Chapter 5

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Gallys p.v.o

Natty and I headed over to the homestead where I was working on building another room for the next greenbean. Natty was strong had to admit but the building didn't really seem to be her thing. She did keep me company though. She talked the whole time.

"What do you think it was like before we came? I mean our family. What do you think mom and dad where like?" She asked. I smiled I liked having a little sister.

"I think that since all three of us are pretty strong they where to and I think they must have had like blondish hair, probably like mom or something, and one of them must have looked smaller and I don't know. Me and you look pretty alike but also pretty diffrent and all that klunck." I answered.

"Well I think mom must have been very beautiful." She laughed and tied off another rope."what'd a say we take a break and eat something." I nodded and we headed to lunch where Fry had made some type of salad and pasta. Natty and I sat across from Clint and Jeff at a table who seemed to be enjoying there food.

"So how's the building job going Nat?" Jeff asked.

"I like hanging out with Gally and all but I don't think it's the right fit for me." She said taking a bite into her salad. Jeff nodded.

"What do you want to be?" Clint asked.

"I'm thinking maybe like.....maybe..." Nat seemed to be thinking hard."Either a runner or a medjack." She answered. Clint shrugged.

"I haven't seen you run but from the way your legs look I think you'd be a good runner as for medjack love to get some more help. Gally and the runners are always coming back with new bruises and cuts." Clint told her. She laughed and looked at me.

"I bet you all will get along better with me around huh?" She smiled.

"Well see." I laughed.

One month later

Natasha's p.v.o

I couldn't believe it'd been a whole shucking month! Time flew bye! I was a half time medjack half time runner. It was nice newt and I had grown close and more in love. I had gotten a great sibling relationship with Gally. And everyone seemed to like Gally more. And a great best friend Minho. I loved this place even if it felt like hell sometimes, it felt like home. And today was the day the new greenie was supposed to come up. It was about eight in the morning when an alarm went off. I jumped out off bed but Newt hugged me and told me it was just the greenie alarm and that it was completely normal. We went down to the box and waited for what seemed like forever! Even though it was only like thirty minuets. Alby and Newt opened the doors and I jumped in. Newt and Minho came to and started lifting stuff up. I saw a movement in the corner and walked over. A boy with brown hair and sea green eyes looked at me. I stuck out my hand."Names Natasha, greenie." He shook my hand.

"I can't..." I cut him off.

"Remembered anything, it's normal your name'll come to you in about..." This time I was cut off.

"Names Alex." He answered.

I nodded,"nice to meet you Alex." He smiled at me but it didn't seem like a friendly smile more of a flirty smile. Than he saw Newt , I saw a look of hatred cross his face. I climbed up the rope out of the box and Alex followed. The boys started to take him to the homestead but I held Ably back."ably, he looked at Newt like he knew him and not in a good way, I think we should look out for him." I whispered, Ably nodded and walked away. Than Newt came over to me.

"I'm gonna give the tour tomorrow will you be okay without me?" Newt asked.

"I'll be fine you just be careful this guy gives me an uneasy feeling." I told him. He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"I will don't worry." Newt smiled and walked over to Ably. They talked and Newt nodded than he beckoned for the new kid and Ably walked over to me.

"I'm having Newt give him the tour now so I can watch over Alex and make sure he doesn't hurt your boyfriend. Your right Nat that guy does make me feel a little uneasy. I'm going to have him locked up in the slammer tonight tell we can trust him." I nodded and thanked him than walked it my room.I was washing one of Gallys cuts, a few hours after lunch, he'd gotten when a knife had slipped and cut his knee when I heard a familiar scream. Gally and I ran out of the homestead with Clint and Jeff on our tails. Frypan joined us. I saw saw Ably and Zart kneeling next to someone on the ground and Minho running after a laughing Alex. When I got closer I saw the body was Newts. His shirt was lifted up and there was a giant swollen spot on his abdomen. Newt kept coughing up blood and gagging. I ran over and tried to help. Newt groaned and whimpered in protest as Clint and Jeff brought him back to the homestead. Frypan went to get some wet rags, Zart went off to the basement to find pain relief and Ably and Gally went to go help Minho. I ran into the homestead and told Clint and Jeff I would take care of Newt. I walked into the room were Newt was. He was breathing uneasily and seemed to be having a mini panic attack. I took his hand and made circles on his knuckles ,handed him some water and a pain relief, than I lifted his shirt.

"Will you be okay if rub it a little?" I asked him. He nodded and I placed my thumb on his stomach and rubbed it lightly. He winced and I kissed his head. I than took a wet rag and used the warm water to sooth the swollen spot. He relaxed a little but was still stiff with pain. I stuck my hand in the warm water and rubbed his swollen spot again. This time it seemed to hurt him less."what happened?" I asked him.

"I...I'm not sure I was showing him the deadheads and than he shoved me to the ground and kept kicking me in the stomach." He answered his breath seeming to come back to him. I nodded and began to rub his stomach again.

"Does it hurt bad?" I asked.

" no, I'll be....." He tried to sit up but let out a scream and laid back down not able to breath for a second. He lay there and I kept rubbing his stomach. I could feel a few knots coming undone.

"I'm sure that if I just keep hot rags on it or rub it, it shouldn't hurt in about a day or two." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Guess I'm sleeping here tonight." He said. I took off his shirt completely and crawled next to him and brought the covers over us.

"I'll stay with you than." I smiled. I laid the hot rock, which frypan had also brought up, on his bare stomach, put a piece of tape over it, and scooted closer to him running my hand through his hair, rubbing his stomach with my other hand, and humming a random tune tell he fell asleep.

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