Chapter 6

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Sorry for the long wait, I've been stuck on what to do with the gang. So this chapter is going to be a soft and sidetracked chapter, sorry! Again I only own the plot!

Wylan's POV:

Jordie was adorable! I couldn't help but smile as we walked through the Barrel, looking for some fun activities to fill the day with. Jordie hung back with Kaz, still holding tightly to his hand. Inej was ahead with Nina, and I walked with Jesper.

"So, what do you want to do today, Jordie?" Jesper commented. I turn to see what Jordie would say, watching as he looked up at his dad. Kaz smiled at him before turning to us.

"Actually, we have to make a quick stop before we do anything," he started. "Tradition." was all he said in regards to our raised brows.

"I thought we got all day?"

"I know. We just have one stop first."

Inej stopped ahead at a hot chocolate booth, turning to us before saying, "Jordie, Kaz, and I have to stop at a place two blocks down then we're free for the day." Inej passed the cart tender a few kruge and grabbed four cups of warm liquid. Kaz reached out and grabbed two of the cups, while Inej took the other two. Deep down I had a feeling they weren't for us. 

We silently made our way down the two blocks. I stopped short, along with Nina and Jesper. There was nothing here. Nothing but a graveyard. Nina looked to Inej.

"What- what are you going to do here?"

"Just saying hello to an old friend," was all she said back. Kaz had gone silent, passing Jordie a cup of hot chocolate as they made their way inside. Inej smiled at us and whispered, 

"We'll be right out."

Slowly she followed Kaz and Jordie inside. We stood silently, watching them navigate their way to the back, disappearing behind the massive tombstones and out of sight.

"Who do think they could be visiting?" I whisper, scared of them hearing me.

"I-," understanding donned Jesper's face. I glanced back at where they had gone.

"Jesper," I started. "Jes, who are they seeing?"

"A friend," was all he said.


"Look, it's not my place to tell." Nina was now glancing back and forth between the tombs and Jesper. Concern shadowing her face.

"I hope they're okay."

I starred out at the stones, hoping they would reappear soon.

Inej's POV:

I followed Kaz and Jordie through the maze of tombs. Moving until we'd made it all the way to the back. Where Jordie now stood in front of a small stone, a name scratched into the surface.

Jordie Rietveld

Jordie's namesake. Kaz's brother.

 Kaz had bought a small stone once we got our four million kruge each. He first brought me here when I had come back, bring a cup of hot chocolate. Now we do it once every year. On his brother's birthday. Our son Jordie sat down in front, as Kaz placed a cup of the steaming drink down by the stone edge. I come up beside him and place my hand in his. Kaz squeezes it.

"Hi, uncle Jordie!" Jordie starts. "I got to meet my uncles and aunt today. They're the people from the stories I told you!"

Kaz's grip tightens on my hand. Each time we come, it seems to become harder. Jordie always talks and we stand in to back, listening. 

"Mom and Dad beat up someone yesterday," I smile at his excitement. "The guy was hurting people, and they hit him, just like heroes do! I bet you would have been a hero too. I want to be one." He begins to whisper softly, to keep Kaz and me from hearing. "Dad misses you. A lot. I wish you could come back, or- or help him to smile more." I glanced at Kaz and I could tell he was doing everything to keep from breaking down in front of us.

Jordie glanced back at us, Kaz smiled a tight-lipped smile. He turned away and took a sip of his drink and continued to chatter away. I rubbed a circle with my thumb on the back of Kaz's hand. Kaz had told me all about Jordie, and what had happened. I knew Kaz held in so much and even acknowledging this was a  big step from him. I released his hand and slide a hand around his waist. His arm wrapped around my shoulders. 

We stayed there until our hot chocolate was cold. Silently, as if knowing it was time, Jordie stood up and grabbed Kaz's free hand. I was about to turn and move back to where our family waited when I was caught off guard.

"I'm sorry."

Kaz stood with his eyes locked onto the small stone. A tear tracing its way down his cheek. He had never spoken before when we were here. I slowly wrapped Kaz in a hug. Our son squeezing in and hugging his legs.

"I'm so sorry," Kaz squeezed back. Together we stepped back and together we made our way out, leaving our cold cups behind. Kaz held Jordie's hand, not quite ready to let go. Kaz wiped his face to hide any evidence of what had happened.

Our friends grew in the distance as we rounded the corner. Questions littered their faces but none were answered. I smiled, hoping to reassure them. They seemed hesitant to continue with the plan but I knew we would be okay. We always were.

Nina glanced between us, "are you sure you guys want to continue?" 

I wished she hadn't asked. Jordie seemed to understand what was going on and smiled, "Yes!"

Nina smiled, trying to hide her uncertainty.

"Than what are we waiting for?" 

We began to walk down the block, coming back to where we started. Uncertain about where we were heading. Thankfully Wylan spoke up.

"How about we go back to my place?" A whisper of agreement moved through the group.

"Then we can have lunch and find out where to go from there. Does that work?"

It was still early but Wylans manor was across the city, which was far enough for us to make it there by lunch and for the events from this morning to settle down.

"That sounds perfect," I replied and we were on our way.

Sorry for the shorter chapter! I still have no idea what to write for the gang or when to end it, so if you guys have any ideas, let me know!! I also know my writing sucks, sorry. Thank you guys for 100 reads, it made my day! I'm going to try any update once a week, so stay tuned and I hope you have a great week!!!


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