Chapter 22

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Beeep ! Beeep ! Beeep

what the fuck is that !! i open my eyes slowly to find my phone ringing ! uhhhh i don't want to pick up ! then it stops ! THANK GOD ! i close my eyes again ! and it start beeping ! so i groan and grab it !

me : piss of shit !

i unlock the screan to find a text ! it's fucking 5 am ! who would send me a text know , i open it , it was from an aknown number

" Your not safe ! get rid of your phone , they are tracking you ! "

What the fuck is this ! i replay

" Who is this ?"

" it's not the time for questions , you need to get out of there as soon as posible "

" Where the fuck am i gonna go ! "

" i will send you plane tickets , and everything you need "

" Who are you ??"

" am someone you can trust , you will know me when the time come "

could it be ..........him , Dad !!!

" DAD ....i-is it you ?"

i waited and waited for a replay but nothing , so i put the phone down and lay down , Derek is tracking me!!! that son of a bitch !.

while i sat with the boys on the table in the morning i didn't talk much

Niall : Hey Bella ! are u okay ?

me : yeah , why !

Louis : well maybe cause you didn't talk much , which is wierd cause you never shut up !

that caused me to crack a smile

Harry : plus you didn't touch your food

me : am not that hugry

Zayn : okay ! you are not fine ! cause you are always hungry !

i guess i have to tell them after all !

me : this morning .....

i told them everything and showed them the texts

Liam : okay give me your phone maybe i can track the number !

me : and after your finished please get rid of the phone ! that son of a bitch is tracking me down !

he nod and disappear !

Niall : so what now ?

i sigh and put my head in my hands

me : i have no fucking idea !

Harry : listen to me ! if that little fuck is coming here then he is more stupid then i thought!

me : no Harry , you don't know him ! he has more men then you can imagine ! dangerous men !

Zayn : love , you don't know us too ! he control the north side !

me with tears : Derek i-is ......when he want something he won't stop until he gets it !

Harry : and maybe you don't know me ...but when i make i promise i keep my word ! and i promised i will protect you !

i was silent after that

Harry : Zayn ! call Ed and tell him to keep an eye on the roads ! if he saw a car not from around here he call us !

Zayn nod and get up heading to the living room

Louis : am goina to fill the cars ! in case we need them

Niall : wait up : i'll come with you .

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