Chapter 1: The Attempt

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!!TRIGGER WARNING!! There is attempted suicide!

I didn't want to live anymore. I wanted all the pain, hurt, and struggling to end. My parents were so focused on trying to keep me from killing myself that they never stopped to get to know me, they only tried to do that all the other times they stopped me from ending my miserable life to know why I was doing it, Then after that, they kept their eyes on me all the time, making sure my friends and teachers looked after me at school and that my younger sister, Bella, kept tabs on me when I was upstairs. I was barely allowed any privacy! Heck, I had to share a room with Bella and I'm fifteen! I hated going through life like that, and as I raised the knife to my chest, everything and everyone I loved didn't matter because I wouldn't have to worry about them in the afterlife.

        Suddenly,  the bathroom door flew open and my dad came barreling through.

"Amelia Elizabeth Waters, STOP!!!" he shouted.

"I thought I locked that door!" I exclaim, turning to him and lowering the blade.

"I learned how to pick locks just for occasions like this," he gestured towards me and the weapon I held.

"Please, Amelia, what is it this time? You do know that you can tell me anything? You can trust me."

I roll my eyes at him, "That's what you say every time and you and Mom actually sound like you care. But after the problem is solved, you guys keep stalking me like two girls that have extreme crushes on a hot guy. I never have time to myself! You even insist on going through my phone at the end of every day! I'm fifteen and I should have my own room by now!"

My dad's face softens from fear and worry to caring and understanding. "I-I'm sorry, Mia. It's just that your mother and I have been so worried about you taking your life and we tried to keep problems that lead to it at bay, but we never considered that we'd be part of the problem."

I let him embrace me and pry the knife from my fingers. Maybe this time things will be different, I could be more satisfied with my life. But I'll have to be careful if I'm wrong.

        "Let's go discuss this with your mother," he says, and we descend down the stairs to the living room, where Mom is sitting on the couch reading.

She looks up from her book to us, then at the knife in my father's hand. Then at me. Then back at Dad. Her face is painted with concern and she sets her book down on the coffee table.

"Did she--"

"Yes," Dad cuts her off.

She then rises and approaches me, "Amelia, what HAVE we told you about this?"

"Alianna," Dad says with a warning in his tone as if he were contradicting my little sister.

My mom looks at him with confusion and he motions for her to follow him into the kitchen. I saunter over to the couch and study the book Mom was reading: "How to Be a Good Parent." Heh, she must think she sucks at parenting. After a few minutes, my parents join me and we talk about the situation for a while and then we come to an agreement. Mom and Dad will allow me some privacy if I agree to take counseling and get a therapist.

"Well, now that that's out of our hair, Mia, could you tell me who are these 'Marcos and Martinez' you are always talking about, and what's your obsession with them?" Mom asks me.

I break into a wide grin, "I'm glad you asked me. And it's Marcus and Martinus, Mom."


Jesus Christ, Amelia's parents are stupid! Well, I guess I'm to blame since I have never been a parent and I don't know much about parenting. Feel free to criticize and correct my grammar, guys, I'm not an expert, but I'm sure it's very laughable. Also what was 14-year-old me thinking when I wrote Amelia almost about to stab herself in the heart with a knife? I have never attempted suicide before, but I hear that most teens that have attempted it took pills or slit their wrists or something like that. I just thought it was a little weird that I wrote it like that but anyway, suicide is no joke and none of you should attempt it because life is beautiful and worth living, it's not perfect, but it's not Hell all the time either❤️

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