Chapter 4

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Natasha p.v.o

I ran my fingers through Newts dirty blond hair than I moved his ribs and traced them gently. He shivered a little and I noticed how he'd given me all the blankets. I draped them over him and kissed his check. My nightmare last night were a good thing but also awful. I felt closer to Newt but I also didn't want to lose him. I was going to be a runner, because I wanted to be with him the whole day. I looked at his watch and gently shookhim.

"Newt? Newt, newt baby? You gotta wake up the doors open soon. You gotta go run." I whispered. Newt groaned and shook his head.

"I wanna be with you though." He groaned.

"Okay than you leave me with no choice." I climbed out of bed.

"Nat what are you....Natasha!" He yelled as I pulled his feet out bed. His head hit the floor and I burst into laughter."Nat!" He pinned me to the floor and began to tickle me.

"Newt! Ne....Newt! Newt stop it!" I yelled."hellllllp!" I screamed. In about two seconds all the boys where in the room with knives.

"Nat what's....." Gally stopped when he saw me laughing and Newt tickling me. He shook his head and came over. Minho smiled evilly and jumped in and began to tickle me. Before I knew it all the boys had joined in. When I couldn't breath they all stopped and I looked up at them.

"You all are klunck heads!" I shouted. They all burst into a fit of laughter. That's exactly what I needed. I took off running dashing towards the doors. I went to the left wall and began to climb the ivy. I sat on a little edge about eight feet above ground. I pulled the ivy up and saw the boys running toward me. They all where below me now.

"Natty come down!" Gally yelled.

"Okay, catch." I yelled as I fell backwards toward them. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact of the catching me. About a second later I felt two strong arms catch me.

Gally had me in his arms.

"You could have died!" He yelled at me.

"Yes but I didn't." I smiled and flicked his nose.

"You remember?!" Gally said shocked.

"Of course klunck face! How could I forget my brother!?" Gally hugged me close to him. I than went to Newt and hugged him.

"You gave me a heart attack you slint head!" Newt squeezed me tight to him.

"Sorry babe." I kissed his check. Alby looked at me sternly than smiled.

"Really Nat?" Ably looked at me."that was Gally you just put your life into the hands of!"

"Do you know who Gally is?" I sassed.

"A slint head." Ably replied.

"Hey!" Gally spoke.

"No,...well yes he's that to but he is my brother. And Newty here is my handsome boyfriend." I replied. Ably's jaw dropped so did Clint, Jeff, Frypan, and Zarts. They stared at us.

"How is it possible for Gally and you to all be related?" Frypan asked. I shrugged and laughed.

"Gally can be like a ranging hulk and a slint head, and your just plain beautiful!" Clint said. Newt put his arm around me.

"She's my girlfriend back off!" Newt growled.

"Whoa Newt! I wasn't..." I cut Clint off.

"Sorry Clint I guess Newts the jealous type." I snickered and kissed Newt. He smiled and kissed me back."okay well let's get to work I want to see what job fits me." The boys all laughed and Alby said I would start off with Gally trying out the builders.

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