Chapter 17

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Harry was the first to arrive to the club , then Zayn came , Louis , Liam and Niall .

when we got out of the car , the boys were laughing at Niall who was pissed , i look over at Harry to find him smirking , anyway the boys didn't have a chance , Harry's car is ......really fast , it was made for this we go inside , and we are welcomed by the smell of sweat and alcohol , i look around and spot the Bar , i start making my way but someone grab my hand , i turn around to see Harry , he get closer to my ear cause the music was so loud and say

him : don't , let's get to our spot and then we will order

me : what spot ?

he point and i follow his hand to see him pointing to the VIP spot !

me : VIP huh ?

he smirk and lead me up there , after we all sit down and i was left between Zayn and Harry , a waiter came and ask us what we want and i scream

me : VODKA !!!

and they all start laughing

me : what !? i told you i want to get drunk .

after the first shots the waiter bring my Drink . we were laughing all together when i feel Zayn come closer to me and say in my ear

him : to bad , i was looking for that dance .

i smirk and say to him

me : well ! you know what ! i will give you that dance ! just for trying

he start to laugh

him : well thank you so much

me : no problem

he stood up and hold his hand out to me

him : shall we ?

i nod and take his hand , as we start to make our way to the dance floor i hear Louis yelling after us

Louis : no glove , no love ! protection children !

we laugh , and when i turn around Harry was looking at Zayn like he was gonna kill him ! GOD ! i don't understand him ! once he's all flirting ! then he would be cold ! i mean he told me he don't date ! but sometimes he look like .......h-he !! no ! no don't be stupid Bella ! he is not to man for you !! and i have enough problems in my life right now ! plus tonight i don't want to think about anything i just want to have fun ! get drunk ! and just be free !.

we got to the dance floor and with one move , Zayn turn me around so that my back was facing him , he put his hands on my waist and start to sway me ! and me being the tease i am ! i start to sway my hips and getting closer to him ! i hear him take a deep breath then i feel his breath on my ear

him : such a tease !

i laugh and we continue to dance like that ! he would spin me around sometimes and i would bump into his chest and we would start to laugh .

after a good 30 minutes od dancing ! laughing ! swaying ! and annoying all the people around us , we go back to our spot .

Louis : waw that was quick !

we all laugh , i get up and start to walk away

Zayn ! where are you going ?

me : oh babe i left my bra in the bathroom !

and they all burst in laughter except for Harry who was looking arounf the club with a weird look on his face ! that Dude is weird as fuck

me : nah am just kiding am goingto get another drink ! .

after i get my drink i start to make way through the people , when suddenly someone smack me on my ass ! oh no he didn't !

i turn around slowly to find this creepy man smirking

him : that's a fine ass young lady

me : do that again and i will cut your hand off

he just laugh , and as i turn round he smack me again ! oh the son of a bitch ! i turn to him to punsh him , but before i know it he was already on the floor with a bleeding noise , i look up to find Harry , he take my hand and start to pull me

me : you souldn't have done that i could've beat to shit out of him

him : yeah i know and that's why i punshed him ! cause i know you would kick his ass

me : yeah i could that son of a bitch

him : bad girl !.

after that most of the night pass quickly ! more drinks ! more laughing ! more dancing , with Zayn ! Niall then guys i don't even remember their faces .

i get up to go and get another drink but i almost fall over ! thank god Harry grab me

him : carful there ! where are you going

me : to get another drink duhh ?

him : i think you had enough for tonight

me : but i want another one ...DAD !!

he roll his eyes and grab my hand tightly and start going down

me : where are you going ?

him : with you duhh !!

i laugh but say nothing . as we were waiting for the drinks i start to look around the club ! then a guy catch my eyes ! he was looking at me with a dangerous look , and when he saw me looking he turn around and make a sign with his hand then i saw it ............he had a gun , then i saw two other men looking at me ! oh no ! no ! no this can't be it ! i turn to Harry and he was looking at me with concern

him : are you okay ! you look like you saw a ghost !

me : he-he ......they are here !

him : who ?

me : D-Derek ...he found me !

him : what are you talking about Bella !?

me : his men are here the club !

and that's when Harry 's face flash with anger ! and panic !

him : where !!

me : try not to show that we are talking about them ! it's the man in black next the ladies's bathroom.

Harry turn around and saw him

him : shit !

me : and tha Dude next to the front Door and the one next to him !

he was silent for a second then he take my hand and say

him : let's dance

him : wh....

him : just follow me ! we will lose them with all these people !

me :but what if we don't ! what if they catch ! what if they take me back ! what if ....

shit ! i am starting to panic ! Harry put his hands on my face and lift my head up to look at him

him : listen to me ! and listen to me very good ! i am not gonna let them take you okay ! me and the boys will do everything we can to take back home safe okay ?!

and i find myselg noding cause part of me trust him ! after all he is my only hope to get out of here safe tonight ...

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