Chapter 4

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I own the plot only!!!

Nina's POV:

I'm an aunt.

I'm an aunt!!

My heart was racing as the others around the table began talking. I gave Inej's hand a squeeze. I know I should be upset that I didn't know till now, but, I think being an aunt softened the blow. Bye, a lot! (And the cakes) Kaz had a small smile on his lips as he glanced at Inej, who was beaming, and I couldn't help but feel a ping in my chest for Matthias.

This could have been us...

No, don't think that way. Not here.

"How old?" I asked, hoping to distract myself from the guilt and learn a bit more about this lucky kid.

"He turned six this past summer," Inej replied. (It's turning into winter, btw) The smile on her face growing by the second. I reach for a piece of cake, trying to calm the excitement that turned inside me.

"What's he like?" Wylan asked, beaming at the idea of unclehood. Surprisingly it was Kaz who answered.

"He has Inej's eyes and nose," a beat of silences and then, "And her quiet feet."

"But he looks exactly like you," Inej piped in, bumping her shoulder to Kaz's. Though Kaz looks as if he felt bad. As if because of him, this kid was doomed.

"Hope he doesn't share that haircut," I added, trying to lighten the mood (if it could be lighted any more than it was). Inej laughed and Kaz cracked a smile, meaning I had said the right thing.

"Inej won't let me near his hair," Kaz mumbled, causing Inej to punch him in the shoulder. everyone laughed. Once everyone was able to breathe again, Jesper asked,

"What's his name?"

There was a beat of silence before Kaz smiled.


Jesper froze. I had no idea why, but he froze.

"I think that's a great name!" Wylan added. "Do you think we could meet him tomorrow?"

"Of course!" Inej responded. "He'll love that."

"Perfect!" Wylan glanced at his clock. "Shoot, it's late. As much as I would love to stay, we should go and get some sleep. Big day tomorrow!" I nod in agreement. I was exhausted. I slide out, followed by Jesper, followed by Wylan. Inej and Kaz stood as well. I grabbed Inej in a big hug and squeezed.

"Tomorrow," I stated like a promise, releasing her.

"Tomorrow," she replied.

I nodded goodbye to Kaz who returned it and made my way to the door, followed by Wylan. I look back towards Jesper, who was standing still by our booth.

"I going to hang around a minute," He said with a small smile.

We nodded and headed out. Jesper had known both of them longer, so it made sense. I link arms with Wylan and we head back to his place.

Jesper's POV:

Jordie. Kaz had called me that once. So who was he?

"Kaz- can I ask you something?" Inej seemed to understand and moved towards the stairs. Squeezing Kaz's hand as she went by. We stood in silence until Inej was out of sight. Kaz pointed to our booth, and we sat back down. He seemed to know what I wanted to ask, like always but was waiting for me to start.

"Who is Jordie?" He didn't need me to clarify.

"He was my brother."

My jaw dropped. Never once had I thought Kaz had someone else. Sure he had family, somewhere, but it had always been us as his family. 

"Your- your brother?" 


He didn't say anything else. But with the look he had, I thought it would be okay to ask,

"You called me Jordie once--why?"

"You- remind me of him. The way he was. How he was determined, kind, and- trustworthy."

I felt tears well up. All those years of wondering if he cared about us and here it was. He trusted me. I smiled. That meant more than words could tell. Except-

"You used was. What happened to him?"

Kaz's eyes found the table. As if what had happened was too hard to talk about. I immediately regret asking as Kaz starts picking crumbs off the tabletop.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't-"I start.

"No it's fine, I just never really-" he paused before continuing. "Jordie died when I was nine. a few months after he brought us here." I sucked in a breath, unsure if Kaz would continue or if I should say something to him. I opened my mouth, but he beat me to it.

"He died of the firepoxs. And since we couldn't afford medicine and we were living on the streets, he didn't make it."

"Why were you living on the streets?" I know it was a dumb question, but this was Kaz. Someone who had risen to the top so quickly, that it seemed impossible for him to have ever seen the insides of a box. 

"Jordie wanted to become a businessman," he started, staring off like he was living it again. "He wanted to raise up, so he bought a stock using all our money. One that turned out to be a scam.

"We were thrown out onto the streets by the end of the week. Then he caught it, followed by me."

Kaz had survived firepoxs. (of course, he did) And his brother didn't. I sit in stunned wonder at the story he unfolded before me.

"I made it, obviously. But Jordie didn't," Kaz took a deep breath. "But both Inej and I agreed that without him, none of this would be possible. So we named our son Jordie. To remember."

Silence fell around the room, I knew it was hard for Kaz to remember and re-live this again. I felt bad for asking, and yet glad to know. I decided it was safe to ask one more question.

"You said that Jordie 'brought' you here. Where were you from?" I ask.

"I grew up on a farm in a small village near Lij," He replied. A farm. I started to smile. 

"So- we both come from farms, we both lost everything only to build up again, and we both ended up in Ketterdam," My smile grew a little more, trying to defuse the tension. "Who would have guessed."

Kaz had a small smile on his lips as he shared a knowing glance. I took a deep breath before continuing.

"Thank you for sharing, Kaz. I know it was hard," I stated softly.

"It seems, that the more I share, the easier it is to carry," He whispered.

We both rose from our seats and stood in silence. Kaz offered his hand and we shook.

"See you tomorrow, Jes," He released my hand.

"Till tomorrow, Dirty Hands," I replied. turning and making my way to the door. turning the handle before Kaz called out,

"No mourners."

"No funerals," I couldn't help but smile. I was home.

I stepped outside and into the cold, making my way back to Wylan's.

Hope this chapter was okay! I know my writing sucks, but here you go. I might be updating a little later as the end of school is approaching. I still need ideas for what the gang and Jordie will do, so if you have ideas, please comment them! I don't know what to write. Anyway, hope this chapter is a good one and that you all have a good week! 


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