Chapter 2

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Again, the Characters and universe go to Leigh Bardugo and art to the artists! I only own the plot!

Jesper's POV:

As the boat docked, Nina bristled with excitement. Which I could understand, I could hardly standstill. Together we bounced up and down while Wylan did one final check to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything. Counting it all, we made our way off the ship and onto the Fifth Harbor. The wind nipping at their fingers as they made their way to the streets. Though before they could do anything, Nina let out a squeal and ran from Wylan and my side. Staring at her destination, a figure came forward, running to meet her. 


A smile found its way to Wylan and my face as we hurried to meet her as well. Both the girls were clutching each other as they embraced. Tears visible on each of their faces.

"I feel offended. Nina gets the first greeting and I'm standing right here," I joke, tears fighting their way to my own eyes as Wylan smacks my arm. Inej slowly and reluctantly releases Nina, wiping her face with a gloved hand. Smiling she makes her way over to us.

"Sorry, Jesper. I missed you too," She gives me a squeeze which I return. I confess, I really missed her. My partner in messing with Kaz. With one more squeeze, we let go and she turns to Wylan. "And you too Wylan. It's so good to have you back."

"Good to see you too, Inej," Wylan replies embracing her in a hug. "How's Kaz?"

"Same as always," Inej smiled, brighter than I remembered, which made me wonder. "He's waiting back at the Slat. You guys ready to go?" 

"Yes!" Nina replied, linking her arm with Inej. "Take me straight to the food!" 

Laughing, Inej began to lead us up the streets towards the Slat. Chattering with us all the way.


We picked up our pace as the Slat came into view, desperate to get out of the wind. Exactly how I remember it. Though it was in much better condition.

"Really got Kaz to fix up the place!" I comment as we approach the door. The full swing of our return hitting me as Inej opens it to let us in.

"While, Inej wouldn't stay unless I did something," comes a voice as they step in and shuck out the cold wind. 

Kaz. In all his glory, leaning on his can as he came out from behind the counter. 

"KAZ!" Nina shouts. Moving in for a hug before remembering and stopping herself, nodding instead. Kaz smiled (which was rare) and nodded back.

"It's good to see you again Nina," he said before turning to the rest of us. "You as well Wylan. And it's good to have you back, Jes." I can't help but smile at the use of my old nickname.

"You too, Dirty Hands," I replied with a smirk and a nod of agreement from Wylan. Earning a smirk from Kaz. Rotty, smiling at the sight of us, grabs our bags and stores them in Kaz's office well we sit down in a booth near a corner. Members of the Dregs move around us, old ones giving us their welcomes and newer members keeping to their business.

"Gosh it's so good to be back," I say while sliding into the booth beside Wylan, followed by Nina taking the outside sit as Inej slides in opposite us, with Kaz close behind. "Though I hope you have stories to tell." 

Inej smiles slightly as a new member slides a few small cakes and cups of coffee across the table. leaving after a nod from Kaz. "We do, but you first."

We?  What did I miss?

For a while, we trade stories about how the trade is going and the pig Wylan befriend for a bit (long story). While Nina filled us in on how the war was going and the missions she had been on. Informing us that Matthias was now resting, which was followed by a sad silence. After a bit, Wylan began talking again about his mom and how she was doing. All while Inej and (oddly enough) Kaz smiled. Nodding along as the stories unfolded. However, Wylan's voice slowly faded out as I noticed Rotty by the counter. Rotty had stopped cleaning a shot glass and was now staring at the top of the stairs, (which couldn't be seen from where they sat) a small smile tugging at his lips. Setting the cup down he approached our table. Causing Wylan to stop and for everyone to turn to him.

"Boss," Was all he said as he pointed to the stairs. My eyes narrowed as I tried to see what he was pointing at. Looking back at the group, I notice that Wylan and Nina were just as confused as I was. While Inej look concerned and Kaz just nodded. What caught me off guard was when Kaz turned to Inej and said,

"I got it."

"You sure?" Inej replied, concern disappearing from her face.

"Yeah," Kaz slides out and made his way over to the stair, looked up, and smiled. Silently he made his way up, leaning heavily on his cane until he disappeared from view. We stayed silent until the sound of Kaz's cane could no longer be heard.

"What's wrong?" Wylan asked. "Is there trouble?" I could see Inej hesitate with her answer.

"No-" She seemed to struggle with finding the words. However, I'd seen that look before. It was the one she made when she didn't want to lie but didn't know how to tell the truth. 

"What is it?" Nina chimed in. I could see everyone was coming up with their own theories.

"I'll explain everything, but I want to wait for Kaz to come back down before I do."

"Explain what?"

"Just wait till Kaz gets back."

Explain what? What was going on? The group fell into tense silences as we waited to hear the sound of Kaz's cane coming back down.

Kaz's POV:

As I came to the foot of the stair and looked up, I could see Jordie standing on the landing waiting for me. Smiling, I made my way up to the second floor.

"Couldn't sleep?" I ask. Jordie nodding his head in response. "Alright, come on." I offer my hand, which he grabs, and together we make our way to the attic. Which is now a three-room floor for the three of us. A room for Inej and me, one for Jordie, and open space for us to sit together.  We approach the door, slightly ajar from when Jordie left, and slip inside. The main room is empty save for a couch and a couple of chairs. Why we couldn't meet here was more because of Jordie than anything else.

"Nightmares?" I ask, slowly leading him to his room. I see him nod before stopping. Preventing me from moving forward. I crouch down in front of him.

"Do you want to sleep in our room?" He nods again.  Standing back up, we walk the few steps to Inej and my room, through the doorframe, and to the single bed in the corner. Silently he crawls under the covers and I tuck him in. I don't bother asking about his nightmare, knowing he'll tell me when he wants to. I brush back his hair and move towards the door. Jordie often stays in our room when he gets scared, prompting me to say,

"Mom and I will be up in a bit, okay?"

"Okay," Jordie whispers. And after a minute, " when can I meet them?"

I don't have to ask who he means. I smile, "tomorrow morning. But first, try and get some sleep. Okay?"

"Okay," His eyes drifting closed. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Jordie."

As quietly as I can, I slip through the rooms and back toward the stairs, pausing for a moment. It still baffles me at moments like this, at how lucky I am to have Inej. And now Jordie. Taking a second to drink at the moment I begin my way downstairs.

Okay, so I know Kaz is supposed to be hardcore, but I think that after Inej and he had Jordie, he softened up to that his son wouldn't grow up to be scared of him or mean like him. If you don't like it sorry, but I ain't changing it! Hope you liked it!


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