doorway is our 6-year-old son, Jordie. He may look like Kaz, but he definitely got his stealth from me. 

"Everythings fine, Jordie," Kaz replies softly. "We just got some news." Jordie silently makes his way to Kaz, who lifts him up and onto his lap. 

"Good or bad?" Jordie questions.

"Good," I say as Kaz brushes a lock of Jordie's hair out of his face. "In fact, you're going to meet your aunts and uncles tomorrow." Jordie's face lights up before fading into confusion.

"Who are they?"

"You're going to have to find out tomorrow," I whisper, leaning down to plant a kiss on his forehead. Jordie pouts but doesn't push. I glance at the clock. 

Soon, they'll be here soon. 

Nina's POV: 

The waves crash against the ship as Ketterdam grows in the distance. My heart skips a beat. 

"Do you think Kaz and Inej will be waiting for us?" I say to no one in particular. 

"Kaz? Probably not. Though if he got word to Inej, then she'll probably be the first one to greet us," Jesper replies, approaching the stern. "man, I wonder how much they've changed."

"Hopefully not too much. I think I'd miss them more if they did."

"Of course you would. Changing means they probably will make you provide your own food."

"Oh Shut up!" I say while pushing Jesper into the railing.

"Hey! At least they can be comforted by the fact, you haven't changed a bit!" He said, pushing her back.

"Hey! Try not to push each other overboard!" Wylan shouts as he approaches. "Not even at the docks and I already run the risk of losing one of you!"

"Nina started it!" Jesper gasps.

"Liar," I state turning back to the growing city. The sun was setting fast and the wind was beating against the sails. Honestly, the smart move would have been to go straight to Wylan's estate and sleep. But they all wanted to see Kaz and Inej first. One more hour and then they would be home. 

One more hour was much too long.

First chapter! I'm new to this so please let me know if I made any grammatical mistakes! Also, let me know what you think! This story has been circling in my head for so long and now that Shadow and bone is out, I thought I would finally post it! Updates will be slow as I am approaching the last month of school, but I hope to post a few chapters at once to give you something to read. Enjoy!!


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