Chapter 12: Mia's POV

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I am so grateful to Whitney for standing up for me, she's a good person and I can tell that we're going to be amazing friends.

After school, I show her the tree where Mark, Martin, and I meet every day when school ends.

"So, how do you guys think you did on the test?" I ask my friends.

"I think I did alright," Martin anticipates.

"Pretty decent, I guess," Mark says, shaking his hand in the so-so motion.

"I'm positive I got 100%," Whitney informs.

I suddenly look at her.

"What? I always get good grades! Literally, all I do the whole week is study and nothing else. I only allow myself some me time on the weekends, so every Friday I get my homework done so I can relax for the next two days."

My mouth falls open in shock. I am so shooketh! "Are you kidding me? I cannot survive five minutes of a day without watching Marcus & Martinus's music videos. Except here, 'cause phones aren't allowed, but still!"

        "Yeah, it's like every day I just have to post at least one picture on Instagram and I just can't go a day without my phone at all," Martin adds.

"Oh, heck, yeah! There's no way I could even forget to use my phone for a day. It's my life!" Mark exclaims.

"Yes, yes, I know the addictions to phones these days, but I discipline myself so that I've just gotten into a routine of studying for seven days and relaxing for just two days,"

I just can't believe this girl! If I went through a routine like hers, I'd totally just die the first day I tried it.

"Oh, Whit, what's your number, by the way?" I ask, attempting to give her a good nickname.

        "Oh, right. Of course, you guys would need my number in order to keep in touch with me, but let me just tell you this: I only use my phone on the weekends and during the holiday breaks. On weekdays, I keep it locked up in a vault at home and try to forget about it because it just gets REALLY addicting and distracting! But here you guys go anyway." She takes a notebook out of her bag, writes on a piece of paper, rips it up, then hands out the three pieces, one for each of us.

"Thanks, girl," I wink at her and then pull out my phone to put her in my contacts as "Whitney GURL".

Martin and Mark thank her, too, and then she gets into her car after it pulls up and drives away. I wave to her until I can't see her anymore.

        "Sooooo, how did you and Whitney get together?" Martin asks me and I turn to him.

"Huh? Oh, um......see, this girl, Danielle, was bullying me during class and Whitney made her back off and we just started talking from there. It was really nice and brave of her to stick up for me." I smile widely at the memory.

Mark frowns, "Oh, yeah, I remember in first period I saw a girl talking to you. She sounded terrible. I heard her say Martin's name but that's it. What was Danielle bothering you about?"

My smile goes away and I look down at my shoes.

"Mia? Could you please tell us?" Martin asks sincerely.

I look straight at the two of them, "You know when I hugged you in first period, Martin?" I thought his cheeks went a bit red but that must've been a trick of the light.


I sigh. "W-w-well, sh-she--" I flashback to what she said earlier.


I snap out of my thoughts when I hear them call me. "First, she asked me, 'Are you dating that guy that you just hugged?' and I said, 'No, we're just friends' and she replied with, 'Mmm, surrrrrrreee. That's what they ALL say'. And at that point, she was getting annoying so I rolled my eyes and said, 'Oh, please, we are not freaking dating, OK?' and the next thing she said really got to me."

"W-what was it that she said?" Martin asked carefully.

I purse my lips, tucking them into my mouth. "She said, 'Fine, but if you guys did date, you would be labeled as the Loser Couple because he and his brother look totally stupid walking around covering up their faces like that and you are the failure that no one wants to be freaking friends with.'"

I can feel the tears coming and I try to make them stay in my eyes, but I'm so emotional that I break down and start crying.

        "Oh, Mia," Martin consoles.

He and his brother wrap me in a coat of arms and we slowly slide down to the ground and sit against the tree while I sob into their shoulders. I could feel that Martin's body was very, very warm.

"The part where she said Martin and I would be called the Loser Couple if we dated hurt me the most because--"

Martin smiles at me. "What, you think we could be a couple fit for a title better than the Loser Couple?"

"W-w-what??!! Uumm, n-n-n-no!! I mean yes!!! I mean, it's not like I would want to be with you b-but it's not like I wouldn't want to be with you! Aaaagghhh!!" I ramble on, flustered and very embarrassed.

Mark and Martin laugh, "Mia, you're so funny when you're nervous like this!" Mark comments.

I continue to blush and I feel so hot right now!

"Mia, you're so funny when you're nervous like this!" Martin says with a giggle. I smile and look away 'cause I know I look redder than a tomato.

        "But, you know what I mean, r-right, Martin?" I feel a hand lift my head up and then I find myself looking up at him.

"Yes," he says, blushing.

Awww! That looks so cute!

"A-are you gonna be ok, Mia?" Mark interrupts us.

I look over at him and grin, "Yeah, Mark, I'll be just fine."

I hug both of them one by one and we just sit there by the tree talking and laughing until our parents come to pick us up and we say goodbye until tomorrow.

Oh, Mark and Martin are just the best friends ever😁! I can always count on them to be there for me, listen to me, and make me feel better. They're even good for me health-wise. I haven't had suicidal thoughts ever since I became friends with them and it's just so amazing! I love them so much☺️.


- Whitney really is a whole ass robot💀


- "miA, yOu'Re sO fUnNy WhEn yOu'Re nErVoUs lIkE tHiS" The word you're looking for is "flustered" GODDAMMIT! Jesus that scene was so annoying bc 14 y/o me didn't know that the word "flustered" existed💀

- I just realized that I never had Mia explain why exactly Danielle calling her and Martinus the Loser Couple hurt her the most jeez, I was so inconsistent and got distracted by my own writing.

- I think what I meant by the line "They're even good for me health-wise" was that Marcus & Martinus were good friends for Mia, the opposite of toxic, they all have a very mentally healthy friendship. I think I just worded it very weirdly lol.

I found out while editing this that this chapter was actually pretty short. Hope you enjoyed it.

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