Chapter 5: The Song

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Martinus's POV

This morning, I set my alarm an hour earlier than usual at five am instead of six. I put on a white t-shirt, ripped jeans, and, of course, my hoodie. I comb my hair that turned unruly overnight, brush my teeth and head downstairs to eat breakfast, taking the song I wrote with me. I take whatever I find in the fridge and scarf it down, then I pack myself a lunch.

"Tinus, why are you up so eeeaaarrrrrrrlllllyyyyyy???" I hear Marcus moan as he stumbles into the kitchen.

His hair is a wreck and he is wearing the same clothes from yesterday and his face has that tired expression that everyone but me has in the morning.

"Because, Mac, you have to wake up early for school so that we don't miss the bus!" he groans painfully and flops into a seat at the table. "Oh, I also came up with a song for our "Moments" album that the fans would really like," I tell him, sliding the piece of paper over to him. He picks it up and reads it carefully, then looks up at me and smiles sleepily.

"Martinus, this is great! I'm sure our manager, as well as our fans, will love this!"

I smirk, "Well, I have written practically all of our songs since 2012 so I'm pretty much a natural,"


He grabs ahold of me, pulling us both to the floor in a heap, tackling me.

"Boys, you really need to stop getting so distracted, you're going to miss the bus," our mom says sternly but she smiles because she can't stay mad at us forever when we look up at her, grinning.

We get up off the floor and Marcus goes up to his room to get dressed and I just sit down on the couch with my phone 'cause I'm ready for school.

"Honestly, Martinus, you and your brother wrestle each other every day after every ten minutes! I can't believe I didn't experience a lot of physical pain during the time I was pregnant with you two. You need to control yourselves because one day it might get you in trouble,"

I give her a look, "C'mon, Mum, we'll be fine. We do it all the time and I'm sure it won't get us into trouble!"

She sighs and shakes her head. "Oh, what am I going to do with you boys? I swear someday you'll be the death of me." she chuckles.

Marcus comes downstairs wearing navy blue sweatpants, black Nikes, and a white hoodie. He eats a grilled cheese and some orange juice, Mom packs his lunch and then ushers us both outside where the bus is waiting.

"You know, now that you guys have fake names, I'm going to have to give you some fake nicknames," Mum ponders.

"Mum, please don't! Tinus and I will DIE of embarrassment, literally!!!" Marcus pleads.

But the eager look in our loving mother's eyes tells us that she's cooked up something worse than "Ti-ti" and "Maci."

She turns to me, "'Martin' will be my 'Marty',"

I slap my face hard and pull my hood tighter over my head.

"And 'Mark' will be my 'Markie'!!😁"

When those words reached my ears, I burst out laughing. "Markie"?! Seriously? That has got to be the worst nickname in history! 😂😂😂😂😂I knew I should've felt bad for Marcus like I always do with Mum's nicknames but I just couldn't help it!

"Oh-ho, 'Markie'! That's a good one!" I gasp, hoisting my elbow on Marcus's shoulder.

He looks at me annoyed and rolls his eyes. "C'mon, 'Marty', let's go," he says through gritted teeth and drags me towards the bus as it pulls up. I laugh the whole way, repeating Mum's new nickname for him because I can't get over it!

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