Chapter 9

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me : w-what do you mean not an accident ?!

Max : it-it was a set up , your dad didn't lose control of the car .......t-they put something in the engine .

me with tears : w-who ......who did it ?!

he took a deep breath and when i hear the next words that came out of his mouth i almost throw up

him : it was Rayen .......Derek's uncle !

me : what !!? R-Rayen ??!! but h-he took me in and raised me ! h-he is like a father to me !

him : am so sorry Bells .

i could feel tears down my cheeks , how could he !!?

me : w-why ?

him : as much as i know , Rayen and your Dad were best friends until your Dad , started to get very known , he was the best racers in the city , then he met your mom and got married and they had you , so Rayen was jealous , cause your Dad had the perfect life , but that wasn't all , you see your Dad and Rayen since they were kids they were working the build this , the perfect car , that would be so fast that no security camera can detect ! that ....i don't know how to describe it ....just the perfect car that anyone in the world would kill to have it . but when your Dad discoverd that Rayen wanted to make this car to transfore drugs and other stuff without being caught , he took all the files that they spend years making and .....left , he left .

me : but-but , why would Rayen kill my Dad !! he could just ask him to give the files back after all they were best friends ??!

him : you don't get it Bella ...... your dad ...h-he the car , he actualy build it !!

me : WHAT !!! but how ?!! it's inpossible to build a car like that !

him : that's what we all thought , but your dad did it !

me : so now Rayen want to get the car ?

him : yes !

me : but why would he help ME .... after all he tryed to kill me and my family ?!

him : he is waiting for your father to contact you ! he knows that you trust him and that if your dad contact you,  you will tell him !

me : and what am i going to do now ! i can't pretend that nothing is wrong !!

him : i have no idea Bells ! but i promise i will help you through this okay ?.

i give him a smile and hug him tight

him : okay , you should get some rest now ! i will go and see what's going on outside .

i nod and he left the room .


as i walked out of Bella's room i hear noise from the living room , as i get closer i can make out Derek's voice , he was talking with someone , i can't see clearly cause i was hiding behind the wall but i know the voice it was .....Rayen ! shit !

Rayen : are you sure she took it ?!

Derek : yes uncle am sure !

Rayen : that means that she knows !

Derek : well if he read the whole file then yes ! what are we gonna do know ?

Rayen : we don't have much time left ! she is a smart girl she will try and do something ! we have to lock her up in a room and try and send that basterd a sign that we have his daughter !

Derek : and how are we gonna do that ?

Rayen : i have no fucking idea but i will figure something out !.

fuck ! fuck !fuck ! i have to get Bella out of here ! and soon ......

" so guys would you like me to post the cast of this fanfic ?"

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