Chapter 8

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I am soooooo sorry, but my writing sucks! If you guys what to comment or correct me, don't hesitate! I hope you like the chapter and again, I only own the plot.

Inej's POV:

Jordie's arms were full of stuffed animals by the time Jesper had finished the game. No one even came close to his total. I cut a glance at Jordie, his eyes lit up his face as he smiled. Jesper had always been one of his favorite stories and this was like seeing it come true. I patted his hair, flatting some of the areas that had become tossed. Once Jesper put the gun away, we began weaving our way through the crowd. I watched as Jesper cracked jokes, causing Jordie to laugh. I couldn't help but smile. Jordie had been born into a bad spot. Kaz and I knew that. With our reputation, Jordie was a walking target. The Dregs always watched over him, but I couldn't stop the fear that crawled into my throat every time I had to leave him at home. I knew Kaz felt the same way, he was just better at hiding it. Though I never missed how every time Kaz came home, his shoulders would sag in relief that he was safe. Jordie was our everything and we couldn't bear to have him taken away. I pulled back to the present as Jordie pulled my hand in an effort to move along.

"Come on," He began. "Uncle Jes promised we could see the performers!" I smiled at his childhood innocence. Together we came to the tent. 

Performers filled the space, dancing and moving through the air. Much like I had once done. The show lasted about half an hour, then we were back out and on our way home. The sun was beginning to set and we still needed to make supper. Plus Nina still wanted to bake with Jordie and I could tell he was getting really tired. Thankfully Jesper didn't poke at him and I hoped he knew how much Jordie had enjoyed hanging out. Kaz and Wylan, who had disappeared from the moment we had entered, probably to plan another job, were waiting by the gates as we approached. 

"Nina went home," Wylan began as we came into hearing range. "She wanted to get everything ready for Jordie and her." 

I nodded in response as we all started back to the house. Jesper went ahead to match Wylans pace, and Kaz walked beside me, silently slipping his hand into mine. Jordie, noticing that his dad was now walking with then, moved so Kaz could lift him up. He released my hand but only until Jordie was secure in his arm, before grabbing it again. Together we walked in silence. That seemed to be our thing. Silence. 

Wylan's house grew in the distance, Jesper, and Wylan disappearing behind the front gates. Followed shortly by Kaz, Jordie, and I. The second the door opened, a loud shout was heard.

"Finally!" Nina yelled. "I have everything ready!"

Kaz released my hand once more, smiled at me, and disappeared into the kitchen with our son. After a beat of silence, Wylan whispered. Mischief lacing his words.

"You know," he began. "I can't seem to recall the songs you showed me last time we got together."

Jesper grinned back. Turning to me in hopes of joining them before supper. I smiled and followed them to the music room, whisper singing sailor tunes all the while hoping Jordie couldn't hear. Jesper and Wylan joined in, slightly louder than I would have liked. 

Nina's POV:

Kaz and Jordie entered the kitchen, shutting out any background noises while closing the door. The counter was already a mess, thanks to my attempts to prepare. Kaz set Jordie down and wobbled over to where I now stood. I smiled down at Jordie and began.

"So, what do you want to bake?" I ask. I already had a plan in mind, but if he wanted to change that then I would adjust it. Jordie seemed to think for a moment before sending a grin my way.

"Cookies!" He half yelled. I nodded. At least we were on the same page.

I began to pull out the supplies that didn't already litter the countertop. Together we read through the instruction. Jordie handing me the stuff and me mixing it. As we reach the final ingredient, chocolate chips, Jordie hands me half the bag. I know what he wants and if I didn't love him already, that would have won me over. I grinned as I pour the bag into the mix and stir again. Once that was done, we rolled small clumps into balls and placed them onto a pan. Sticking them into the stove. I turned to survey the room. We'd done a pretty good job at keeping the mess to a minimum but only the room. We were covered in flour, dough, and who knows what else. Kaz stood in the corner watching us realize our mistake with a smile on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him. 

He started to giggle, followed by Jordie, and lastly, me. once the laughter had quieted down, Kaz gestured for Jordie to come.

"Come on Jordie," he started. "Let's clean you up before mom sees." I couldn't stop the smile that filled my face as Jordie leaped into Kaz's arms and the left to the washroom. I glanced at the cookies and then made my way to the second washroom upstairs to clean up. 

I was washing flour out of my hair (I know it would probably get think and doughy, but bear with me) When I caught a glance at myself in the mirror. My hands stilled. I was glowing. Or at least, glowing with happiness. I bite back a sign. I hadn't looked or felt this way in a long time.

I thought back to when Matthias and I would hang out and laugh, and my heart began to ache. I stopped myself and smiled again. I shouldn't let this moment slip by. I winked at my reflection, ready to continue cleaning up when I heard a shout coming from downstairs.

"NINA, THE COOKIES!" It was Jesper.

I dropped the towel and bolted for the stairs.

"I'M COMING!" I shout back.

Okay, okay. I know this was shorter than normal, at least to me, and I'm sorry. I can't figure out what I want to write and I'm thinking about writing only one or two more. I hope you enjoyed this chapter non less and that if you have ideas don't hesitate to let me know. You guys are amazing and I hope you have a great week!


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