Chapter 5

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After that, Amberkit nearly completely shut out Ashenfoot.  She slept outside by herself instead of in the nursery, and got to know all about the camp and as well got to meet the clan in person. Though, Silverkit still stayed in the nursery with Darkenedkit, obeying her mothers orders.

"Hey, psst, Silverkit?" Amberkit peeked her head in the nursery.

Silverkit perked up, flicking her ears. "What is it?"

"Can you come outside, please? Just this once? I don't want to be stuck with the mouse-brained apprentices! They're boring," She scoffed.

"You know I don't want to risk getting in trouble again," Silverkit replied.

"Oh come on, please?" Amberkit pouted.

"No thanks, I'll pass," Silverkit let out a small, silent sigh.

Amberkit growled lowly before stalking away.

"Don't let her bother you, she doesn't even know what she's doing," Darkenedkit sat beside Silverkit, flicking his tail while holding his messed up leg to the side.

"She won't even talk to mother now, and mother hates to just look at her and exchange glances.." Silverkit muttered.

"Well, she's still got dad," He said pridefully.

"That's the thing, mother said something about how kits are treated in the clan," She kicked the ground boredly.

"She was probably just trying to scare Amberkit, don't worry about it," Darkenedkit mreowed before walking deeper into the den and laying down, yet nearly tripped because of his leg.

She didn't looked scared to me.

"I heard a few ordeals went down a day or two ago?" A familiar elderly she-cat stalked in, the stinging scent of herbs strapped to her pelt. 

Silverkit nodded, though Darkenedkit wasn't listening.

"Well, come a few days all of you will be allowed outside the nursery, yet, you will still reside here," Yellowfang purred, though her voice was cracked like always.

Darkenedkit lashed his tail, now listening at the words she had spoken at the end of her statement. "Whoa, really? "

"Yes, really," She replied.

"Does Ashenfoot know of it?" Silverkit asked in curiousity.

Yellowfang shook her head in protest. "No, but I'm assuming she's got the commen sense to know that you are old enough, as all other mothers do," She grumbled.

"Yea, um about that.. mom's not to happy and she doesn't trust us going outside.  She especially wants us away from my sister because she doesn't want her influencing us," Silverkit flicked her tail tip. "I know it's crazy, but we don't question her when she's mad."

"That's a bit strange," Yellowfang exclaimed. "Ah well, I shouldn't question a mother's wants." She then got up and stalked away.

"I hope this doesn't make Yellowfang get included," Darkenedkit proclaimed after she was clear out of sight.

Silverkit nodded slowly. "Me neither, she's already got enough on her paws." 

A few more days passed, and to Darkenedkit and Silverkit's suprise, she allowed them to go outside. On one condition. 

Neither of them, was allowed to play with their eldest sister until she said so. To the two siblings, Ashenfoot's words were law. The way she had fought against Amberkit and Brokenstar scared them enough to keep them at the border of obedience.

It was all new to Darkenedkit, but only he was curious about the new surroundings, where Silverkit didn't have the feeling as she had had before. It was all familiar sights to her, yet inside she had this sick feeling inside her mother only gave them permission so no one would fight about it anymore.

She rarely saw Amberkit, but when she did she was with Brokenstar discussing things with the other high ranking clan cats. Those in fact included Blackfoot, Clawface, and some others, Silverkit knew deep down they were all fond of her sister, and wished she could be like that with clan cats she knew. But she only knew those whom weren't the most interesting to her. 

For now, she spent her time alone.

When she wasn't alone, she was helping Darkenedkit get used to his leg or hanging out with him. It got boring to her at times, but if was the only thing that got her occupied now that her moss buddy was gone.

Yet, it seemed as if the world opened out to her on a specific sundown. Her mother had suggested helping out a certain someone, in which she thought would be boring.

"Hey, um, Yellowfang?" Silverkit poked her head in the medicine cat den. "Since Runningnose is out collecting herbs, can I help out with his duties?"

Yellowfang was plucking leaves off her pelt, spitting out the grey fur from her mouth. "Sure, why not? You can help see to Brightflower. You know her, right? She moved into the nursery a few sunrises ago because she is now a queen."

Silverkit nodded, siting somewhat near her.

"You can help me with getting her wet moss for drinking water, that seem easy enough?" 

"Yes, mam!" She replied happily. "Thank you!" She meowed before heading out, pretending to be excited.

Though, she rammed right into someone, yet caught her balance.

"You're going to become a medicine cat?"

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