Chapter 18

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he lead me to the dance floor and hold me tight against his chest , and wrap his arms around my waist and he start to sway us slowly , i have to say it felt so nice , like i have no problems , like everythinf else in the world doesn't matter anymore , i-i felt safe and ......loved .

but it didn't last cause he soon start to pull me through all the bodies and we start to make out way to the boys and once make it ,he say in a hurry

Harry : come on lads we need to go now !

Niall : why ?

he look at me but i was scard as hell i couldn't even speak , and Zayn must notice it cause he say

Zayn : Bella are you okay ? what is going on Harry ?

Harry : it's a long story but the important thing is that we have to take Bella home !

Liam : Dude what's the matter ?

Harry sigh and say

Harry : there are men following Bella ! they want to take her away ! so can tou drive lads ?

Louis : man we are born to drive !

and with that they all get up and we start to make our way to the door , but suddenly i stop and they all look at me

Niall : what is it ?

me : t-they are by the door , we can't get out !!

the boys turn to the door , and when the men spot us they start to run in our direction , and with that we start to run too ! but where !? i have no fucking idea am just following Harry who is holding my hand , then he start to scream

Harry : back door !! the back door !

and we all run to the back door , and when we're out , Louis close the door behind us , i let go of Harry and lean on the wall i am starting to feel dizzy !

Harry : are you okay ?

me : yeah just a little dizzy ! after all drinking and runing are not very good with each other .

he laugh and take my hand again and we start walking to the parking lot where the cars are!

Niall : do you think that we lost them lads !

Liam: i hope so cause i don't think i can drive too fast tonight !

me :i.....

we got interupted by the men runing in our direction

me : shit ! shit !

Harry yelling : okay boys we have to try and lose them ! and we will meet at the house !

and with that we all get in the cars me with Harry of caurse ! and as we start to drive away the men get in black cars and follow us !

there was foor cars following us , so each one of us took a diffrent road , and like we hoped each car followed one ,!

one car followed Louis , one followed Liam , one NIall and the other followed us and Zayn .

we were speding down the road cause it was like 4 am so the roads were umpty .

suddenly they start to shoot our car

Harry : shit ! son of a bitch !

then Zayn's car came next to us and he nod to Harry and say

Zayn : i got your back !

and with that Harry pull a gun from under his seet and my eyes go wide

me : H-Harry no ! please don't !

him : don't worry .

i grab his elbow with tears in my eyes

me : p-please Harry ! i-if something happen to you or ....

he put the gun on his lap and a put his hand on my cheek then he take his eyes off th road and look at me then say

him : don't worry everything will be okay ! you trust me right !

i nod

him : i need you to get down okay !

i nod again and he take to gun and without taking his other hand off the wheel he start shooting the car behind us !

i was so scard ! i was feeling dizzy and with all the shooting i out my head in my hands and close my eyes wishing that all of this would be just a bad bream ! i wish that all of this will go away !!

and suddenly i hear Harry yell

Harry : ZAYN !!!! look out !!!

and then everything went black .....

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